The news...

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The news...

Post by Y2K »

So I'm up late 2 AM PST working and what do I see? Brutal storms ripping through the central and eastern USA much like Katrina did in NO. A lot of people dead and missing ( my neice and her husband lost thier home in Tuscaloosa AL tonight but they and the kids are OK), wars in the mideast (as usual)... but hundreds dead today. Dead heros in Afghanistan....

All the news channels are completely fixated on "The Royal Wedding"

Not that any of us non silver spoon fed folk are curious as to how our family back east is doing or whether they are actually alive. As long as some Euro Cunt's Tiarra sparkles and some wannabe somebody can cow-tow to some old English goat that's the real news of the day.

Damn we are fucked.

I hope everyone is OK out east...what a nasty night.
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Re: The news...

Post by Mikey »

The End of Times is coming.
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Re: The news...

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Pretty much. Gotta share this blog post from my hero Father Tom Leykis:
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that Britain’s Prince William & someone most of us have never heard of (and have no reason for knowing about) named Catherine Middleton are getting married in an uproariously expensive taxpayer-funded service being broadcast in the United States in the middle of the fucking night by just about every broadcast and cable network there is.

In view of the fact that the United States was born of a late 18th Century revolution culminating in the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 which rejected the oligarchies of Europe and specifically the monarchy of Great Britain, one wonders which red-blooded Americans would watch a so-called “Royal Wedding.”

The answer is simple: average empty-headed American vaginas will be watching by the bucketload. Not that most of them have ever picked up a history book anyway.

That’s right: the founders of our country gave their lives kicking out the British monarchy so that today’s stupid twats could get up in the middle of the night and watch a “Royal Wedding.”

The hours of breathless coverage by TV shows such as Good Morning America and Today is positively mind-numbing. Pinch me: did I see that dusty old cooch Jane Seymour flying over the English countryside in a balloon giving a guided tour on Entertainment Tonight? Kill me now.

It’s very hard to take women seriously knowing that they give a shit about stuff like this. We live in a country where unemployment still hovers around 9%, we’re fighting three wars at the same time, and we went broke a long time ago. There’s an awful lot of stuff on our plates that needs our immediate attention, but the dirty little secret of network and cable news is that the little ladies don’t give two shits about any of that. The way to get the ladies to tune in to “the news” (and yes, I put that in quotes on purpose) is to give them what they really want: the fantasy that one day they will come out of the Cinnabon or the Starbucks or TJ Maxx and be confronted by Prince Charming who will whisk them off to Buckingham Palace and give them a fairy tale “Royal Wedding”. The ladies love knowing that Middleton is a so-called “commoner” whose parents were mere flight attendants, thereby reinforcing the notion that they too can meet royalty, then becoming a permanently-entitled golddigger revered by similar empty-headed cunts around the world.

Gotta love those fairy tale endings! Like that last one. So romantic! Remember girls? After the “Royal Wedding”, Prince Charles and Princess Diana lived happily ever after. Until Charles asked his mistress, Camilla Parker Bowles, if he could be “the tampon in her trousers.” Then, Diana divorced Charles and dated someone from the no-fly list whose chauffeur drove a little too fast. Uh-oh! Splat! Happily ever after, right gals?

How in the world can you expect men to take you seriously when this is so important to so many of you girls?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: The news...

Post by jiminphilly »

Mikey wrote:The End of Times is coming.
Shit, another end-of-world Hollywood movie this summer?
Maybe I'll see Atlas Shrugged after all.
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