Some morning grub to coat my stomach before I start pounding $7 Old Styles.

Walking up Clark St to the ballpark.

Lucky's, a famous sandwich joint. Tried going once but it was packed as hell. It's one of those joints where they jam a fistful of fries in your sandwhich.

Outside the stadium. Beautiful day for baseball.

Here's some interaction I had with an honest homeless dude. He just wanted a cold beer.
Our seats were pretty shitty. But that's what you get when you shell out 15 bucks a piece on Stubhub.

Views of Lake Michigan confirms I'm a cheap son of a bitch.

The organ player, just to my right.

Even though the stadium was full we noticed quite a few rows with empty seats here and there. After the 3rd inning we decided to bail and try for something a little better. Plus the dude sitting next to me was annoying as fuck. We wound up along 1st base side, down several rows. Much better.

A member of the Spray family representin'. His backfat was rolling over the back of his seat and partially blocking the area above my cup holder. It took a deft hand to slide my beer into the cup without grazing his gelatinous protrusion. Sorta like playing Operation.

A shitty shot but these are the dudes from Arcade Fire singing Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Trying to get my lady friend to say hello to T1B. Wasn't happening.
Cubs won the game 10-8 with some clutch hitting in the 8th and taking the lead then closing it out. But, as always, fuck the Cubs.

A sea of CubDouche leaving the game.