Just like every other fucking SOTU speech ever made. There are actually jerkoffs in DC who GO OUT FOR THIS SHIT. What a pointless fucking speech. No ground will be broken, no platforms created nor addressed, no concrete solutions proposed, nothing but pomp and fucking circumstance.
I will be watching Seton Hall-Syracuse and Dayton-Richmond (for 3rd place in the A-10) tonight instead of that bullshit. But if someone actually does watch this shit and hears the President tell House Republicans to keep their dirty fucking fingers out of DC self-governance, let me know. Thanks.
Now un-fuck yourselves.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:04 pm
by Sirfindafold
Will that fuckin slope be playin' anti-America propoganda via his piano again?
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:30 pm
by War Wagon
Rack Screwey - this place was turning into a fucking ghost town.
I want to see the new seating arrangement.... and fistfights, lots of 'em.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Just like every other fucking SOTU speech ever made. There are actually jerkoffs in DC who GO OUT FOR THIS SHIT. What a pointless fucking speech. No ground will be broken, no platforms created nor addressed, no concrete solutions proposed, nothing but pomp and fucking circumstance.
I will be watching Seton Hall-Syracuse and Dayton-Richmond (for 3rd place in the A-10) tonight instead of that bullshit. But if someone actually does watch this shit and hears the President tell House Republicans to keep their dirty fucking fingers out of DC self-governance, let me know. Thanks.
Now un-fuck yourselves.
You forgot the annual statement
"The state of the union is...uh...errrr...ahhh fuck it."
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:26 am
by Truman
Screw_Michigan wrote:But if someone actually does watch this shit and hears the President tell House Republicans to keep their dirty fucking fingers out of DC self-governance, let me know. Thanks.
Good point.
Wouldn't want a whole buncha tea-party Republican-types messin' up a such a good thing.
So just how well has 50-plus years of Progressive Democrat governance worked out for your murderous, bankrupt burg, Screw?
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:43 am
by Screw_Michigan
Tru, you obviously have no clue about DC nor historic Congressional meddling in District affairs. I won't even get started on the 600,000 disenfranchised voters in the District. We pay the most federal taxes per capita and send our sons and daughters to fight in bullshit wars and how do the GOPtards thank us? By revoking our Delegate's floor voting right. By the way, shitstain: Murder rates in the District are at an all-time low (we shipped murder out to PG County) and property values (west of the Anacostia) are skyrocketing. The day the District turns into a pathetic, undesirable shithole like KC, I'll make sure to let you know.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:53 am
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:Tru, you obviously have no clue about DC nor historic Congressional meddling in District affairs. I won't even get started on the 600,000 disenfranchised voters in the District. We pay the most federal taxes per capita and send our sons and daughters to fight in bullshit wars and how do the GOPtards thank us? By revoking our Delegate's floor voting right. By the way, shitstain: Murder rates in the District are at an all-time low (we shipped murder out to PG County) and property values (west of the Anacostia) are skyrocketing. The day the District turns into a pathetic, undesirable shithole like KC, I'll make sure to let you know.
You pay the most fed taxes per capita? Might that possibly be because they are the only fukking taxes you pay?
As for your skyrocketing realestate values, we'll see about that when the inevitable happens which is the fed purse strings get seriously tightened or we just go bankrupt. Something has to happen. Eventually the chinks will stop loaning to us and the treasury counterfeiting can't go for ever either.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:11 am
by Screw_Michigan
We pay local taxes, too, you fucking moron. As for your doomsday scenarios, I doubt them.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:32 am
by mvscal
Screw_Michigan wrote:DC self-governance
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:09 am
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:We pay local taxes, too, you fucking moron. As for your doomsday scenarios, I doubt them.
not a doomsday scenario, just the truth. we are fukking out of money. time to close the tap flowing into dc.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:10 am
by Mikey
It's just about to start here. Can you guys on the east coast tell me how it came out?
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:35 am
by War Wagon
blah, blah, blah, education.
You missed one, Screwey.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:37 am
by Screw_Michigan
War Wagon wrote:blah, blah, blah, education.
You missed one, Screwey.
I called that one on my facebook page, but you're right.
I'm busy watching Curb reruns right now, thanks for filling me in.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:48 am
by War Wagon
This has been the most uncomfortable SOTU address ever... the dweebs in the audience have no idea when they're supposed to golf clap, rise up in thunderous applause and strident hoo-rahs, or sit stonily silent.
Please, somebody, anybody, stand up and say "You Lie"... or at least sucker punch Al Franken. Sheesh!
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Under the "Home Rule" government, Congress reviews all legislation passed by the council before it can become law and retains authority over the District's budget. Also, the president appoints the District's judges, and the District still has no voting representation in Congress.
How's that "self-governance" thing workin out for ya? Don't feel too bad, though. DC is just the rest of our pathetically fucked up country in microcosm.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:34 am
by poptart
Scott wrote:5 yr budget feeze + all these new initiatives
Sell suicide and many of our ?representatives? sit and clap.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:36 am
by poptart
State of the Union: We're Fucked.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:17 am
by poptart
Buttsy wrote:freeze spending
Proposing and celebrating over a supposed spending freeze at current
spending levels is something only the mentally afflicted would engage in.
There's a sucker born every minute.
- P.T. Barnum
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:34 pm
by smackaholic
let's see if i got this right.
all we gotta do is send everyfukking body to college and build a bonafied, electrified high speed monorail or three and all will be solved.
every american can then be whisked to work at their scientific research gig quietly, comfortably and efficiently?
sounds nice, till you really think about it.
we have a pretty damn good college edumacashum system, thank you very much. in fact, i'd dare say there are more chinks going to ours than vice a versa. our problem is that a society does not need a populace full of college degrees. just ask the millions of college grads currently out of work. what we need is a country where we still make shit. and a decent apprentice program to train those that don't want to or are not capable of being rocket surgeons. those folks then need to have real jobs to go to.
why is this so fukking difficult to understand?
and if i hear one more politician talk about how gubmint needs to do things better, i will scream. they won't. the jury is already in on this. this is why they should stick to what the fukking constitution tells them and leave the rest to others.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:30 pm
by Felix
Papa Willie wrote:So - we need to freeze spending and cut billions off of what we're doing, but we need to spend trillions on really fast trains & shit.
he indicated he wanted the high speed rail system by 2035 I believe, but no matter, it's not going to happen
what we really, really need to do is address our crumbling infrastructure......the power grid is a jury-rigged bailing wire away from massive collapse....I consider that to be probably the most pressing need in this country
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:36 pm
by jiminphilly
Felix wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:So - we need to freeze spending and cut billions off of what we're doing, but we need to spend trillions on really fast trains & shit.
he indicated he wanted the high speed rail system by 2035 I believe, but no matter, it's not going to happen
what we really, really need to do is address our crumbling infrastructure......the power grid is a jury-rigged bailing wire away from massive collapse....I consider that to be probably the most pressing need in this country
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:49 pm
by smackaholic
[quote="Felix]what we really, really need to do is address our crumbling infrastructure......the power grid is a jury-rigged bailing wire away from massive collapse....I consider that to be probably the most pressing need in this country[/quote]
have no idea about the power grid, but, you are dead on about the rest of the infrastructure. if you want to see seriously fukked up ready to collapse overpasses, visit beantown. that is what happens when you spend every DOT nickle you have on the mother of all boondoggles (the big dig) for 20 years or so. if rust was worth a 10 cents a pound, you could harvest enough from that area's bridges to retire the national debt.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:44 pm
by Felix
smackaholic wrote: have no idea about the power grid
I saw a program on the National Geogrphic channel the other day (for the second time) about the state of our power grid and it is seriously fucked two ways to Sunday....they discussed in detail the power failure of 2003 and how the grid really hasn't improved much since then
but, you are dead on about the rest of the infrastructure. if you want to see seriously fukked up ready to collapse overpasses, visit beantown. that is what happens when you spend every DOT nickle you have on the mother of all boondoggles (the big dig) for 20 years or so. if rust was worth a 10 cents a pound, you could harvest enough from that area's bridges to retire the national debt.
they need to upgrade and repair the systems we already have instead of coming up with new fucking high speed rail systems....if they don't address our crumbling infrastructure pretty quickly, it's going to kick us all in the ass in a big way
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:58 am
by poptart
Barry, with his 1.5 trillion dollar budget deficits, is obviously COMPLETELY fucked in the head.
But I find the new republicans to be COMPLETELY worthless.
They're twisting and squirming to find $100 billion they can cut. :?
Wth a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit, $100 billion is virtually NOTHING, assclowns.
Get with the program already.
Credit to Rand Paul for sacking up and proposing $500 billion in cuts, and acknowledging that it is just a start - as it would hack away just 1/3 of the one year deficit.
Of course he's being made out as some fringe lunatic - but in reality, he's about the only guy with a pair and a brain.
I'd seriously like to see one of the dutiful lefties step to the plate here.
Tell me why you can get behind Barry's HUGE budget deficits.
I'm all ears and I won't bite, I promise.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:18 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:But if you're saying that he is the one who caused them, then maybe you should do some more reading.
It was his budget, you stupid asshole.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:42 am
by poptart
Cut the bullshit before you even try to start it, Jsc.
Go ahead and tell us why you are behind his huge deficits or STFU.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Four straight years with $1 trillion-plus deficits.
Bush's deficit spending was totally insane.
I don't have a word to then describe Barry's actions, which have upped Bush's insanity by 3 or 4 times.
This shit is seriously beyond surreal.
Barry ...
1) is insane
2) is trying to hurt America
3) doesn't give a shit - is just pushing his agenda, and the mess will have to be cleaned up by others in the future
4) some combo of the above
It is the perfect storm, I'm afraid to say.
When Bush left office the country was in serious condition.
At that time, America desperately needed someone strong and capable to come in, take the bull by the horns, give America the tough love it needs, and get the country's economic house in order.
But instead, we got THE worst possible next step.
'We' voted in the exact opposite of what we needed.
We are in serious fucking trouble, and the repub's, with their piddly little "let's cut 100 billion, maybe, aren't doing squat to help, either.
It's gonna crater.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:46 pm
by Screw_Michigan
You've been screaming Chicken Little for years now, why should this be any different?
Re: BREAKING NEWS: I got a leaked copy of the SOTU speech
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:40 am
by poptart
I've been screaming chicken little since about the time our deficits went from insane to ... whatever adjective can possibly be fitting for taking insane x3 or 4.
If we are 14 trillion in the hole (and that is a very conservative number, given other unfunded future liabilities, possible health care, etc.) we ought to be living in utopia here, yes?
But we're not.
That should be the first clue that us people are being robbed fucking blind.
Barry's 2012 budget proposal has a deficit of damn near 70% of revenue.
Imagine you make $50,000 a year.
Yeah, a little high end for a jizz mopper, but just play along with me for shits and giggles.
But over the course of a decade or so, you have pissed away $$ and borrowed like crazy and you now find yourself $350,000 in debt.
Deep shit, right?
Well, you sit down to draw up your budget for the new year.
And you make up a budget showing income of $50,000 and expenditures of $85,000.
Yes, you've just decided to take yourself $35,000 deeper into debt - for a new debt total of $385,000.
Your wife tries to tell you you're flat crazy, but you tell her to STFU because you are ... winning the future!
This fraud's 2012 1.65 trillion dollar budget deficit SHOULD be laffed right the fuck out of Washington, and anyone not standing up for SERIOUSLY slashing away at this suicide mission should be placed against a wall and shot.