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Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:13 pm
by Screw_Michigan
algore graduated from Vandy. Which shit HVAC school did you drop out of, again?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:33 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Who said I agree with him? All I know, crackpot or not, algore is a bit more intelligent than you, Spray.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:19 pm
by Mace
And next, Al Gore will explain why the curve ball is an optical illusion. :lol:

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:52 pm
by The Seer
Screw_Michigan wrote:Who said I agree with him? All I know, crackpot or not, algore is a bit more intelligent than you, Spray.
ANOTHER problem with lefty logic.

The simple fact that someone was willing to regurgitate sufficient data (presented from a biased egghead that couldn't get a real job) onto a sheet of paper for 4 years does NOT have anything to do with intelligence....or lack of....

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:16 pm
by LTS TRN 2
And...are you suggesting that wildly irregular weather patterns--unprecedented heat, cold, rain, drought--is not a clear indication of Climate Change?

Or...are you just tedious hacks parroting the gibberish of morons like Glenn Beck and Rusp Limpdick?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:40 pm
by Screw_Michigan
"OMG OMG! The Commies are out to get me!"



Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:51 pm
by Sirfindafold
LTS TRN 2 wrote:unprecedented

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:23 am
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:algore graduated from Vandy. Which shit HVAC school did you drop out of, again?
algore attended vandy but dropped out. he graduated from harvard.

you really ought to know a little more about your heroes.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:47 am
by BSmack
The fact remains that global temps were the highest last year of any year on record. Period. ... -year.html

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:07 am
by mvscal
The only fact that remains is that James Hansen is a blatant fraud. ... ature.html

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:38 am
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:The fact remains that global temps were the highest last year of any year on record. Period. ... -year.html

Is that before or after they "adjusted" the data yet again?

George Soros LOVES this shit, though -- you know, the guy that paid the NASA head to "adjust" the observed data?

Was pretty funny hearing the UN tards declare 2010 "the hottest year EVER!" by September -- sounds like some pretty objective folks.

Too bad that we now don't even have a way of knowing where 2010 ranks as far as average temps in relation to previous years -- since the "people in charge" of that stuff now alter the data before the public gets to review it.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:09 am
by Screw_Michigan
smackaholic wrote:you really ought to know a little more about your heroes.
algore is far from one of my heroes, but I love how he still makes the same five tards on this board froth at the mouth on command after all these years. Like old times, no?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:14 am
by BSmack
Papa Willie wrote:B - man, Dins practically provided a BOOK on how these fuckers are changing shit around to match their agenda. C'mon, man! The climate has always changed. I'm not promoting pumping shit into the air and water, but fuck - the climate is just doing what it's done for 4 billion years...
You fear change. I get it.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:38 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:You would have ... situation we find ourselves in now....
Why do you like Exxonmobil's dick up you ass so much? Is it like ribbed or something? What is so magical about it? Does it shoot $ into your colon or something?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:06 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:I'm not promoting pumping shit into the air and water, but fuck - the climate is just doing what it's done for 4 billion years...


If you don't toe the party line, and don't invest your antire heart and soul into the complete crap that these people have laughably labeled "science," it means you're pro-pollution, are receiving a paycheck directly from an oil company*, and probably torture kittens in your free time.

It's one or the other -- no objective opinions based on the best available science and data are allowed.

* -- Funny thing about that oft-tossed-about accusation (sup LTSTurd2), is that it's the Church of the Warmers that are getting paid off by oil companies. Who the fuck do you think owns the carbon-credit exchanges? Kind of a win/win for Big Oil -- they saw the Disciples of the Goracle coming from miles off, and hedged their bets quite nicely. The guy who started the Chicago Climate Exchange (the largest trading post for the credit-scam, which Obama is in on-btw)... owns a fucking oil company. Al Gore is one of the largest private shareholders of oil stocks in the country (and dumps his profits from the exchange back into oil). Soros fucking paid NASA to "adjust" their observed data.

These people have no desire whatsoever to reduce the CO2 that somehow they've been able to keep a straight face as they've labeled it a "pollutant" (as they exhale it) -- they're extremely wealthy people that have decided that the poor people -- especially American poor people, just have way too much extra money laying round, and it's their job as the extremely wealthy class to relieve the serfs of all that extra cayshe -- and came up with an extremely clever way to go about it.

Easy way to solve the "problem" -- go all Egypt up in the shit, and string up Soros, Strong, and the Goracle on public television. Let it be a lesson to the next elitist that hatches a global plot to steal from the poor and engage in the disgusting display of Reverse Robin Hood economics.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:25 pm
by Moving Sale
Dinsdale wrote:If you don't toe the party line, and don't invest your antire(sic) heart and soul into the complete crap that these people have laughably labeled "science," it means you're pro-pollution, are receiving a paycheck directly from an oil company*, and probably torture kittens in your free time.
You don't have to tow the party line to help reduce your use of oil. The question I always pose and one that never gets answered is, why do you guys spend so much time trying to deny GW if you agree with the foundational question of should we use oil the way we are using it or not? Why have you never stated a thread about the ways you reduce your oil footprint. Why all the vitriol or you don't even disagree with the core concept? You think it is junk science I get it, but why go on and on and on and on and on about it if you think it is a good idea to stop using oil?

[quote="Dinsdale]Easy way to solve the "problem" -- go all Egypt up in the shit, and string up Soros, Strong, and the Goracle on public television. [/quote]
So you want to kill Ron Paul and George Soros? You are one unstable individual.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:27 pm
by smackaholic
Dinsdale wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:I'm not promoting pumping shit into the air and water, but fuck - the climate is just doing what it's done for 4 billion years...


If you don't toe the party line, and don't invest your antire heart and soul into the complete crap that these people have laughably labeled "science," it means you're pro-pollution, are receiving a paycheck directly from an oil company*, and probably torture kittens in your free time.

It's one or the other -- no objective opinions based on the best available science and data are allowed.

* -- Funny thing about that oft-tossed-about accusation (sup LTSTurd2), is that it's the Church of the Warmers that are getting paid off by oil companies. Who the fuck do you think owns the carbon-credit exchanges? Kind of a win/win for Big Oil -- they saw the Disciples of the Goracle coming from miles off, and hedged their bets quite nicely. The guy who started the Chicago Climate Exchange (the largest trading post for the credit-scam, which Obama is in on-btw)... owns a fucking oil company. Al Gore is one of the largest private shareholders of oil stocks in the country (and dumps his profits from the exchange back into oil). Soros fucking paid NASA to "adjust" their observed data.

These people have no desire whatsoever to reduce the CO2 that somehow they've been able to keep a straight face as they've labeled it a "pollutant" (as they exhale it) -- they're extremely wealthy people that have decided that the poor people -- especially American poor people, just have way too much extra money laying round, and it's their job as the extremely wealthy class to relieve the serfs of all that extra cayshe -- and came up with an extremely clever way to go about it.

Easy way to solve the "problem" -- go all Egypt up in the shit, and string up Soros, Strong, and the Goracle on public television. Let it be a lesson to the next elitist that hatches a global plot to steal from the poor and engage in the disgusting display of Reverse Robin Hood economics.
rack it.

this is from the same playbook as the R-12 (freon) debacle. the patent on freon was ending. guess who held the patent on r-134a? yup, same money grubbing bitches (dupont). freon was a better, less toxic refrigerant, but who gives a fukk. so they came up with the laughable ozone hole over the poles, the same one that has always existed because these poles aren't exposed to sunlight during their winters.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:31 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:rack it.
I'll ask you the same question I asked Dims. If you don't think oil is all that great why do you care about whether or not GW is a farce?

And I'll add a question. Is there any junk science in the official conspiracy theory that the 9-11 commission is pimping?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:01 pm
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:rack it.
I'll ask you the same question I asked Dims. If you don't think oil is all that great why do you care about whether or not GW is a farce?
first off, i think oil is the coolest thing since, well, anything. it is unmatched as an energy storage device. i do think that it makes sense to develop other sources as the stuff will eventually become scarce and we should save it for things like aircraft powering since i really don't see an alternative in that area coming any time soon. assuming i do think it should and will eventually be replaced, why should i sign onto junk science to make it happen.
And I'll add a question. Is there any junk science in the official conspiracy theory that the 9-11 commission is pimping?
i have no idea.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:17 pm
by LTS TRN 2
While there is plenty of evidence of the deep-pocket oil companies sponsoring the Denialist studies and "expert panels," there's been offered nothing whatever to support the insane accusations of some liberal/socialist conspiracy that's promoting Climate Change.

No evidence of Al Gore becoming a billionaire. Or being a major stockholder in oil companies.

No evidence to support any of the Glenn Beck and Limpdick gibberish which Dinsdale spouts with his inane hissing bluster. No, just the same repeated droning unsupported fatuous attacks. That's why they're boring tedious assholes--and so are you.

And as for the notion that oil is just fine as a fuel source for the indefinite future, this is so stupid that it warrants no comment.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:23 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:first off, i think oil is the coolest thing since, well, anything. it is unmatched as an energy storage device.
So you think it burns clean? You think we have enough to run our country without having to import it or that importing it is cool? You think it is cheap? Safe? Great all around stuff huh?
i do think that it makes sense to develop other sources as the stuff will eventually become scarce and we should save it for things like aircraft powering since i really don't see an alternative in that area coming any time soon.
Define 'eventually.'
assuming i do think it should and will eventually be replaced, why should i sign onto junk science to make it happen.
I'm not asking you to sign on to junk science I'm asking why your panties are so in a bunch over it.
i have no idea.
That's for the answer.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:50 pm
by Dinsdale
But it turns out that the book money is small potatoes compared to what Gore could earn from his various eco-friendly investments. As a partner at Silicon Valley venture capital heavyweight Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, Gore is poised to reap hundreds of millions from investments in the companies that will benefit from the government's increased emphasis on green technology.

The big elephant in the room:

Guess where most of Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers' profits come from?

Take a big ol' guess.

Yup, they drill for oil... that's mostly what they do.

Makes LTS' ill-informed diatribes seem even more silly (if that's even possible).

Yup, when LTS rants about how all of the "Deniers" are getting paychecks from the "oil industry" -- uhm, who is writing those checks again? The Goracle and Soros and Strong, and not from Exxon or Shell...

Poor, deluded guy.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:09 am
by LTS TRN 2
Standard reflex bullshit by the prayer-wheel of Limpdick parrots.

First, if Gore's investments look good--that is, if they're going the right way, the profitable route of sucess in the market...well why aren't you on board?

Each of these innovating companies is under strictest scrutiny for long term profitability. Their products determined to fill a growing need efficiently.


The ludicrous article upon which you pathetically perch your hapless abdication clearly suggests that being an environmentalist means being "a darling of the left"....and thus someone of the "right"--that is someone still cornered into defending the senile criminality of Reaganomics and its catastrophic anti-environment..?

The bottom line is that the panty-twisted GOP and all its warped and dredged remains has actually completely opted out of the entire discussion and debate. Theirs is nothing more than a flat denial that there's even a problem at all with the environment. And then they sit and simply cast inane religious based gibberish posed as equivocating arguments. It's disgraceful.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:21 am
by LTS TRN 2
Uh..Wllie, you do know that the Bush fortune was made by working hand in glove with the Nazis right up to 1942, right? And that the Bush malignancy has been at the center of the entire paradigm of post-war American bubble 'n bust kleptocracy fuck you suicidal Madoff economic scheme...right?

If GW Bush was invested in innovative companies on the cutting edge of energy efficiency, I'd applaud him. And you.

Why aren't you on board with the new and necessary industries and directions of America? Al Gore is completely on target and there's no reasonable dispute of his positions or personal behavior.

Unlike the entire decrepit and reeling GOP nightmare. Or what?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:27 pm
by Bizzarofelice
scientific data is not a function of politics.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:48 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Bullshit, SS, the whole range of new technologies discussed and promoted by Gore and others are viable and necessary.

What is unnecessary and highly disruptive to dealing with the issue is the religious based lunacy of nut jobs like senators Brownback, DeMint, and of course Inhofe. These pathetic morons are fully owned and run by huge oil interests, period, their weird religiosity dovetailing easily into the perverse selfishness of "American Exceptionalism" and all it portends.

First, they buy "expert opinions" to create a log jam in the debate..

Kansas-based Koch Industries, which owns refineries and operates oil pipelines, funds 35 conservative and libertarian groups, as well as more than 20 congressmen and senators. Between them, Greenpeace says, these groups and individuals have spread misinformation about climate science and led a sustained assault on climate scientists and green alternatives to fossil fuels.

And this of course includes methodical outright lying and plagerism, etc..

According to USA Today, more than one third of George Mason University statistician Edward Wegman's 2006 report challenging methodology in global warming research may have been plagiarized, with segments lifted almost verbatim from textbooks, Wikipedia and the work of one scientist targeted by the report itself.

The Wegman report was commissioned by then-head of the House energy committee Joe Barton (R-TX). It was instrumental in Barton's denunciation of climatologist Michael Mann's 1998 and 1999 reports that found that the 20th century was the warmest in 1,000 years. Barton asserted that Mann's work was "rooted in fundamental errors of methodology that had been cemented in place as 'consensus' by a closed network of friends," according to the report's conclusions.

In March, Raymond Bradley, another leading climate scientist, told GMU that he believed portions of a textbook he'd written had been used without permission in the Wegman report, and requested that the university examine the matter. He first learned of the alleged violation through Deep Climate, a website devoted to discrediting global warming critics.

Bottom line, the GOP has abdicated and is left acting like bratty little children. No plans, no answers, nothing but playground taunts and obvious lies. How sad.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:43 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Uh..Wllie, you do know that the Bush fortune was made by working hand in glove with the Nazis right up to 1942, right?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:09 pm
by Dinsdale
Bizzarofelice wrote:scientific data is not a function of politics.

But it is a function of democracy -- just ask Feeldix.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:10 pm
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:These pathetic morons are fully owned and run by huge oil interests, period

So, they're owned by Soros, Strong, and The Goracle?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:10 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:No evidence of Al Gore becoming a billionaire.
Not yet anyway. He has prepared the ground and if his lies gain common acceptance he will be a billionaire many times over. And, make no mistake, they are lies.
In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.

--Al Gore
He blantantly admits that he believes that it is OK to lie about the data in order to "open people up to solutions." Solutions from which he will derive a more than handsome profit. This is textbook snake oil salesmanship. He is attempting to create a market for hot air literally.

Nor is he the only one who believes that it is OK to lie or exaggerate the data in order to open wallets for solutions to a problem which doesn't exist and grant money to fund careers in studying a problem which doesn't exist.
And as for the notion that oil is just fine as a fuel source for the indefinite future, this is so stupid that it warrants no comment.
We have centuries worth of oil, coal and natural gas here in North America. The conversion process to turn coal into clean burning diesel fuel has been around for decades and modern diesel engines burn very clean and are tremendously fuel efficient. Any energy independence scheme which does not include these resources and technologies is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:25 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:The conversion process to turn coal into clean burning diesel fuel has been around for decades and modern diesel engines burn very clean and are tremendously fuel efficient. Any energy independence scheme which does not include these resources and technologies is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

And who is one of the partners in the company that's taken the lead in that field and invested in it BIG TIME?

I'll give you a hint -- his initials are AG, and you mentioned his name in your post... nice "idol," LTS.

Is George Soros or Maurice Strong cutting you a paycheck to be their mouthpiece? If not, you're one of the few.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:38 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote: We have centuries worth of oil, coal and natural gas here in North America. The conversion process to turn coal into clean burning diesel fuel has been around for decades and modern diesel engines burn very clean and are tremendously fuel efficient. Any energy independence scheme which does not include these resources and technologies is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

You're not going to sustain an economy on liquefied coal. You sound even more delusional than Felchco.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:41 pm
by mvscal
Was that the only thing I mentioned? Why the lie?

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:08 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Was that the only thing I mentioned? Why the lie?

Because we are playing "The Lie Game" tonight.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:13 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations
--Al Gore

He blantantly admits that he believes that it is OK to lie
"over-representing facts" isn't lying, in and of itself.

But don't get me wrong...Gore deserves to be garroted for many reasons (that far pre-date his climate circus shenanigans).

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:22 am
by Dinsdale
Martyred wrote:that far pre-date his climate circus shenanigans).

I doubt it. Strong and Soros made The Goracle the mouthpiece for their scam by the mid-80's.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:51 am
by Truman
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote: We have centuries worth of oil, coal and natural gas here in North America. The conversion process to turn coal into clean burning diesel fuel has been around for decades and modern diesel engines burn very clean and are tremendously fuel efficient. Any energy independence scheme which does not include these resources and technologies is pure, unadulterated bullshit.
You're not going to sustain an economy on liquefied coal. You sound even more delusional than Felchco.
So what's your solution, Merde?

Got a viable alternative energy solution worthy of discussion to fuel a nation of 340 million? Got a delivery system to put it in place?

Your god's been pantsed, and mvscal deserves a well-earned rack.

Look, you wanna worship Santa Claus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Al Gore's version of Life on Earth as We Know It Coming to an End While Poor Ol' Polar Bears Drown on Global Warming Induced Melting Ice Flows, be my guest.

Where the Libertarian-types on this Board take issue with your Deity is when the likes of you, Felix, L-Tard, Screw, and every other One Big Happy Socialist Government idealist that looks to get into our wallets looks to create a "solution". Your assertions are founded on patented, proven bullshit.

Farmers in my home state till lands made fertile by the æffects of mile-thick glaciers that buried their fields 10,000 years ago. Conversely, I have a collection of shells picked from Ozark streams that were once submerged by a tropical sea.

Empirical data to track the rise and fall of temperatures only dates back about a 150 years, yet we're subjected to media hysteria that uses terms like "unprecedented" and "never before" when describing the rise in earth's temperature. Meanwhile, the Midwest digs out from underneath the biggest blizzard I have ever witnessed in my lifetime, and we're being harrangued that such a phenomena is the direct result of climate change.

Well, duh. Climate does, indeed, change.

What amuses us "live-and-let-live" types is that you and everybody else who thinks like you can change it. Specifically, by taxing us into oblivion.

That's why we hate your guts.

If money alone can't educate inner-city scuba-suits, what makes you think it can change our climate?

mvscal's right. We have domestic fuel to sustain us for hundreds of years. And we're America. We WILL develop alternative fuel. But not because a whole buncha greenie, knotted sweater-around-the-neck do-gooders like you say it's the right thing to do. We'll invent it because there's a market. No other reason.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:09 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Truman wrote: So what's your solution, Merde?

Got a viable alternative energy solution worthy of discussion to fuel a nation of 340 million? Got a delivery system to put it in place?

The French are so far ahead of you on this, it's laughable. Fucking American dopes.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:11 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Truman wrote:And we're America. We WILL develop alternative fuel.
+1 for your child-like enthusiasm. Don't forget "prayer". Pray for energy solutions, too.

Re: Al Gore explains "Snowmageddon"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:29 am
by Mace
Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote: So what's your solution, Merde?

Got a viable alternative energy solution worthy of discussion to fuel a nation of 340 million? Got a delivery system to put it in place?
Yep, along with solar and wind. In 20 years many of us will also be driving electric cars as they become more practical and affordable.