The wife got me one last night for my birthday next month.
This thing is gonna be a tank in about a year!
10 weeks old and weighs 16 lbs.
His name is Titus.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:22 pm
by smackaholic
It will likely be dead in a year.
Bulldogs are stupid, ridden with health issues and generally worthless unless laying around and drooling is of worth to you.
I would like to go ahead and call dibs on Titus in the '12 death pool, if we get around to having one.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:27 pm
by smackaholic
did a quick google search on them and found this reply to someone asking if the should get a bulldog....
my sister has 2 of them- first off i have to say they are cute little guys, but be ready for a never ending vet bill!! One of them has had surgery on his throat/ soft palate due to breathing problems, the other has had several eyelid surgeries due to his eyelashes growing inwards towards the eye. they are on all sorts of medication, for their skin, and their joints, and they always have weird foot problems. She cant leave them outside, they are total inside dogs. they cant handle too much excercise or they get overworked, and they dont handle the heat or cold very well. they are quite the stubborn little guys too. This may all be because she is a super overprotective doggy mother, but they do have all sorts of problems that cant be ignored. so i would really think twice because they are a bit of a handfull.
good luck with your flatulent money pit.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:16 pm
by Carson
U of Georgia has been going through bulldog mascots like wildfire.
And their's are from "premium" lineage.
One choked to death in his sleep.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:13 pm
by Wolfman
I was officiating a high school football team down here a couple years ago and the home team mascot is a bulldog. They had one and paraded it across the field before the game. The damned thing took a dump on the 30 yard line ! Nice job for someone on the spirit squad to clean up after it. Have fun.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:15 pm
by Moby Dick
Olde English Bulldogs arent like the run of the mill fat lazy low to the ground conventional Bulldogs.
Was doing some research myself the night before the wife picked up the dog.
Olde English Bulldogs are tons cheaper when it comes to the vet bill. They're taller..more athletic. Altho you wont see them out catching frisbees and that over hyper bullshit.
The gas tho...yea..i walked around the house for half an hour trying to find a 10 lb turd this morning...only gas tho.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:48 pm
by Ana Ng
Best of luck with your new little guy.
I get the whole, "I'm only interested in a certain breed" blah blah blah, but I really wish more people would research the shelters in their area. There are some really amazing animals there, for no good reason.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:42 pm
by smackaholic
Ana Ng wrote:Best of luck with your new little guy.
I get the whole, "I'm only interested in a certain breed" blah blah blah, but I really wish more people would research the shelters in their area. There are some really amazing animals there, for no good reason.
anyone that pays many hundreds of dollars for an inbred walking retirement nest egg for the local vet, is a fukking maroon.
our last dog sissy was a shelter dog. she was smarter and better behaved than any bulldog, no matter it's nationality could hope to be. and we got nearly 17 years out of her before i had to get her ticket punched last summer. Our new mutt abbott is another rescue dog, part dalmatian, part border collie (allegedly) and all crazy. other than his habit of eating electronic devices, he's a great dog too and we should get good mileage out of him.
but, you go ahead with your non-hyper overpriced inpurebreed. good luck and buy lots of candles.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:57 pm
by War Wagon
every dog I've ever had came from a shelter. dogs are the most loyal creatures on the planet and don't ask anything more than to have that affection returned.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:21 pm
by trev
There are rescues for just about any breed also. If you are looking for a certain type of dog.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:44 am
by Moby Dick
Ana Ng wrote:Best of luck with your new little guy.
I get the whole, "I'm only interested in a certain breed" blah blah blah, but I really wish more people would research the shelters in their area. There are some really amazing animals there, for no good reason.
We've got a rescue dog (Wahmereiner or however you spell it). Sweetest dog ever. Had her for 4 years this past November.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:47 am
by Moby Dick
smackaholic wrote:
Ana Ng wrote:Best of luck with your new little guy.
I get the whole, "I'm only interested in a certain breed" blah blah blah, but I really wish more people would research the shelters in their area. There are some really amazing animals there, for no good reason.
anyone that pays many hundreds of dollars for an inbred walking retirement nest egg for the local vet, is a fukking maroon.
our last dog sissy was a shelter dog. she was smarter and better behaved than any bulldog, no matter it's nationality could hope to be. and we got nearly 17 years out of her before i had to get her ticket punched last summer. Our new mutt abbott is another rescue dog, part dalmatian, part border collie (allegedly) and all crazy. other than his habit of eating electronic devices, he's a great dog too and we should get good mileage out of him.
but, you go ahead with your non-hyper overpriced inpurebreed. good luck and buy lots of candles.
and you keep on buying new electronics for your over-hyper part dalmatian to devour.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:06 am
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:every dog I've ever had came from a shelter. dogs are the most loyal creatures on the planet and don't ask anything more than to have that affection returned.
I don’t plan on getting a dog until all my kids are potty trained. That’ll be about 3-4 years from now. Instead, I’ve gotten 2 cats. Now, I’m not a cat person at all, but I have this vole problem in the landscaping and yard. This is the shit I see from time to time:
So, I got a couple cats form the local animal shelter. I leave them outside, and usually once a week at least, they deliver a vole in front of the garage door. When they do this, I open a can of tuna and set it outside for them. My wife asked me if I was going to allow them into my garage this past winter to which I said fuck no. She said they would die in the cold. I said whatever, we’d just go get another couple cats from the shelter if that happens. One of my cats, the black and white one I call Mullatto, hasn’t been around for the last month or so. Once we get through March, looks like I need to head back to the shelter. The grey cat needs a friend.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:45 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
My wife asked me if I was going to allow them into my garage this past winter to which I said fuck no. She said they would die in the cold. I said whatever, we’d just go get another couple cats from the shelter if that happens.
You are cold, dude. I would think arranging some shelter for the cats would be cheaper/less of a hassle than just going out and buying more.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:52 pm
by Screw_Michigan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You are cold, dude. I would think arranging some shelter for the cats would be cheaper/less of a hassle than just going out and buying more.
Well when you have 27 TVs in your house, who gives a fuck about some shelter cats? You can just buy more. And now he doesn't have to become "Feral Cat Dude."
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:50 pm
by indyfrisco
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
My wife asked me if I was going to allow them into my garage this past winter to which I said fuck no. She said they would die in the cold. I said whatever, we’d just go get another couple cats from the shelter if that happens.
You are cold, dude. I would think arranging some shelter for the cats would be cheaper/less of a hassle than just going out and buying more.
Hey man, I used to have the attitude of "the only good cat is a dead cat." I think it is Derron who claims to shoot cats in his yard. While I never shot cats in my yard, it never bothered me if someone else did it. I've changed my tune to "the only good cat is a cat who kills the voles in my yard." I've got a carport in the woods on the back side of my detached garage that houses some hickory wood and my smoker. My cats can camp out under there if they want.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:14 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:Hey man, I used to have the attitude of "the only good cat is a dead cat." I think it is Derron who claims to shoot cats in his yard. While I never shot cats in my yard, it never bothered me if someone else did it. I've changed my tune to "the only good cat is a cat who kills the voles in my yard." I've got a carport in the woods on the back side of my detached garage that houses some hickory wood and my smoker. My cats can camp out under there if they want.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Typical Republican attitude eh? You bring them in to do a job and fuck caring for them?
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:02 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:Hey man, I used to have the attitude of "the only good cat is a dead cat." I think it is Derron who claims to shoot cats in his yard. While I never shot cats in my yard, it never bothered me if someone else did it. I've changed my tune to "the only good cat is a cat who kills the voles in my yard." I've got a carport in the woods on the back side of my detached garage that houses some hickory wood and my smoker. My cats can camp out under there if they want.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Typical Republican attitude eh? You bring them in to do a job and fuck caring for them?
Not a republican attitude at all. More like a cold heartless dumbfukk attitude.
A republican with any sort of brains would realize that these cats are providing a service and would do what it took to see they didn't move on or become coyote chow. I suspect the missing kitty prolly wandered down the road and has been adopted by someone with a bit of decency. That or it's coyote shit.
A democrat would unionize the cats and give them a vole quota. He would also insist the more effective vole hunters shared their tuna equally with the lazy cats.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:07 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:A republican with any sort of brains...
I laffed.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:10 pm
by indyfrisco
BSmack wrote:What the fuck is wrong with you people? Typical Republican attitude eh? You bring them in to do a job and fuck caring for them?
I said I gave them a can of tuna. I'm not completely unthankful. I'll be damned if I let them use all the shit in my garage as a scratching post.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:14 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:
BSmack wrote:What the fuck is wrong with you people? Typical Republican attitude eh? You bring them in to do a job and fuck caring for them?
I said I gave them a can of tuna. I'm not completely unthankful. I'll be damned if I let them use all the shit in my garage as a scratching post.
Would it be too much to take the money you were going to use for that 23rd TV set and build or buy them an insulated shelter for the winter?
For the price of a 24 inch flat screen you can have something that will keep them warm and alive all winter long.
I'd rather have another TV. Then again, if this cat turns out to become a good earner (read: vole killer), then I may consider springing for something for it. It seems to be getting by. Mulatto may have caught up with the foxes that live in the woods next to our house.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:29 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:I'd rather have another TV.
Mousers of the world unite!
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:27 pm
by BSmack
Papa Willie wrote:
Carson wrote:U of Georgia has been going through bulldog mascots like wildfire.
And their's are from "premium" lineage.
One choked to death in his sleep.
Is it bad that I've been laughing about it?
The latest is - they want it to be all-white. Evidently, some of those are hard to find.
I got a few cats for free from somewhere years ago to run around the farm and do what cats do. I thought that was to act coy and eat mice. I was wrong, it was to multiply and shit and piss everywhere. When the number of cats on the farm reached double digits I got the .22 out and plucked a few. The rest got the idea and found a new home on there own.
It would have been different if a few of them would have been tame, but they were all sketchy...side of the house smelt like cat sex at 1 in the a.m..
I have an owl now, much cooler and he keeps the varmints to a minumim.
Oh congrats on your cool dog. I dont have a dog ... the last one I had(a stray) chased cars and barked all night so I had to...
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:18 pm
by indyfrisco
^^^ Gets it. ^^^ :wink:
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:22 pm
by BSmack
Trampis wrote:I got a few cats for free from somewhere years ago to run around the farm and do what cats do. I thought that was to act coy and eat mice. I was wrong, it was to multiply and shit and piss everywhere. When the number of cats on the farm reached double digits I got the .22 out and plucked a few. The rest got the idea and found a new home on there own.
It would have been different if a few of them would have been tame, but they were all sketchy...side of the house smelt like cat sex at 1 in the a.m..
I have an owl now, much cooler and he keeps the varmints to a minumim.
Oh congrats on your cool dog. I dont have a dog ... the last one I had(a stray) chased cars and barked all night so I had to...
You're a piece of shit. I suppose getting them spayed/neutered never occurred to you? With a little investigation, you can get it done for little to no money. You fucking suck Mike Vick's sweaty ass balls.
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:26 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Trampis wrote:cat sex at 1 in the a.m.
What's that sound like?
Re: Olde English Bulldogs..
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:24 pm
by Moby Dick
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Trampis wrote:cat sex at 1 in the a.m.
What's that sound like?
the same as if you were to put 5 cats in a meat grinder.