Almost half the east coast of Australia is underwater at the moment
75% of Queensland is under flood & part of NSW & Victoria as well
& part of the West coast was flooded as well
We're lucky were we live the worst we've had is overflowing gutters & a rise in Mosquito's due to the wet humid conditions
But It's so tragic for so many at the moment.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:00 pm
by Wolfman
It's all the fault of the TEA Party, right wing talk radio, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Haliburton, Karl Rove, and the others. Just ask Bri and the far left.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:17 pm
by smackaholic
Wolfman wrote:It's all the fault of the TEA Party, right wing talk radio, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Haliburton, Karl Rove, and the others. Just ask Bri and the far left.
don't forget sarah and her evil crosshair pics.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:26 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Australia is sinking!! I told you so!
Rep. Hank Johnson - GA
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:45 pm
by Goober McTuber
missjo wrote:Almost half the east coast of Australia is underwater at the moment
75% of Queensland is under flood & part of NSW & Victoria as well
& part of the West coast was flooded as well
We're lucky were we live the worst we've had is overflowing gutters & a rise in Mosquito's due to the wet humid conditions
But It's so tragic for so many at the moment.
You're also lucky in that you have that built in set of water wings.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:48 pm
by Mikey
God's retribution for Ozzie's many, many sins. Just ask wolfman and the far right.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:21 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Need someone to blame? Hi, I'm Rudolph Diesel and I invented the foul polluting motor that bears my name. It was a an extremely popular innovation as you know and has led to more greenhouse effect on our delicate atmosphere than any other invention of man. The irony--as viewed from my comfortable repose here in Elysium--is that they finally figured out how to make the "green diesel" which is in fact quite clean. The monstrous irregular weather patterns you're experiencing are just a hint at the reactions of a violated ecosystem...excuse me, Goethe is giving a lecture...
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:27 pm
by Mikey
You sure it wasn't this guy?
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:26 am
by BSmack
Just met up with an old friend who lives in Brisbane. According to him, these floods happen with some regularity. Enough regularity that they built a huge earthen flood control dam upstream from Brisbane.
According to him, one of the issues that has made this flood worse is that the dam's operators allowed the water level to reach 130% of normal capacity at the beginning of the rainy season. That means the capacity of the dam's resevoir has been nowhere near what it could have been.
I'm no dam expert. But that sounds like a case of poor municipal operation.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:32 am
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:
I'm no dam expert. But that sounds like a case of poor municipal operation.
Here in the U&L, we have so many impoundments, it would make your head spin.
And yeah, before the rains come, or mainly before the huge deluge of spring runoff...
we draw them down... way down.
But dude -- it's Australia. Not exactly a country known for it's brains.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:34 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:Not exactly a country known for it's brains.
Oh boy...
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:36 am
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Not exactly a country known for it's brains.
Oh boy...
I never do that.
Your thoughts, smackoholic?
Damn, and I had some great anti-Aussie ammo, which I now must declare a moratorium on.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:25 am
by Mikey
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Not exactly a country known for it's brains.
Oh boy...
Their, their, Dins. It could be worst.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:51 am
by War Wagon
missjo wrote:Almost half the east coast of Australia is underwater at the moment
Has this area been spared?
I'd like to visit my namesake town someday.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:53 am
by Mikey
Whitey Mooroobool?
I'll have to admit, it's sort of catchy.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:07 am
by War Wagon
Here's a nice song from our down under brethren
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:18 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:Here's a nice song from our down under brethren
Holy fucking :FACEPALM:, Batman!
I didn't realize that Scottish folk-rock was from "Down Under"... learn something new every day.
G'day, Snow Patrol, mate.
Franz Ferdinand just got a severe sunburn.
Did I mention the :facepalm:?
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:02 pm
by Dinsdale
Toddowen wrote:as anyone with any Scotch blood running though their veins should.
As long as we're passing out :facepalms:
We all have scotch blood running through our veins -- after a few single malts.
Not everyone has Scottish blood, though, which would make the "Scots."
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:25 pm
by Ana Ng
War Wagon wrote:Here's a nice song from our down under brethren
Pssssst., "Overkill" by Men at Work, or "Kiss the Dirt" by Inxs, if you wanna be REAL cute.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:56 pm
by War Wagon
nah Ana, I shoulda' gone with this, but it seemed too liberal.
My dad came here from Scotland in 1928 when he was 12 years old, btw. But I'll have to accept the :facepalm: over Big Country.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:01 am
by Ana Ng
I guess I just didn't see the jest in the "Beds are Burning" reference.
Toddowen wrote:as anyone with any Scotch blood running though their veins should.
As long as we're passing out :facepalms:
We all have scotch blood running through our veins -- after a few single malts.
Not everyone has Scottish blood, though, which would make the "Scots."
glad i'm not the only one ignorant enough to use the word "scotch" as a way of describing things coming from scotland. as soon as i saw tod use the "s word" i knew this was coming.
i have just one question for dins. where exactly did the word scotch come from? why was it used? could it possibly be because it was a word to describe things scottish in general?
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:20 am
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:where exactly did the word scotch come from? why was it used?
Just a guess -- it's how a really liquored up Scot describes his nationality.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:21 am
by smackaholic
i went and googled it.
Scotch (skch)
1. (used with a pl. verb) The people of Scotland.
2. Scots.
3. Scotch whisky.
1. Scottish. See Usage Note at Scottish.
2. Offensive Frugal with one's money.
Well, what do you know. Somebody besides me and tod think scotch is used to describe scots. Also, to answer the question i asked in my last post, scotch is short for scotch whisky which means whisky made by scots or the scotch.
So, Dins, STFU.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:22 am
by smackaholic
Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:where exactly did the word scotch come from? why was it used?
Just a guess -- it's how a really liquored up Scot describes his nationality.
really liquored up scot?
is there any other type of scot?
pretty much like saying a really liquored up irishman.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:41 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:i went and googled it.
Scotch (skch)
1. (used with a pl. verb) The people of Scotland.
2. Scots.
3. Scotch whisky.
1. Scottish. See Usage Note at Scottish.
2. Offensive Frugal with one's money.
Well, what do you know. Somebody besides me and tod think scotch is used to describe scots. Also, to answer the question i asked in my last post, scotch is short for scotch whisky which means whisky made by scots or the scotch.
Uhm... you see that part that says "see usage notes"?
You know, the part that says "Scotch" is never used by Scots to describe Scots, and that "usage note" that says refering to a Scot as "Scotch" is considered offensive?
The natives of Scotland refer to themselves as Scots or, in the singular, Scot, Scotsman, or Scotswoman. The related adjectives are Scottish or, less commonly, Scots. Scotch as a noun or adjective is objected to except when used of whisky and in established phrases like Scotch egg and Scotch pine
Time for one of us to "STFU," but it's probably not the British citizen, with the ultra-famous Scot in his family tree (although we won't ever admit to having more than one).
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:52 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:glad i'm not the only one ignorant enough to use the word "scotch" as a way of describing things coming from scotland.
It can be used to describe things from Scotland just not people. It isn't really a rule so much as a custom.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:44 am
by Dinsdale
FuckinA, South Indonesia is really getting hosed lately.
Just storm after storm for Australissippi.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:05 am
by Invictus
That's gonna hurt the sex tourism business there for sure.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:10 am
Robbie Burns is sloshing around in his grave.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:16 pm
by smackaholic
Dinsdale wrote:Uhm... you see that part that says "see usage notes"?
You know, the part that says "Scotch" is never used by Scots to describe Scots, and that "usage note" that says refering to a Scot as "Scotch" is considered offensive?
The natives of Scotland refer to themselves as Scots or, in the singular, Scot, Scotsman, or Scotswoman. The related adjectives are Scottish or, less commonly, Scots. Scotch as a noun or adjective is objected to except when used of whisky and in established phrases like Scotch egg and Scotch pine
Time for one of us to "STFU," but it's probably not the British citizen, with the ultra-famous Scot in his family tree (although we won't ever admit to having more than one).
nice KYOA there, mac dins.
i will assume all you say here is correct.
so, first off, i ain't scotch. well maybe a bit on my paternal gramps side, but not much.
second, the fact that it is an offensive term to scotch errrr, i mean scots makes it more or less mandatory that it be used in this shithole.
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:57 am
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:the fact that it is an offensive term to scotch errrr, i mean scots makes it more or less mandatory that it be used in this shithole.
Luckily I'm not living in QLD anymore I'm back in NSW
Quite a bit of Damage but not quite as bad overall as anticipated
Luckily no reported loss of life so far
& a Baby was born in an evacuation shelter in the middle of it all!!
luckily there was a visiting English midwife celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary with a holiday to Australia
I guarantee it's a holiday she will never forget, mum & bub are doing fine
Re: Well I think our drought is well & truly over
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:22 pm
by Diego in Seattle
missjo wrote:& a Baby was born in an evacuation shelter in the middle of it all!!