crash at 110 mph - nobody killed
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:28 pm ... ford?img=2
Unbelievable. I mean, who knew a Cobalt could go 110?Pickford, Mich. —
PICKFORD — “It's an act of God that no one was killed,” said Chippewa County Sheriff Robert Savoie reviewing a weekend accident in Pickford that left three people hospitalized.
According to reports, Chippewa County Sheriff Deputies clocked a Chevrolet Cobalt on M-129 traveling at speeds in excess of 110 mph near 21 Mile Road Saturday evening. Deputies activated the overhead lights and went after the speeding Cobalt and were in visual contact when it struck a Chevrolet Impala from behind.
The Cobalt, according to Savoie's figures, pushed the Impala — occupied by 45-year-old Jill Halsey and her 12-year-old daughter, Sarah — for over 1,000 feet before they left the roadway and rolled over. The collision propelled the involved vehicles into a nearby construction yard running through plastic sewage tubes, coiled drain pipe, plastic culverts and cedar posts.
Savoie said the accident could have been much worse noting a nearby church parking lot had dozens of people exiting the house of worship at the time of the crash.
Jill and Sarah Halsey, who had been bound for a baby shower, were subsequently conveyed to War Memorial Hospital by Pickford EMS for treatment of relatively minor injuries.
The driver of the Cobalt initially struggled with sheriff deputies at the scene. Michael T. Jeffson, 21, of Pickford was arrested on charges of felonious driving, operating while intoxicated causing injury and possession of open intoxicants in a motor vehicle. Jeffson was also charged with resisting and obstructing.
Jeffson was initially transported to War Memorial Hospital for treatment of minor injuries sustained in the crash and later booked into the Chippewa County Jail on the aforementioned charges. He was also wanted on outstanding warrants for minor in possession of alcohol and disorderly person, reports indicate.