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Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:15 pm
by Mace
Back in the early 70's, my mom was in the hospital dying of cancer and there was a patient across the hall who screamed non-stop for most of the day. My mom asked the nurse what was going on and she said it was a 20-something kid who had been in a motorcycle accident. I walked by the room and saw him lying on the bed wrapped in bandages and casts and screaming and decided that my parents were wise when they refused to let me buy a bike. A few days later when I visited my mom, the room was quiet. He had died during the night. I never had another urge to get a bike after that.

I also had the misfortune to witness an accident in Des Moines when a car ran a red light and nailed a motorcyclist. He flew through the air and slammed into the pavement. Died instantly, if not from the collision, most definitely from the landing.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:28 pm
by Mikey
Sudden Sam wrote: I told him I'd lost a beloved aunt who choked on a biscuit and that every time I see a biscuit I cry uncontrollably.
I was going to be really crass and say something like it's a good thing for you she didn't choke on dick.

But I'm not like that, so I won't say it.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:29 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Or you buy it when you're pounding a hooker.
The call girl's name was Jackie, a wild pot-smoker from Florida who was sent to Livonia on a three-hour tour.

Her customer was a retired Detroit cop. The two met in a hotel.

Within 15 minutes of the date, Jackie started screaming and called her bosses in Florida.

"The guy is convulsing. ... What do I do?"

As told, Jackie dressed the man -- accidentally putting his shoes on the wrong feet -- and called 911.

The paramedics came, cops in tow.

Jackie got arrested. Her customer died of severe heart disease, the medical examiner's report said.

Read more: Tales of a madam, her black book and the court | | Detroit Free Press ... z1AN6HKd00
88 wrote:He bought it jogging on a treadmill.
Exercise is so overrated.

Jim Fixx

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:30 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Mikey wrote:I was going to be really crass and say something like it's a good thing for you she didn't choke on dick.
You should have.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:52 pm
by pron
88 wrote:We all take a dirt nap eventually. Maybe you go out screaming as you fly over the hood of a ding bat's car at 75 mph. Maybe you go out clutching your chest next to some bimbo in yoga pants.
Or maybe (!) you go out fucking a chicken and get crushed by a rock (!).

Some ways are better than others.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:58 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Screw_Michigan wrote:The call girl's name was Jackie, a wild pot-smoker from Florida who was sent to Livonia on a three-hour tour.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by Mikey
I sorta figured as much, but you never know. Especially with an SECBSH - cultural differences and stuff.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:35 am
by Wolfman
Or you buy it when you're pounding a hooker.


Not quite a hooker, but quite the story when it happened.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:39 pm
by Truman
I wasn’t gonna post this in here, but then I read Sam’s take and thought, “aw, fuck it.”

We buried my nephew Thursday.

Alex was a good kid who made a terrible choice last Saturday night and paid for it with his life. Guess he and his buds got liquored-up on jet fuel and then decided to see how well Daddy’s Beamer handled at test-track speeds on a hilly-ass, windy road up near Wagsburg. They say he died instantly when his pal left the road and tried to go all TenTallBen on three-foot wide oak. So much for 10-foot tall and bullet-proof.

I suppose what aggravates me most about this whole senseless, stupid tragedy is that Alex didn’t make any decision that me and about 9 million other guys I know made when we were 18. How many of you have sat with your pals in bars and backyard barbecues and listened to the re-telling of tall-tales and stories of our Youth Long Past when someone always invariably says, “we shoulda died that night”?

Well, this time, Alex did.

My oldest son and Alex were only three months apart, and I think I've only lectured my kids about sixteen times since we got the news. If anything, I think yesterday demonstrated to them face-to-face that our stay here is so tenuous. I would hope Alex’s friends and classmates would get the message too. It looked like a high school graduation processional as literally hundreds of kids filed by his coffin….

I can't tell you how badly I feel for my sister... I cannot imagine anything so horrible as having to bury your child. I wish I could give her just a moment of peace to help relieve her suffering - but I can't. Nobody can. All I could do was to hold her as tight as I could and tell her I loved her - but it's not nearly enough. There are no words of comfort that will ever lift this kind of pain.

I’ve seen dozens of funerals over the years, but Thursday was one of the longest and saddest events I have ever experienced. Hug your kids if you’ve got ‘em. Tell ‘em you love them. Sorry to unload on you guys.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:29 pm
by Mace
Sorry for your loss, Truman, and thoughts and prayers go out to you and all of your family.

You're right, that there can't be anything worse than burying your child. Unfortunately, I've had a few friends who had to do just that, and it changes them forever. That kind of pain never goes away. All you can do is be there for your sister and help get her through the grief process, even while you're doing the same.

And you're also right about all of us being guilty of doing the exact same stupid shit in our youth....and being lucky enough to talk about it. Unfortunately, too many of his classmates won't get the message because, like most kids, they don't think that will ever happen to them. I know of one situation when the classmates of a kid killed in a car accident decided to have a kegger to celebrate his memory.....I guess so they could all drive home intoxicated....and never considering that it was the drinking and driving that got their friend killed and that the same could easily happen to them. Most of them, like us, will beat the odds, but they don't realize the risk they are taking.

Again, I'm sorry for your loss, and I know first hand what you're going through. So far, I've not had to deal with that with one of my own kids, but you never know when it could happen, and it's the scariest part of being a parent.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:31 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Sorry to hear that Truman. How many people were in the car? He was 18, huh? Awful.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:46 pm
by Mikey
That sucks, Truman. I'm really sorry for your loss.

It's so true, that we seem to think we're invincible at that age. Especially guys for some reason. I've got one of those stories, except it happened when I was 23. I was in the passenger seat with my bestest buddy driving. Came out of a bar drunker than shit and driving in the fog in his '68 Tempest. We hit a guard rail that, instead of stopping us, launched us 185 feet (from what I heard) into a parking lot about 20 feet below the highway. I lost about half the calf muscle on my right leg, and had compression fractures of a couple of vertabrae. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and is still in a wheelchair.

Funny, I was just talking about this with my wife yesterday. I definitely beat the odds in that one. God and g0D was saving me for her.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:03 pm
by Truman
Thanks, fellas.

Just the two of 'em, Screw, racin' a pick-up truck full of their drunken yahoo buds. Where the fuck do kids go at 3:30 in the morning, anyway? I guess a 22 year old hosted the party and provided the "refreshments". Lot's of familial bitterness with threats of jail-time and legal pay-back directed towards the host and the driver (guess that kid left ICU the day of the funeral), but what the fuck? None that shit will ever bring Alex back....

I've heard it said that God looks out for drunks and little children, Mikey. 'Spect that's probably right for the most part...

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:14 pm
by Mikey
Truman wrote:
I've heard it said that God looks out for drunks and little children, Mikey. 'Spect that's probably right for the most part...
It's a hard way to learn a lesson, when you or somebody close to you goes through something like that. But it's a lesson that needs to be learned nonetheless. Been pretty careful about getting into a car, whether I'm driving or not, for the past 30 years.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:Funny, I was just talking about this with my wife yesterday. I definitely beat the odds in that one. God and g0D was saving me for her.
At times He does have a cruel sense of humor.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:15 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Sorry for your loss, Truman.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:50 pm
by Tom In VA
Truman, I wish for you you and your family; the strength to help each other and get through this together.

My condolences.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:33 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I'm usually the DD for big events. It's a job I don't mind at all. I prefer to do my drinking in the relative safety of my home, behind my keyboard.

Re: Sad Story from Yesterday

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:48 pm
by Goober McTuber
Toddowen wrote:A coworker of mine had his mom die on Christmas Eve and his dad die on New Years Eve.

So I said to him "What you got planned for the night before MLK Day? How are the dogs doing?"
Perhaps one of his coworkers will finally get the guts to pull the trigger.