They breed those Nannas tough in NZ!

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They breed those Nannas tough in NZ!

Post by missjo »

I was on my way to the airport this morning when I heard this story over the radio & pissed myself laughing at the picture I had of this incident in my head.
Great-grandmother fends off sword attacker

A Christchurch great-grandmother who saved a woman from a samurai sword-wielding man by whacking him with a plastic brush says she is not a hero.

Lois Kennedy, 81, struck the attacker with the brush after she awoke to hear her 61-year-old neighbour calling out for help early on Friday morning, the Press newspaper reported.

"It was awful. I was in bed and I heard her calling for help I went whacking with my hearth brush," she said.

Mrs Kennedy -- who has poor vision, asthma and impaired mobility -- said she did not realise at first that the 40-year-old man was armed with a sword.

She stayed "for another couple of whacks" before calling police from her house.

Both the attacker and victim were admitted to hospital.

Police have praised Mrs Kennedy's bravery, saying she probably saved her neighbour's life, but the octogenarian said she did not believe she was a hero.

"I can't understand what all the fuss is about. She was calling for me, so I went."

A 40-year-old man appeared in Christchurch District Court this morning accused of threatening to kill a woman and was remanded in custody under mental health care at Christchurch's Hillmorton Hospital ... -attacker/
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Re: They breed those Nannas tough in NZ!

Post by Bizzarofelice »

ever see Flight of the Choncords?

what's in an aussie meat pie?
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