Re: Birthers - Aborted
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:10 pm
I wouldn't think so. If anything, it shows that Obongo is scared of him. Why release the BC now?88 wrote:Do you think this will spell the end to The Donald's run?
I wouldn't think so. If anything, it shows that Obongo is scared of him. Why release the BC now?88 wrote:Do you think this will spell the end to The Donald's run?
Yep, Tony Kornheiser on his DC radio show just said the exact same thing.mvscal wrote:If anything, it shows that Obongo is scared of him. Why release the BC now?
mvscal wrote:I wouldn't think so. If anything, it shows that Obongo is scared of him. Why release the BC now?88 wrote:Do you think this will spell the end to The Donald's run?
CNN wrote:"The president believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said. "It may have been good politics and good (television), but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country.
"At a time of great consequence for this country -- when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, D.C., was once again distracted by a fake issue," Pfeiffer said. "The president's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."
Pfeiffer told reporters that the birther debate has been politically damaging to the Republican Party.
Come on. It's Cooter. What did you expect?Jsc810 wrote:Oh yes that's right! The one he released before was FAKE and this one is FAKE.
Goober McTuber wrote:So you see, Obama decided to release the birth certificate now for the good of the Republican Party.
Apparently you did:Sirfindafold wrote:who gives a fuck?
Sirfindafold wrote:I thought you had to have a legal birth certificate to be married. Oh well, it looks like they're happy. They have two beautiful little girls. I wonder if they use the tele-prompter to read them bedtime stories.Q, West Coast Style wrote:Amen, brother!War Wagon wrote:I have one wife, btw... till death do us part.
Nice "Tough Guy" stance...mvscal wrote:Yeah? And what's that? Go ahead and fill us in after you spit Ojiggaboo's dick out of your mouth.
Naa......... that's later today and tommorow at Buckingham Palace.Hasn't this Gay Ball "Poltical Podium Realness" category entry figured out by now that any attempt to unmask itself only further places it as the clear cut winner of the " Madame Pompadour Masquerade Grand Prize", of which believabilty is NOT one of teh judging factors?
Y2K wrote:Nice "Tough Guy" stance...mvscal wrote:Yeah? And what's that? Go ahead and fill us in after you spit Ojiggaboo's dick out of your mouth.
They both suck ass...
Birds of a feather looking to fuck us over. I don't fucking care where either of these two asswipes were born (God Bless the USA) they could give two fucks about "US."
Simple shit.
Try answering the question, dipshit.I hope this asshole enjoys what's coming.
Another Chapter 11?mvscal wrote:Yeah? And what's that? Go ahead and fill us in after you spit Ojiggaboo's dick out of your mouth.
True, but at least he'll play hardball with China. Oh, wait...Y2K wrote:Trump is an arrogant POS.
Finally, a political take on which you and I agree.88 wrote:You'd have to be batshit crazy to run for president these days.
Don't you have to wait a certain period of time before going back to the well on something like that?Mikey wrote:Another Chapter 11?mvscal wrote:Yeah? And what's that? Go ahead and fill us in after you spit Ojiggaboo's dick out of your mouth.