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Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:21 pm
by mvscal
Good luck finding a Gurkha who isn't a badass.
Lone Nepali Soldier Defends Potential Rape Victim Against 40 Men

A 35 year-old Gurkha soldier named Bishnu Shrestha was riding a train when he suddenly found himself in the middle of a massive robbery. 40 men armed with knives, swords and guns stormed the train and began robbing the passengers.

Bishnu kept his peace while the gang snatched cell phones, jewelry and cash from other riders. But then, the thugs grabbed the 18 year-old girl sitting next to him and forcefully stripped her naked. Before the bandits could rape the poor girl in front of her helpless parents, Bishnu decided he had enough.

“The girl cried for help, saying ´You are a soldier, please save a sister´,” Shrestha recalled. “I prevented her from being raped, thinking of her as my own sister.”

He pulls out a kukri (i.e. a knife) and proceeds to kill 3 of them, injure 8 of them, and causes the rest to flee. During the battle, he suffered a severe knife injury to his left hand, from which he's now recovered. ... st-40-men/

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:25 pm
by Screw_Michigan
What the hell is a Gurka?

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:41 pm
by mvscal
The British began recruiting units of Nepali tribesmen for service in the Gurkha Regiment in the early 19th century. Their home region is called Gorkha hence the name. They are famous for being well....totally badass and their fondness for using the kukri in close combat.

But among all the legends surrounding the Gurkhas, the ones that have the greatest ring of truth are stories of the Nepali fighters’ discipline and literal performance of orders from military superiors.

One particular diary entry talks about how an Indian army doctor once went up to a British officer and told him that a wounded Gurkha would surely die unless he displayed some “will to live.”

The officer, the story goes, stormed into the hospital room and barked the order: “Live!” The wounded Gurkha obeyed.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:04 pm
by smackaholic
you're a better man than those taliban goat fukkers, gunga din.

not even sure if gunga din was a gurkha, but, the quote works anyhoo.

rack the hell out of those badass fukkers.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:25 am
by Rooster
Here in the 'Stan, I fly Gurkhas to and from FOBs out of the airbase I live at. These guys have the universal respect of everyone , including Rangers, SpecOps boys, Blackwater security contractors, and RoKs. If I ever go down in Indian country I can only hope I have a couple of these guys on board to save my sorry ass.

I've been looking to trade for one of their gurkha knives since I've been here, but the only ones I can get my hands on are the ceremonial types. As blades go, these things are incredible close quarters combat weapons-- part battleaxe, part short sword, part bludgeoning tool. Nasty pieces of work.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:03 am
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:These guys have the universal respect of everyone ,
...or fear. In the Falklands War, Argentines shit their pants and ran away at mere rumors that Gurhkas were moving in. Can't really blame them. That was probably a pretty good call.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:51 pm
by Smackie Chan
mvscal wrote:
Rooster wrote:These guys have the universal respect of everyone ,
...or fear. In the Falklands War, Argentines shit their pants and ran away at mere rumors that Gurhkas were moving in. Can't really blame them. That was probably a pretty good call.
The running away part may have been a good call. Not so much the turning their drawers into fudge factories.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:56 pm
by BSmack
Smackie Chan wrote:The running away part may have been a good call. Not so much the turning their drawers into fudge factories.
The hell you say?



Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:57 am
by Cyrus
Badasses? Pffft.

See this? Alright?


Old man gave me that when I was in grade 7. Seen a lot of action. 9 millimeter. Safety...ALWAYS off. Told me he was proud of me once. Fuckin prick.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:11 am
by mvscal
This thread is for badasses not dicknecks who failed grade 10.

Hey Cyrus, knock knock.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:31 am
by Cyrus
Who's there?

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:51 am
by mvscal
A non-grade 10 having dick from, FUCK OFF


Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:26 am
by LTS TRN 2
Well if he's a real bad ass, let's see him teach in a public school. Let's see him turn on the lights in young kids eyes, not invade some distant nation on ludicrous and vague pretenses--and then proceed to murder thousands of innocent civilians while neutralizing perhaps dozens of actual Al Kayda operatives--at a cost of about a billion per.

This sissy ass GI Joe robot kill machine has produced nothing more than hatred for America, and more actual terrorists who will seek vengeance for his aggression.

BTW...How's our Z-boy doing these days...?

Actually, this pathological religious lunatic is on the loose...he's a fervent Zionist, isn't that cute? :wink:

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:03 am
by Goober McTuber
Jsc810 wrote:Sure, I'd throw her some Mardi Gras beads.
After which you'd wind up in traction.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:10 am
by LTS TRN 2
Wow! I'm using that as my new desktop screen saver. I'm not sure what it means, or if that babe is a real muzzie whatever, but I'm starting to understand Islam..just a bit more. :wink:

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:07 am
by Rooster
As a matter of fact, Papa Prince is rumored to be working on a few new ideas that could entice me to go work for him again. However, if and when he actually makes those plans turn into fruition, I suspect you wouldn't hear of them in the news after his previous tar and feathering by Congress. Despite whatever propaganda I know will come spewing out of your mouth, LTS, BW cum Xe wasn't the evil cowboy organization you and others would make it out to be, just as the US Army isn't full of murdering psychopaths, despite the craziness from that one squad out here in Kandahar Province. Given any organization that is comprised of hyper aggressive, over achieving Type A personalities, it is almost guaranteed that excesses will occur regardless the controls placed on them.

As for me, what I am doing now is plenty exciting enough at this present time. I will see what I can do about pictures, but they may be limited to scenery for the most part.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:16 am
by Rooster
Oh. And that "sissy ass GI Joe kill machine" you mock is a combat hardened former Navy Seal-- an accomplishment that you can only dream about. The mettle of which he and others like him are made from is straight off the charts.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:17 am
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:Despite whatever propaganda I know will come spewing out of your mouth, LTS, BW cum Xe wasn't the evil cowboy organization you and others would make it out to be,
Evil is merely a matter of perspective. I'm sure an organization staffed largely by former US special operators is enough to send Felchco scurrying under his bed with a full diaper but give him an Islamist terrorist and ole Felchie will suck the skin right off his cock.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:31 am
by Dr_Phibes
Felcho does have bode, shame the wars lost and been over for years. He's picking a guitar in San Francisco and 'over achieving' twats are running around the mountains playing cowboys and indians in an Abbott and Costello, Beau Geste routine.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:45 am
by LTS TRN 2
Bring it, Rooster. What's this new mission of the indicted Zio/Christer and his tax-payer glutted coffers? In fact, everything we know about Blackwater suggests an out of control homicidal cowboy attitude given full reign in an abdicated vacuum of deceit and mounting despair. Nothing but failure and worsening conditions wherever they were deployed. And then the entire organization was disappeared under a cloud of darkest scandal.

Who are you kidding--and what's the gibberish you're spouting? Be clear.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:41 pm
by Rooster
I'm going to parse your words, LTS.
In fact, everything we know about Blackwater suggests an out of control homicidal cowboy attitude given full reign in an abdicated vacuum of deceit and mounting despair. Nothing but failure and worsening conditions wherever they were deployed. And then the entire organization was disappeared under a cloud of darkest scandal."

In fact? The reality is there are no facts in your statement, only opinions. What you know about BW is minimal at best, wildly distorted at worst where the supposed facts that you think you know are nothing but smears to besmirch a number of individuals who range from grunts in the streets to the man in the Oval Office. Beyond conjecture, obsfucation, and outright falsehoods little is truly known about Blackwater except for those who were either in the company or running it from above.

Eric Prince or the people who worked for him are hardly "out of control homicidal cowboys." Moreover, the circumstances they operated in prescribed the practices and procedures by which they worked-- learned the hard way by trial and error via injuries and occasionally death. This is not to say that excesses did not happen, but to be clear it is not certain that those so called excesses were not justified by the RoE and the situations they were intentionally placed.

As for failure and worsening conditions-- your words --nothing could be further from the truth. Not once did BW lose a person to which they had been assigned to protect. Not once. Zero. Zip. Nada. And that is what they were paid to do on a daily basis. The rules of engagement were different for all private security contractors because the US military did not and does not have the assets to provide protection for all the leaders and dignitaries of every country involved in these third world conflicts. If the military is given the task for protecting an individual, you can be assured the rules are different for them as well. Like it or lump it. That's just the way it is. Think of it as combat diplomatic immunity where instead of getting out of parking tickets or more serious crimes, you get out of the normal rules of engagement which would apply to "typical" (if there is such a thing) combat.

Finally, yes, Blackwater is a shell of its' former self having lost favor in the eyes of the government (after being thrown under the bus-- my opinion) and after going through several name changes, one of which applies to my particular company, now owned by a enormous corporation. BW is largely a trademarked name now with just a few contracts to provide (very good) training in weapons, policework, customs, tactical situational exercises, and leadership. You can even buy BW gear complete with the bear paw and reticle image. Good stuff too, even if it's a bit pricey.

As for what Price is doing today or what he might be doing tomorrow, I'd have to turn the old saying "If you have to ask it's too expensive for you" on it's ear and say, "If you have to ask, you have no business knowing." :hfal:

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:38 pm
by Atomic Punk
Rooster wrote:I'm going to parse your words, LTS.

The reality is there are no facts in your statement, only opinions.

As for failure and worsening conditions-- your words --nothing could be further from the truth. Not once did BW lose a person to which they had been assigned to protect. Not once. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Hence the question, why does anybody respond to the ultimate tard... Felcho? Why? There have been trolls and shit trolls on the boards for years. Felcho is actually a legit poster that sucks worse than the basic Imus shit troll types.

Unless Felcho is a professor at Cal and is looking for material to research in order make up lectures to counter arguments from students before he/she flails in front of a classroom, then there is no point acknowledging Felcho's presence here. As I scroll by his/her tripe, I always see the word Zionist as the text disappears in my screen.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What kind of dreamy bullshit are you dealing, here, Rooster? Are you indulging in some commando wet dream scenario?

Blackwater was a total disgrace, period. From slaughtering dozens of civilians in a desperate panic--and that's just the particular slaughter caught in the open--to squirreling away untold billions in sweetheart deals with Cheney's "darkside" ops, Prince and his Christo/fascist storm troopers were nothing but thugs aiding war criminals. And that's in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever else they've been crawling around. The entire privatized military is a nightmare of unaccountability and crime. Former Blackwater employees who wanted to testify against the organization (illegal arms dealing, etc) were promptly murdered.

Prince fled under various murder charges and gross malfeasance.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:08 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Some good background on the fleeing psycho.

Here's perhaps the most salient item of the article..

"But when I returned to Baghdad in 2006, at least one contractor complained that Blackwater had become a “flat-out sloppy fucking operation,” and the men I knew apologized to me for the “roid-rager” who told me to “get the fuck out of here” when he heard I was media."

And so now he's off to some extradition-free hideout--the same one where Haliburton relocated (for basically the same reasons). He feels he's the victim, of course, as is standard with these lunatics. Business as usual--but he went out in disgrace, that's the bottom line.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:29 am
by Screw_Michigan

Poor Holland, Mich-native Erik Prince. My heart fucking bleeds.

Re: there are badasses, and then there is

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:12 am
by Cyrus
mvscal wrote:A non-grade 10 having dick from, FUCK OFF

"What's that say, I'm a FUCK-ED?"

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:36 pm
by Rooster
Me, getting ready to fly the day's mission with some caffeine.

This the MI-26, the second largest helicopter in the world. It almost knocked us over as it hovered by, stupid Russians.

Heroin heaven. Looking at this picture, think of it multiplied by hundreds and thousands of places just like this, all growing poppies.

The nickname for this area is "Mars."

A forward operating base guarded by ANA. <gulp!> Not the most reliable of troops.

This is a mountain pass at 12,000 ft which we go through to get to one of the more northern FOBs. This place has cool landscapes all over.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:51 pm
by Rooster
This is what much of southeastern Afghanistan looks like. Narrow river valleys surrounded by rogh mountains completely free of vegetation. You'll go for miles between villages with no roads between them other than goat paths.

The dust you see in this picture is normal. Everyone calls it "moondust" because it is a fine talcum powder-like grit which tears up anything that's metal and moves.

Hidey-holes for the Tallies. Through any mountain pass there are likely a good number of people watching you and making note of how high you are, what direction you are traveling, and what route you just took to get there. Dushka machinegun fire (50 caliber-ish) isn't uncommon.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:23 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, Rooster, get those "tallies" cuz they're damn well coming here fast if we don't stay bogged down (not) fighting them...

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghanistan's president on Wednesday condemned the actions of a group of U.S. soldiers charged with murdering three unarmed Afghans, charging they killed for entertainment after taking drugs.

It was Hamid Karzai's first public mention of the actions of five soldiers from the 5th Stryker Brigade who have been charged with murder and conspiracy in the deaths of the three men in southern Afghanistan.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:24 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Jsc810 wrote:There are basasses, and then there is Rooster.

Rack the photos. Be safe and get your ass home. can put your yellow ribbon away...he's just another gun-for-hire.

He can come home anytime he feels he doesn't want to pull a paycheque any more.


Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:25 pm
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:Image
Hidey-holes for the Tallies. Through any mountain pass there are likely a good number of people watching you and making note of how high you are, what direction you are traveling, and what route you just took to get there. Dushka machinegun fire (50 caliber-ish) isn't uncommon.
Good thing they're either stupid or out of MANPADS. Passes like the ones you posted should be death traps for any rotary wing aircraft.

Stay safe.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:45 pm
by BSmack
You ought to get the ANA guys this. It would fit right in with their decor.


Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:23 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Whoa, rack Rooster. That PET deserved its own thread.

mvscal wrote:MANPADS


Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:31 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:You ought to get the ANA guys this. It would fit right in with their decor.

Nice, except I don't see any Budweiser.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:
BSmack wrote:You ought to get the ANA guys this. It would fit right in with their decor.

Nice, except I don't see any Budweiser.
Which puts them a step higher on the evolutionary ladder than you. They probably have a few cases of Bell's Two-Hearted Ale inside that shed.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:54 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Bell's Two-Hearted
Rack. I've been stocking up on that stuff lately. That is...when I'm not buying Hopslam for 10 bucks a 6 pack.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:38 am
by Goober McTuber
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Bell's Two-Hearted
Rack. I've been stocking up on that stuff lately. That is...when I'm not buying Hopslam for 10 bucks a 6 pack.
$10 a sixer? It's $15 here. Bell's are fucking bandits in that regard. There was a justification a couple of years ago with a major hops shortage and skyrocketing prices. A local microbrewer had their double IPA on the shelves for the same price, but when hops prices came down the following year, their double IPA was $11 per.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:46 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Goober McTuber wrote:$10 a sixer? It's $15 here.
Yeah, there's a catch. There's a beer store near me with some dumb skank working the counter who doesn't know what Hopslam is priced at, so she sells it to me for $9.99...the standard price for many Bell's 6 packs. I'm not sure how the owner doesn't catch this, but I'm not complaining.

$15 is actually a good price. I've seen it considerably higher than that.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:18 am
by BSmack
Well, since we're talking beer, here's what is being served in mi casa this spring.


It is, for my money, the best balanced pale ale I've yet had. When I can't get Pollenator, I've been defaulting to some Sam Adams Noble Pils.

Re: (!)there are badasses, and then there is (!)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:53 am
by Screw_Michigan
Goober McTuber wrote: Which puts them a step higher on the evolutionary ladder than you. They probably have a few cases of Bell's Two-Hearted Ale inside that shed.

Nice take.