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A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:27 pm
by jtr
Did you know it's still legal to hang people in Washington and New Hampshire? I'm doing research on judge Issac Parker who sentenced 79 people to be hung in Fort Smith Arkansas back in the late 1890s. Trying to figure out why there's a national historic park for hanging people there today. Sure its great they cleaned up the streets back then but in such a violent matter is crazy. I know lethal injection these days is just as violent but justice must be served harshly. I don't condone over use of death penalty I think most people can be redeemed rehabbed or just left to die in prison and it wouldn't bother anyone
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:58 pm
by Mace
Hanging is more humane than the electric chair, and lethal injection is probably the most human way to send them to their dirtnap, and hardly "violent". There's no rehabbing the psychopaths and sociopaths, and they're best left to a prison cell or lethal injection...depending on their crime.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:07 pm
by Wolfman
Hanging? Reminds me of the first time I went to see the movie "True Grit". The real one with John Wayne. It was rated "G" !!! And of course, one of the earlier scenes was the public hanging. It also had a pretty violent knife fight/stabbing scene. Have not seen the re-make, but I'm guessing they probably kicked up the violence a notch or two. On the topic of execution, I'm thinking electrocution ala "old Sparky" is a pretty nasty way to go. Thanks a lot Thomas Edison.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:20 pm
by Truman
jtr wrote:
Did you know it's still legal to hang people in Washington and New Hampshire? I'm doing research on judge Issac Parker who sentenced 79 people to be hung in Fort Smith Arkansas back in the late 1890s. Trying to figure out why there's a national historic park for hanging people there today. Sure its great they cleaned up the streets back then but in such a violent matter is crazy. I know lethal injection these days is just as violent but justice must be served harshly. I don't condone over use of death penalty I think most people can be redeemed rehabbed or just left to die in prison and it wouldn't bother anyone
Issac Parker was a hero to the genteel folk of western Arkansas, and I'm of a mind that Charles Portis's
True Grit provided a fairly accurate account of Judge Parker's court. Fort Smith was the seat of federal jurisdiction for all matters concerning Indian Territory (Oklahoma), which Portis described as "a refuge for desperados from all over the map."
I can only imagine that Parker's court was a defense attorney's nightmare, as damning testimony against and inevitable conviction of the accused was provided solely by the recollections of his marshals, and his rulings were virtually beyond reproach. Portis writes:
"For a long time, there was no appeal from his court excpt to the President of the United States. They later changed that and when the Supreme Court started reversing him, Judge Parker was annoyed. He said those people up in Washington city did not understand the bloody conditions in the Territory. He called Solicitor-General Whitney, who was supposed to be on the judge's side, a 'pardon broker' and said he knew no more of criminal law than he did of the heiroglyphics of the Great Pyramid. (Smack circa 1890's)
Well, for their part, those people up there said the judge was too hard and high-handed and too long-winded in his jury changes and they called his court 'the Parker slaughterhouse.' I don't know who was right. I know sixty-five of his marshals got killed. They had some mighty tough folks to deal with."
That's why they name parks after you....
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:38 pm
by mvscal
jtr wrote: I don't condone over use of death penalty
Neither did Judge Parker, you pathetic simpleton. He tried 350 capital cases. If you want less violent crime, you kill violent criminals. It's really that simple.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:33 pm
by Atomic Punk
Pedo in Seattle fears Fort Smith, Arkansas for sure. Also, that shithole is in a dry county. "True Grit?" I hope that movie has better talent than displaying that dyke Kim Darby.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:49 pm
by Truman
Atomic Punk wrote:Pedo in Seattle fears Fort Smith, Arkansas for sure. Also, that shithole is in a dry county. "True Grit?" I hope that movie has better talent than displaying that dyke Kim Darby.
Shithole? Ever been to Fort Smith, Loser? Got a feeling that transvestivism isn't real high on their okey-doke list either. Kim Darby was born in LA, btw....
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:35 am
by smackaholic
was watching the original TG on AMC last week. I like the way they are in what looks a hell of a lot like the rockies or mabe sierra nevada within a days horse ride into injun territory, which, i 'spose would be somewhere in eastern oaklahoma.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:56 am
by Truman
They filmed it in New Mex. Which was our dawg the whole time we watched it. Eastern Oklahoma is beautiful... But apparently not up to the producers specs.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:09 am
by Atomic Punk
Truman wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:Pedo in Seattle fears Fort Smith, Arkansas for sure. Also, that shithole is in a dry county. "True Grit?" I hope that movie has better talent than displaying that dyke Kim Darby.
Shithole? Ever been to Fort Smith, Winner? Kim Darby was born in LA, btw....
Yes it's a shithole. Arkansas is possibly the ugliest state in the country. I've been to Ft. Smith and my old roommate from OU is a police officer there right now. The worst part of that horrid state is when you cross the river from Memphis. I-40 is nothing but potholes and for some reason there is smog as you transit across that ugly state... Truman, or... Newman.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:29 am
by Truman
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:56 am
by Dinsdale
KC Scott wrote:I'd vote Kansas or Nebraska ugliest and I've been to them all except Alaska and Maine
Apparently, you've never been to Nevada.
And as far as your pics of "beautiful" Arkansas -- you realize I see that shit out my front door on about a daily basis, right?
Travel just to see decent scenery?
Not for all the tea in Arkansas.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:03 am
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:apparently you've never been to Kansas or Nebraska
Never been to Nebraska, but I concur that Kansas is the most mind-numbing, boring patch of dirt this side of Kuwait/southern Iraq. At least Saudi Arabia has dunes.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:07 am
by Mace
Nice "shithole" they've got there in Arkansas.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:14 am
by mvscal
Atomic Punk wrote:Yes it's a shithole. Arkansas is possibly the ugliest state in the country.
Don't judge a state by the occasional glimpse captured through a rest stop glory hole.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:17 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:Yes it's a shithole. Arkansas is possibly the ugliest state in the country.
Don't judge a state by the occasional glimpse captured through a rest stop glory hole.
In his case, why not? He's seen rest stop glory holes in all 50 states by now. I'm sure he's capable of making an informed decision.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:20 am
by Truman
Dinsdale wrote:And as far as your pics of "beautiful" Arkansas -- you realize I see that shit out my front door on about a daily basis, right?
Not the point, Dins. Simply looking to refute the assertion that "Arkansas is the ugliest state in the country" made by somebody solely attributed for giving rise to the smack disclaimer of "at least you're not ___."
As you enjoy similar spectacles from your front porch, it is not a stretch to suggest that our resident goggle-eyed Gillooley might hold similar sentiments for
your home state.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:45 am
by Atomic Punk
I haven't seen anyone defending the majority of the State of Arkansas where it IS a shithole. Ever taken the I-40 west of Memphis? The whole horizon for 2/3 of the state is the worst in the country. The nice pics Truman posted should tell the State of Missouri to annex it from the Clintonistas.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:39 am
by Diego in Seattle
I found ND much more ugly than AR on I-40.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:38 pm
by BSmack
KC Scott wrote:NW Arkansas is actually beuatiful country - Ozark Mts. / Lakes / Rivers
I'd vote Kansas or Nebraska ugliest and I've been to them all except Alaska and Maine
Kansas is the most consistently ugly state I've ever had the displeasure to drive through.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:46 pm
by Truman
Consistently? Probably. But there are stretches along SoDak I-90 from the Missouri to the Black Hills that could easily pass as a stunt double for the Apollo moon landing. They don't call 'em the Bad Lands for nuthin....
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:52 pm
by BSmack
Truman wrote:Consistently? Probably. But there are stretches along SoDak I-90 from the Missouri to the Black Hills that could easily pass as a stunt double for the Apollo moon landing. They don't call 'em the Bad Lands for nuthin....
A moonscape would be infinitely more interesting than Kansas. It's like driving though a 400 mile long wheat farm.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:20 pm
by Truman
Waves of Freedom, B. Somebody's got to feed the world. BTW, ever wandered into eastern Colorado? Two hundred miles of treeless, high-plains grasslands that's too dry to even grow wheat.
The Fed offered this stretch - roughly from the western border of Kansas to the Front Range - if they agreed to enter the Union as a slaver. The Jayhawkers told 'em to go pound sand.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:37 pm
by War Wagon
Kansans should have to pay tolls for the priveledge of driving into Missouri, the fuckin leeches.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:34 pm
by Dinsdale
KC Scott wrote:
Last I looked Tahoe is in Nevada
Uhm... no... but you knew that.
Majority of it is in california... but I'm just going to go ahead and assume you knew that.
And in that massive-huge state, you came up with about 1/3rd of a place someone might want to visit (that couldn't be built anywhere else, like Las Shithole, for example).
Care to name another?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
And yeah, I suppose there's about a 5 mile sliver of Nevada that isn't nauseating to the eyes... the part that abuts california.
Take a drive up US95 from the southern part of the state/Las Vegas (shithole) area, and head to Oregon or Idaho. If your eyeballs aren't threatening to go on strike by the time you get to Hawthorne...
you're probably from the Midwest.
I think I could probably happily live out the rest of my days without another Great Basin Experience.
Southeastern Oregon, the northeastern corner of california (along with several other parts of cali), the entire state of Nevada, Eastern Washington (sup Trampis), most of Arizona... you can keep it.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:01 pm
by Moving Sale
Dinsdale wrote:the entire state of Nevada,
Nice to know we will not be seeing you in Vegas or Lake Mead or Mt Rose or the 'Ponderosa' or Elko in the fall or Red Rock or.....
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:05 pm
by Mace
There's beautiful landscape all over the country and the U&L doesn't have a corner on the market. None of us are even remotely responsible for the natural beauty of the landscape in our State of residence and anyone stupid enough to brag about it is no better than a Toejam-like parent living vicariously through their children's successes. The folks who like to talk about midwesterners being stupid should take a look at the SAT scores and see whose high school students dominate the top of the rankings. That's right, it's all kids from the midwest....Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, et al. Maybe the rest of you should concentrate on providing a fucking education for your kids instead of resting on the laurels of the natural beauty of your State....something to which you contributed absolutely nothing.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:18 pm
by BSmack
Truman wrote:Waves of Freedom, B. Somebody's got to feed the world. BTW, ever wandered into eastern Colorado?
Been there, done that. But Colorado counterbalances that initial bout of ugly with some of the most spectacular views on the planet. Kansas just gives you... more Kansas.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:28 pm
by War Wagon
Mace wrote:There's beautiful landscape all over the country and the U&L doesn't have a corner on the market. None of us are even remotely responsible for the natural beauty of the landscape in our State of residence and anyone stupid enough to brag about it is no better than a Toejam-like parent living vicariously through their children's successes.
Well said.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:38 pm
by BSmack
Mace wrote:...the natural beauty of your State....something to which you contributed absolutely nothing.
My tax dollars most certainly contribute to preserving New York's natural beauty. And were it not for concerned New Yorkers, the Adirondacks would have been clear cut years ago instead of being left "forever wild."
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:41 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:A moonscape would be infinitely more interesting than Kansas. It's like driving though a 400 mile long wheat farm.
Which you can thank the bread basket farmers for the next time you fix yourself a sammitch.
But there are a few areas in Kansas that are nice on the eyes. If you take Hwy 7 north of Atchison, especially in the fall, you will see some spectacular scenery as it winds along the Missouri river bluffs.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:45 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:
Which you can thank the bread basket farmers Big Agra for the next time you fix yourself a sammitch.
The family farm is dead. You killed it.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:53 pm
by Mace
BSmack wrote:Mace wrote:...the natural beauty of your State....something to which you contributed absolutely nothing.
My tax dollars most certainly contribute to preserving New York's natural beauty. And were it not for concerned New Yorkers, the Adirondacks would have been clear cut years ago instead of being left "forever wild."
You can preserve it but you didn't create it.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:01 pm
by Dinsdale
Mace wrote:The folks who like to talk about midwesterners being stupid should take a look at the SAT scores and see whose high school students dominate the top of the rankings.
Until very recently, this wasn't even a close contest -- the only thing in doubt was which order the 2 U&L states would finish -- 1 & 2, or 2 &1.
But then, the folks in DC, which
we all dropped the ball in sending there, saw fit to stop doing one of their jobs. Now, instead of all our money going into great K-12 education, we dump all of our educational budget into ESL. The transformation from #1 to the bottom half has been jaw-dropping in its time table. The suburban school district that I spent 12 years in now has 40%+ of its students in ESL. Biggest department in the school district.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:03 pm
by Mace
Martyred wrote:War Wagon wrote:
Which you can thank the bread basket farmers Big Agra for the next time you fix yourself a sammitch.
The family farm is dead. You killed it.
I'll tell that to all of the farmers here. :roll:
They may no longer farm 80-160 acres to be self sufficient but they still farm the land...there's just fewer of them doing the work and, yes, they do feed the world, not just their families. So what was your point, Marty? The family farm isn't dead, it just got bigger.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:06 pm
by Mace
Dinsdale wrote:Mace wrote:The folks who like to talk about midwesterners being stupid should take a look at the SAT scores and see whose high school students dominate the top of the rankings.
Until very recently, this wasn't even a close contest -- the only thing in doubt was which order the 2 U&L states would finish -- 1 & 2, or 2 &1.
But then, the folks in DC, which
we all dropped the ball in sending there, saw fit to stop doing one of their jobs. Now, instead of all our money going into great K-12 education, we dump all of our educational budget into ESL. The transformation from #1 to the bottom half has been jaw-dropping in its time table. The suburban school district that I spent 12 years in now has 40%+ of its students in ESL. Biggest department in the school district.
Care to provide a link to confirm the U&L's lofty ranking in the past? Pretty sure that's just propagana you've been stupid enough to believe. Back in 1999, Oregon and Washington were tied for 10th in the SAT/ACT combined average scores, right behind Missouri at #9.
Top 10 in 1999
#1 Iowa
#2 Wisconsin/Minnesota
#4 Kansas
#5 Nebraska
#6 North Dakota
#7 Utah/Montana
#9 Missouri
#10 Oregon/Washington ...
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:09 pm
by BSmack
Mace wrote:BSmack wrote:Mace wrote:...the natural beauty of your State....something to which you contributed absolutely nothing.
My tax dollars most certainly contribute to preserving New York's natural beauty. And were it not for concerned New Yorkers, the Adirondacks would have been clear cut years ago instead of being left "forever wild."
You can preserve it but you didn't create it.
In the case of old growth forests, preservation is as important as creation. When it comes to preserving habitat for endangered and threatened species, preservation is just as important as creation. And when it comes to allowing certain areas of unmatched pristine beauty to remain as they are, instead of garish tourist traps, preservation is as important as creation. Sorry I couldn't be there 10,000 years ago when the glaciers finished their job forming the present day New York landscape to turn a few boulders, but as I see it, our natural heritage is an inheritance to be preserved, passed down and to be proud of. Obviously if I lived in Iowa, I might feel differently.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:17 pm
by Dinsdale
Mace wrote:
Care to provide a link to confirm the U&L's lofty ranking in the past?
Sure. ... _drop.html
Didn't give much thought to linking it up, since it was pretty common-knowledge in the U&L that Oregon was #1 or #2 for
decades. And all those years Oregon finished at #1, Washington was consistently #2.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:31 pm
by Mace
BSmack wrote:In the case of old growth forests, preservation is as important as creation. When it comes to preserving habitat for endangered and threatened species, preservation is just as important as creation. And when it comes to allowing certain areas of unmatched pristine beauty to remain as they are, instead of garish tourist traps, preservation is as important as creation. Sorry I couldn't be there 10,000 years ago when the glaciers finished their job forming the present day New York landscape to turn a few boulders, but as I see it, our natural heritage is an inheritance to be preserved, passed down and to be proud of. Obviously if I lived in Iowa, I might feel differently.
Of course preservation is important, and I didn't say otherwise, but I don't think you or dins created a mountain. I don't know why you would think differently if you lived in Iowa, as we have forest preserves all over the state.
Re: A pro death penalty board
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:44 pm
by Mace
Dinsdale wrote:Mace wrote:
Care to provide a link to confirm the U&L's lofty ranking in the past?
Sure. ... _drop.html
Didn't give much thought to linking it up, since it was pretty common-knowledge in the U&L that Oregon was #1 or #2 for
decades. And all those years Oregon finished at #1, Washington was consistently #2.
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, Oregon had the highest SAT scores in the nation among the 21 states where at least half of graduates take the exam. But Washington, New Hampshire and Massachusetts all have zoomed ahead of Oregon, with Washington students scoring tops in the nation for the seventh straight year this year.
Those rankings are only for the 21 states where at least half of the graduates take the SAT, not the entire country. The link I provided includes the SAT and ACT scores for all 50 states, which would include far more students. Fewer than half of the Iowa grads take the SAT, while nearly all of them going to college take the ACT. It's not that your link is not accurate, it's just a very limited sampling of high school seniors.