I hate Justin Bieber
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:57 am
... by my 9 year old daughter. I found this going through her book bag looking for homework assignments and thought it would be funny to share. with mis-spellings and all.
I Hate Justin Beiber
Hi I am Sammy and I hate Justin Beiber. But I have a problem all of my friens love love loooooove Justin Beiber. So I pretended to like Just Beiber. But it is hard I can not let them see my room because I have poster of Justin Beiber and I draw a mustsash on his face. So I just take the poster down. But my friend waned me to come with her to a Justin Beiber consert. But I SAID YES, so I have to go. So I went editor note: no she didn't but it was bad I said Booooooooo and my friend said what are you doing. I said I am saying yey in Spanesh. So she just said OK can you teach me? But I said I have to go to the bathroom. But I climbed out of the bathroom window. But I did not go home I went to my friends house, But when I was there nobuddy was home so that was good for me. But when I was there I just whach TV. But as soon as my friend fonud out that I was gone she came to her house and she saw me! So she said why am I hear. I said I do not like Justin Beiber so she said to go back to my house and she will come to my house. I said why arnte you mad at me she said because your toled me the thurth. So we went back to my house and had fun.
I Hate Justin Beiber
Hi I am Sammy and I hate Justin Beiber. But I have a problem all of my friens love love loooooove Justin Beiber. So I pretended to like Just Beiber. But it is hard I can not let them see my room because I have poster of Justin Beiber and I draw a mustsash on his face. So I just take the poster down. But my friend waned me to come with her to a Justin Beiber consert. But I SAID YES, so I have to go. So I went editor note: no she didn't but it was bad I said Booooooooo and my friend said what are you doing. I said I am saying yey in Spanesh. So she just said OK can you teach me? But I said I have to go to the bathroom. But I climbed out of the bathroom window. But I did not go home I went to my friends house, But when I was there nobuddy was home so that was good for me. But when I was there I just whach TV. But as soon as my friend fonud out that I was gone she came to her house and she saw me! So she said why am I hear. I said I do not like Justin Beiber so she said to go back to my house and she will come to my house. I said why arnte you mad at me she said because your toled me the thurth. So we went back to my house and had fun.