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What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:31 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Can't say I really have any right now. Nothing extreme anyway. For years it was David sunflower seeds (Original, of course, not that ranch or pickle bullshit). I guess I drink more coffee than I should, but who doesn't?

Oh, and Vogel, keep your vile takes out of this thread. I don't need to hear about you jerking your pud while figuring your tax refund, you sick asshole.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:19 pm
by R-Jack

Not caffiene as pounding sodas and shit or any way to get it. I drink a lot of coffee. Not mocha double frapafaggotos, but regular ass coffee.

R-Jack posting in a thread about vices? Midget Fail sharpening up his ankle incisors and chiming in.......5........4........

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:48 pm
by R-Jack
Allright. Good talk. I'm off to Peet's.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:59 pm
by smackaholic
coffee. actually, more like excessive coffee as in anything past 5 cups a day. curse my employer and his free coffee bennies.

oreos, cheez-its, cape cod potato chips or whatever other garbage the OL drags into the house. i've got about as much self control over that shit as pickkkle at a black male porn star convention

free interweb pron.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:27 pm
by Wolfman
Coffee= a vice? Are you LDS ?

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:47 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Wolfman wrote:Coffee= a vice? Are you LDS ?
I don't think he was around in the late 60's.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:27 pm
by Python
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: I don't need to hear about you jerking your pud while figuring your tax refund.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:37 pm
by Rooster
High quality Cuban cigars. I know they're bad for me, my throat kills me the next day, my breath stinks, and I can't taste my food, but, man, there are few things made out of tobacco that can compare.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:46 pm
by smackaholic
Wolfman wrote:Coffee= a vice? Are you LDS ?
coffee is no vice. it is one of the greatest substances in the universe. excessive coffee is.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:11 pm
by Diego in Seattle
I'll have to admit drip coffee is one of my vices, but it has to be good coffee (not the weak crap that's served outside the U&L).

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:43 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
smackaholic wrote:oreos, cheez-its, cape cod potato chips or whatever other garbage the OL drags into the house. i've got about as much self control over that shit as pickkkle at a black male porn star convention

free interweb pron.
Pretty much the same here, along with Coke (the black liquid, not the white powder, that is). Funny thing is, beer can sit in my fridge for months on end before I'll have the urge to crack one open. I'm guessing there aren't too many people here who can say that.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:00 pm
by Truman

This. The original. And not that faggoty-ass long cut or pouch shit either. It's a Flyover thang.

Oh, and a couple of gallons of coffee each day....

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:56 pm
by Screw_Michigan
You do the snuff? That shit is fucking disgusting (even by dip standards). And Skoal is overrated.

I quit dipping 17 days ago cold turkey and haven't had one since. Dipped pretty much 10 years to the month. I'm in the clear now, but it can still be very difficult on weekends when I'm having more than one beer.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:55 pm
by Truman
Screw_Michigan wrote:You do the snuff? That shit is fucking disgusting (even by dip standards). And Skoal is overrated.

I quit dipping 17 days ago cold turkey and haven't had one since. Dipped pretty much 10 years to the month. I'm in the clear now, but it can still be very difficult on weekends when I'm having more than one beer.
Rack. They make a patch for that?! Col' turkey is the only way to go. Last time I "quit", I gained about 80 pounds in two days and had designs on driving to Denver to murder L-Tard in his sleep.

Cultural thing I guess. Got hooked at ball practice back when I was a kid. Seems that half the RL cats I know still dip - as well as a couple of peeps that post here that can out themselves if they so choose. And yes, I KNOW it's a dumber-than-owl-shit habit that I need to get around to beating - "again" - eventually.

Have actually had a couple of three-year stretches in the last 30 where I was dip-free, but the job always seems to pull me back. My dentist has kittens every time I sit in her chair, but she hasn't found a cavity or a hint of gum disease in 17 years. Bode me, I guess... :meds:

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:26 pm
by Tom In VA
Drink way too much coffee but it's really a utilitarian thing with the kids, work, and school.

Haven't touched alcohol since 2002.

Stopped dipping Kodiak Wintragreen between 2005 and 2007, working late nights and school reeled me back in. Funny thing too, I was looking at it to complement the Monster Energy drink to eek out a few more hours of working - writing code - as soon as put the shit back in my mouth I got so buzzed and dizzy I had to lay down under my desk. :lol:

I just put the Kodiak down in Oct 2010. Went two weeks or so without caving then caved under the pressure of work, school and three kids under 3 (twins are 6 months now).

But I didn't cave with the worm dirt, I instead got me some nicotine lozenges which satisfy the Nicotine Bitch for now. I'll get around to quitting that too I guess - soon - they cause gas. :lol:

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:39 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Tom, did you see the article in the Post a couple weeks ago about Strasburg "trying" to quit? That's what did it for me. Well, the booze probably had a lot to do with it, but I saw that and said to myself: "you know? He's four years younger than me and he's gonna 'try' to quit. I might not be able to throw a baseball 100 mph, but I'm gonna do him one better and actually QUIT." So the next day, I quit. Work was awful. Couldn't concentrate worth a shit. Just wanted to run around the office. Slept horribly, and I mean horrible, the next night, so I called in sick to work the next day. Pretty much once you hit day 3, it all gets better.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:41 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Screw_Michigan wrote:Tom, did you see the article in the Post a couple weeks ago about Strasburg "trying" to quit? That's what did it for me. Well, the booze probably had a lot to do with it, but I saw that and said to myself: "you know? He's four years younger than me and he's gonna 'try' to quit. I might not be able to throw a baseball 100 mph, but I'm gonna do him one better and actually QUIT." So the next day, I quit. Work was awful. Couldn't concentrate worth a shit. Just wanted to run around the office. Slept horribly, and I mean horrible, the next night, so I called in sick to work the next day. Pretty much once you hit day 3, it all gets better.
So I guess for vices, I'm down to wacky tobbacky, booze, sex and DC area sports. Oh and these:


and this


Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:44 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Tom In VA wrote:Kodiak Wintragreen
You must be rich. Why don't you upgrade to Grizzly wintergreen at half the price?

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:46 pm
by Tom In VA
Screw_Michigan wrote:Tom, did you see the article in the Post a couple weeks ago about Strasburg "trying" to quit? That's what did it for me. Well, the booze probably had a lot to do with it, but I saw that and said to myself: "you know? He's four years younger than me and he's gonna 'try' to quit. I might not be able to throw a baseball 100 mph, but I'm gonna do him one better and actually QUIT." So the next day, I quit. Work was awful. Couldn't concentrate worth a shit. Just wanted to run around the office. Slept horribly, and I mean horrible, the next night, so I called in sick to work the next day. Pretty much once you hit day 3, it all gets better.
Hadn't read the article, man I'm so buried I'm having a hard time keeping up with anything. Yeah once you hit day 3-7 the nicotine is out of the system and isn't operating on you. Then the mind fucks start. Last time I quit the mind fucks didn't really last too long - 3-4 months maybe. My biggest deal was I was pissed when I started again, working late pregnant wife at home and it was close to Christmas and I was working late to more or less cash a check someone's else mouth wrote and hated it. Like a big baby I reached for my pacifier. Was hooked again in short order.

Good luck. Don't be discouraged by my failure. I assure you it was MY failure. It can be done.

Not rich, which is why I wanted to quit. Mom's staying home with the chilren and well - $120-30 a month on shit I put in my mouth and spit in a can just won't cut it.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:01 am
by Bizzarofelice


instead of doing a 3 oz cup of espresso, I'll do two 8 oz cups to make one super espresso. and then I have two more of those. and then I crash around 2pm.

and carbs. if I venture away from fruit and salads, it is pasta. put some diced garlic in olive oil and fry it a bit. add pepper flakes. then the spaghetti. then take a nap an hour later.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:55 am
by Shoalzie
I've never thought of coffee as a vice but yeah, I'm all about it. I've got coffee maker at my desk...much cheaper to make your own than to buy from the gas station. I've been a Speedway guy up until when I bought the coffee maker. They keep bumping up the price and it just not worth getting anymore unless I'm working on the road. I bought a 5-cup maker from Target for $8 around the holidays. It makes the right amount to drink each day for me...two thermal mugs full and then nothing after lunch unless I work later. It's great to have if I work after hours or if I drop in to work on the weekend. I keep a thing of half and half and Irish creme at the office also...I don't drink it straight up.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:08 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Speaking of Monster Energy drinks...I've never had any type of energy drink or formula. No Monster, no 5 Hour Energy, not even a single Red Bull. All that stuff just seems like toxic shit sauce. I'd probably do a shot of heroin before I'd slam one of those 5 hour energy dealios you see at those dumpy convenient store check outs.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:11 am
by Screw_Michigan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Speaking of Monster Energy drinks...I've never had any type of energy drink or formula. No Monster, no 5 Hour Energy, not even a single Red Bull. All that stuff just seems like toxic shit sauce. I'd probably do a shot of heroin before I'd slam one of those 5 hour energy dealios you see at those dumpy convenient store check outs.
You could say its sugary grossness, for sure, but I used to drink the Mt Dew energy drinks when I would drive home in the early AM from SB to GR. They are also good at 12-1a if you want to extend yourself a bit.

Other than that, I like green tea at work, which means I have moral superiority over all you tards.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:16 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I was on tea for awhile (I was the one who recommended it to you, you stupid asshat), but eventually went back to the coffee. It's just too good to keep off of for too long.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:25 am
by indyfrisco
Screw_Michigan wrote:You do the snuff? That shit is fucking disgusting (even by dip standards). And Skoal is overrated.

I quit dipping 17 days ago cold turkey and haven't had one since. Dipped pretty much 10 years to the month. I'm in the clear now, but it can still be very difficult on weekends when I'm having more than one beer.
3 years clear on the chew. Happy as can be to get rid of that god forsaken addiction.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:26 am
by Screw_Michigan
I don't like coffee when I'm sitting at a desk and have to use my brain. I get too scattered. If I'm doing something brainless like driving a car or remedial shit, then coffee is great.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:32 am
by Screw_Michigan
IndyFrisco wrote:3 years clear on the chew. Happy as can be to get rid of that god forsaken addiction.
Maybe I've been wrong about you? Nahh.....

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:41 am
by War Wagon
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, beer at night. Marlboro Reds all day and night, two packs a day for the past 30 years. Have fun spending my social security, assholes.

I tried some Skoal one time and about puked my guts out. Tobacco is meant to be smoked.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:50 am
by Screw_Michigan
Whitey, you gotta try the new Newport Reds. I almost shit myself the day I saw those. Never thought I'd see it.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:33 am
by indyfrisco
Screw_Michigan wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:3 years clear on the chew. Happy as can be to get rid of that god forsaken addiction.
Maybe I've been wrong about you? Nahh.....

Dipped Copenhagen for 15 years. Quit dozens of times. Wife busted me dipping prolly 7 times or so. Not a fun fight. Hardest thing I have ever had to get over but I no longer chew my lip til it bleeds every day. No craving whatsoever even when I drink. I carry about 10 more pounds than I did three years ago but I am much better off without that shit ruling me.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:02 am
by Screw_Michigan
IndyFrisco wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:3 years clear on the chew. Happy as can be to get rid of that god forsaken addiction.
Maybe I've been wrong about you? Nahh.....

Dipped Copenhagen for 15 years. Quit dozens of times. Wife busted me dipping prolly 7 times or so. Not a fun fight. Hardest thing I have ever had to get over but I no longer chew my lip til it bleeds every day. No craving whatsoever even when I drink. I carry about 10 more pounds than I did three years ago but I am much better off without that shit ruling me.
Just giving you a hard time, brother. [/smack] Props to you for making the right decision. You've been married a long time and your wife only busted you seven times? You must have had good self control.

I'd like to think I'm much more svelte than you fucks, but I have to admit, I've been eating a lot of candy lately. I.E. those Dots.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:26 am
by poptart
This board is probably my biggest vice.

Wasting countless hours coming here to read what idiots have to say.

I've not been wise.

About four more days and I am OUT of here for good.

Give up the heaters, Wagon.

Your lungs can repair to a large extent.

You've GOT to do it.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:49 am
by Screw_Michigan
poptart wrote:This board is probably my biggest vice.
Well you are obviously one huge degenerate. Welcome to the Club, tip well.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:01 am
by War Wagon
poptart wrote: About four more days and I am OUT of here for good.
I don't like the tone of that.

4 days, why not none? You don't have to say goodbye. I dislike goodbyes. I get a lump in my throat.

Later 'tart, I guess.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:29 am
by mvscal
Diego in Seattle wrote:I'll have to admit drip coffee is one of my vices, .
...and sheathing your cock in the colons of ten year old boys is another, right?

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:51 am
by Th
Clean Arabica Coffee

Skydiving regularly

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:44 pm
by campinfool
Copenhagen and fried chicken.

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:16 pm
by pron
There's one that you all have, but nobody has mentioned yet. :mrgreen:

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:19 pm
by R-Jack
It seems this thread needs more Jimmie

Re: What are your vices?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:56 pm
by Ana Ng
Chocolate, Diet Dr. Pepper, and you prolly already guessed it.....
