Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:11 am
Had it in my queue for months but finally watched it last night after reading the news of Tim Hetherington's death in Libya. It follows the deployment of a platoon of guys from the 173rd Airborne into the Korengal Valley in 2007-2008.
It's totally unvarnished and, by showing nothing but raw footage and post op comments from the troops, it really illustrates the jugfuck in Afghanistan: an enemy you never see, "allies" who do nothing but complain, people who really don't want our help and the occasional American getting killed for patch of dirt that gets abandoned a few months later.
It's Vietnam all over again.
It's totally unvarnished and, by showing nothing but raw footage and post op comments from the troops, it really illustrates the jugfuck in Afghanistan: an enemy you never see, "allies" who do nothing but complain, people who really don't want our help and the occasional American getting killed for patch of dirt that gets abandoned a few months later.
It's Vietnam all over again.