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Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:23 pm
by trev
My sister is on a this organic kick and now I'm being constantly spammed with genetic modified food articles and how I'm going to get cancer and stuff from eating tomatoes made from a frog gene. As if I didn't have enough worries in the world and it's state of war, chaos and economic stress. What has happened to our food supply? Why have we let it get all genetically modified?

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
trev wrote:My sister is on a this organic kick and now I'm being constantly spammed with genetic modified food articles and how I'm going to get cancer and stuff from eating tomatoes made from a frog gene. As if I didn't have enough worries in the world and it's state of war, chaos and economic stress. What has happened to our food supply? Why have we let it get all genetically modified?
Not to worry. All that vodka will kill any cancer cells that pop up.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:29 pm
by Trampis
It increases yields and gives Monsanto something to do.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:09 pm
by Derron
trev wrote:What has happened to our food supply? Why have we let it get all genetically modified?
The American public demands cheap food when they walk into the grocery store. Cheap food requires an economy of scale in production, one that can only be achieved with the use of gmo's, pesticides and large scale production. GMO's have been genetically modified to produce outstanding yields, with low input factors.

You simply cannot get the yields on open pollinated and heirloom types of seed, that today's large scale farm production requires. In Oregon, only 6% of the populations food comes from within 100 miles of your location. That is seriously fucked up.

By buying organically grown produce and other food stuffs, you will not be eating a food that is realized from some seed source cooked up by a mad agricultural scientist under a grant from Monsanto or other corporate sponsor, who's sole motivation is to put out a product that will produce more, with lower synthetic inputs, but still requires those synthetic inputs to even produce an acceptable yield. Because, if the seed requires it to grow, and they sell it kind of works out for them.

Do you know what they feed those caged chickens for both meat and egg production ? You would never eat a chicken or egg again if you did.

I have converted my farm over from nursery stock container production to field grown organic produce. I have some of the best soils in the world in my location, that product tremendous yields even with out a lot of synthetic input. We have modified these already great soils with the addition of organic compost, and expect yields to be in the 7 ton or more per acre range this year. We fertilize with an organic fertilizer that has a 8-6-4 analysis, that produces good growth activity, we drip irrigate, and use a crop cover in between the rows to control weeds and provide soil warmth.

My other crop rotation is medicinal herbs. These will be grown, dried and packaged and be sold direct to consumers online and in the organic / natural community.

I quit eating GMO orginated foods, non organic produce about a year and 3 months ago when the Reaper was knocking on my door. You can produce suitable quantity's of food on small food plots. Preservation of that food is another item, I freeze a lot, but if shit gets really fucked up and we lose the electrical grid because of natural disaster or insurrection, that becomes a problem. I will be canning more, and I am going to build a root cellar this summer.

The GMO wheat is what is making so many people gluten free freaks. I gave up all bread and wheat products, even after trying organic produced products. My system just cannot take even those now, probably because of the previous amounts of wheat products I ate.

In addition, I have identified a market niche, that will allow me to develop another small business, showing people, and building for them small urban back yard food plots involving produce, chickens and other natural food sources that will allow some people to originate their own partial food supplies in season, and bringing a level of reassurance to them that what they are eating was produced with open pollinated / heirloom source seed, with out the synthetic fertilizer inputs, and with out spraying the fucking chemicals on them, that the government has told you are "safe to put on your food that you put into your body.

Oh and jsc...go fuck yourself with your smack on my natural methods you medical fragile freak.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:14 pm
by trev
Goober McTuber wrote:
trev wrote:My sister is on a this organic kick and now I'm being constantly spammed with genetic modified food articles and how I'm going to get cancer and stuff from eating tomatoes made from a frog gene. As if I didn't have enough worries in the world and it's state of war, chaos and economic stress. What has happened to our food supply? Why have we let it get all genetically modified?
Not to worry. All that vodka will kill any cancer cells that pop up.
That's good to know.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:14 pm
by trev
Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:22 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Whoever is running the Derron troll today is waaaaaaaay out of character.


Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:27 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I'm tired of all this bullshit. There are too many health risks associated with breathing oxygen. Clearly it's much safer to be dead, as you can't get cancer that way.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:32 pm
by trev
Can't we just enjoy life until we get cancer and die?

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:47 pm
by Derron
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
Exactly. The human body is genetically programed to process food a certain way. If the food you input in to your body that has been genetically modified, it would stand to reason that your body is not going to be able to process the food in a way the gets you the most nutritional value from it, since the body does not recognize that portion of the food which has been genetically modified, and will reject that modified nutrient load, and some of its associated carrier materials.

When I got out of the hospital in Oct of 09 from ulcerative colitis treatment, the diet bitch told me, as did the docs, to eat anything I wanted and what ever I had been eating. And I should get better soon. In January of 10, I was down to 155 pounds and they could not figure out what the problem was and wanted to increase the type and level of drugs treatment. I said, fuck that... and went to a natural path who quickly explained to me why the packaged waffles ( GMO wheat source with additives) and syrup (refined sugars) I had choked down that morning was going to continue to come out my ass, with little or no food value being retained by my body, hence the continued weight loss and failure to thrive.

Got on her diet plan, and took me over 9 months to get back to a reasonable level of health which I continue to have, albeit with a very compromised digestive system, that will need careful attention the rest of my life.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:26 pm
by indyfrisco
Derron wrote:ulcerative colitis

My dog got some kind of colitis. He had bloody diarrhea all night and died in the morning. The vet said it was caused by boarding him when we went on vacation for a week. If that's the kind of shit that was coming out of your ass for an extended period Derron, I feel for ya man.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:32 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron is so freaking Oregon, it's silly. The quintessential Oregonian -- gun-toting, hardcore conservative who doesn't hesitate to busy a cap in random fauna, and is into organic farming and microbrews.

A real Oregonian, unlike all these Flyover transplant DB.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:06 pm
by mvscal
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
No, it isn't true.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:15 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:A real Oregonian
If that nitwitted dumbfuck is a "real" Oregonian, then you should be thanking those Flyovers for raising your state's collective IQ.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:26 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
No, it isn't true.

I'm sure LTS wil be along soon to explain how HFCS causes all sorts of maladies... even though it doesn't... but he never lets a good lefty conspiracy theory go by without demonstrating a remarkable lack-of-knowledge on whatever his hand-wringing du jour is about.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:36 pm
by Trampis
Derron wrote:
trev wrote:What has happened to our food supply? Why have we let it get all genetically modified?
The American public demands cheap food when they walk into the grocery store. Cheap food requires an economy of scale in production, one that can only be achieved with the use of gmo's, pesticides and large scale production. GMO's have been genetically modified to produce outstanding yields, with low input factors.

You simply cannot get the yields on open pollinated and heirloom types of seed, that today's large scale farm production requires. In Oregon, only 6% of the populations food comes from within 100 miles of your location. That is seriously fucked up.

By buying organically grown produce and other food stuffs, you will not be eating a food that is realized from some seed source cooked up by a mad agricultural scientist under a grant from Monsanto or other corporate sponsor, who's sole motivation is to put out a product that will produce more, with lower synthetic inputs, but still requires those synthetic inputs to even produce an acceptable yield. Because, if the seed requires it to grow, and they sell it kind of works out for them.

Do you know what they feed those caged chickens for both meat and egg production ? You would never eat a chicken or egg again if you did.

I have converted my farm over from nursery stock container production to field grown organic produce. I have some of the best soils in the world in my location, that product tremendous yields even with out a lot of synthetic input. We have modified these already great soils with the addition of organic compost, and expect yields to be in the 7 ton or more per acre range this year. We fertilize with an organic fertilizer that has a 8-6-4 analysis, that produces good growth activity, we drip irrigate, and use a crop cover in between the rows to control weeds and provide soil warmth.

My other crop rotation is medicinal herbs. These will be grown, dried and packaged and be sold direct to consumers online and in the organic / natural community.

I quit eating GMO orginated foods, non organic produce about a year and 3 months ago when the Reaper was knocking on my door. You can produce suitable quantity's of food on small food plots. Preservation of that food is another item, I freeze a lot, but if shit gets really fucked up and we lose the electrical grid because of natural disaster or insurrection, that becomes a problem. I will be canning more, and I am going to build a root cellar this summer.

The GMO wheat is what is making so many people gluten free freaks. I gave up all bread and wheat products, even after trying organic produced products. My system just cannot take even those now, probably because of the previous amounts of wheat products I ate.

In addition, I have identified a market niche, that will allow me to develop another small business, showing people, and building for them small urban back yard food plots involving produce, chickens and other natural food sources that will allow some people to originate their own partial food supplies in season, and bringing a level of reassurance to them that what they are eating was produced with open pollinated / heirloom source seed, with out the synthetic fertilizer inputs, and with out spraying the fucking chemicals on them, that the government has told you are "safe to put on your food that you put into your body.

Oh and jsc...go fuck yourself with your smack on my natural methods you medical fragile freak.
Good for you Derron. I wish you the best of luck. Should be a very rewarding way of life.

There is an organic CSA north of me that must be doing well, ...hes still around and gets plenty of good press from the local media.

I said it in the tomato thread and Ill say it again, everybody should have a garden so they know how food is grown. Quit watching shit like American Idol in the evenings and drag the family outside and grow a few vegetables.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:51 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:Derron is so freaking Oregon, it's silly. The quintessential Oregonian -- gun-toting, hardcore conservative who doesn't hesitate to busy a cap in random fauna, and is into organic farming and microbrews.
Pretty much. Walking up from the field yesterday, a gopher pokes his head out of the hole. I pull my pocket pistol and waste the fucker before he fucks up a row of produce. And I did have a Fat Tire not long after that.

For all you golf honks, Scott's developed a strain of bent grass that is Round Up or glyphosate resistant. They were growing it on a farm near Parma Idaho, supposedly 12 miles from the other nearest bent grass field. The bent grass then shows up in a irrigation ditch over 22 miles in Oregon. Glyphosate resistant means the grass cannot be controlled with conventional legal labeled herbicides.

Some university honks called them out on it, and they are all now trying to figure out how to contain and control the bent grass. Same thing with some GMO carrot seed grown in the Madras area.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:09 pm
by trev
mvscal wrote:
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
No, it isn't true.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:28 pm
by mvscal
trev wrote:
mvscal wrote:
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
No, it isn't true.
It's pretty self-explanatory. What part of 'false' are you struggling with?

The main dietary problem Americans have is that they consume too many carbs, too much sugar and they don't exercise nearly enough.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:31 pm
by Truman
trev wrote:
mvscal wrote:
trev wrote:Derron, so her latest statement is true? "Human bodies do not know how to process the modified food?"
No, it isn't true.
Well, Trev, unless Monsanto or any of their evil brethren manage to successfully engineer this...

Vitamin C

...out of, say, a "modified" orange, your body has a pretty good idea how to process it. Vitamin C is the same, regardless if its organically grown from heirloom seed in Florida, or mass-produced into caplets in China...

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:47 pm
by Dinsdale
The high-fructose corn syrup thing always cracks me up -- it's freaking sugar.

You know what has a much, much higher percentage of fructose than HFCS?


Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:15 am
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote:The high-fructose corn syrup thing always cracks me up -- it's freaking sugar.

You know what has a much, much higher percentage of fructose than HFCS?


Not really.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:36 am
by Derron
IndyFrisco wrote:
Derron wrote:ulcerative colitis

My dog got some kind of colitis. He had bloody diarrhea all night and died in the morning. The vet said it was caused by boarding him when we went on vacation for a week. If that's the kind of shit that was coming out of your ass for an extended period Derron, I feel for ya man.
Thanks for the nice visual reminder there Indy. 3rd picture top row resembled mine real close. Started around August 20, 2009 and lost 66 pounds, 10 days in hospital, and thousands of dollars in drugs. Gave up medical treatment on January 25, 2010, went natural all the way, pretty much healed up now, watch what I eat, and weight a nice 206. The pain was unreal, and morphine drip in the hospital helped some, but fucks with your brain.

Never going back to that again.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:44 am
by Mikey

There's a big difference between:

Sprayed three times a week with poison

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:14 am
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:The high-fructose corn syrup thing always cracks me up -- it's freaking sugar.

You know what has a much, much higher percentage of fructose than HFCS?


Not really.

Yes, really... depending on the fruit (but you knew that).

Apples are extremely high in fructose, as are a couple of others. Many fruits have nearly even ratios of fructose to glucose... and a good chunk of fruits and veggies have about the same ratio of fructose to glucose as... high fructose corn syrup.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:01 am
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:The high-fructose corn syrup thing always cracks me up -- it's freaking sugar.

You know what has a much, much higher percentage of fructose than HFCS?


Not really.

Yes, really... depending on the fruit (but you knew that).

Apples are extremely high in fructose, as are a couple of others. Many fruits have nearly even ratios of fructose to glucose... and a good chunk of fruits and veggies have about the same ratio of fructose to glucose as... high fructose corn syrup.

And many fruits have significantly higher levels of sucrose and/or glucose than they do fructose.

HFCS generally consists of around 40% to 55% fructose.

Your high fructose apple contains the following sugars:
(according to this website... ... ces/1809/2)

Sucrose 2588 mg
Glucose 3038 mg
Fructose 7375 mg

That's about 57% fructose...of the total sugar content (not exactly much higher than HFCS, BTW).

But that's only part of the point.

You said that fruits have a much higher % of fructose than HFCS. Taken at face value, that is way off base.

Staying with your example, a 125 g serving of raw apple (skin on) contains about 7.375 mg of fructose, or about 6%.
That's a lot less than 50% (but you knew that).

OK, you probably meant that the sugars in fruit are (or may be) high in fructose. But that's not what you said.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:42 am
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:OK, you probably meant that the sugars in fruit are (or may be) high in fructose. But that's not what you said.

That's what I meant.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:14 am
by trev
mvscal wrote:
It's pretty self-explanatory. What part of 'false' are you struggling with?

The main dietary problem Americans have is that they consume too many carbs, too much sugar and they don't exercise nearly enough.
Logic tells me the body isn't going to know the difference between a gm tomato and an organic tomato and process it pretty much the same. My sister and Derron say the body knows the difference. I'm just looking for some answers here. And does this thing really have a frog gene? Seriously? I did a search and really didn't come up with much.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:14 am
by mvscal
trev wrote:I'm just looking for some answers here. And does this thing really have a frog gene? Seriously?
For the sake of argument, let's just say that they do have frog genes. So what? We can eat frogs, too.

Genes really don't matter once they hit that pool of hydrochloric acid in your stomach.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:41 am
by LTS TRN 2
So...are you tired puppets paid shills? To sit around and flood various chat rooms and whatever websites with robotic auto bullshit? Fuck you.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:21 am
by MadRussian
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...are you tired puppets paid shills? To sit around and flood various chat rooms and whatever websites with robotic auto bullshit? Fuck you.

I wish your keyboard was in a flood, spineless whimpering half a sissy.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:45 pm
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:OK, you probably meant that the sugars in fruit are (or may be) high in fructose. But that's not what you said.

That's what I meant.
The thing that's really misleading is when food processors put sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, evaporated can juice, etc., etc. as separate ingredients on their labels. By law they are supposed to list the ingredients in order of percentage by weight. But when they can list all of these sugars as separate items it makes it *seem* like there's a lot less sugar than there really is.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:52 pm
by smackaholic
I take it you meant cane juice?

A few months ago the OL and I were in vermont for a weekend. We stopped in a Vermont country store, they have at least 2 in every town. All sorts of over priced spreads and butters etc.... Anyway, I bought an overpriced jar of sunflower seed butter. Holy shit, that stuff was good!!!!! Similar to PB but better. It had listed on the incredients "evaporated cane juice". Is there anyone out there stupid enough to not know what "evaporated cane juice" is?

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:47 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:I take it you meant cane juice?
Haven't you ever gotten a can of apple juice and evaporated it?

:doh: :lol:

The newest thing that's been appearing around here is agave nectar. Produced, like tequila, from the blue agave plant it's still just another high fructose syrup sweetener.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:01 am
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:it's still just another high fructose syrup sweetener.

Not to be confused with honey, aka "high fructose bee syrup."

I'm sure LTS will try to explain that honey is completly different from HFCS...

since he has no fuckingclue what he's talking about, but if it's an extreme left-wing conspiracy, he'll buy the hook, line, and sinker, even if it flies in the face of proven science.

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:06 am
by Carson
Don't you know that honey in the grocery store comes from roided up bees?

wakey, wakey...

Re: Anyone eat GMF free?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:51 am
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:I take it you meant cane juice?

A few months ago the OL and I were in vermont for a weekend. We stopped in a Vermont country store, they have at least 2 in every town. All sorts of over priced spreads and butters etc.... Anyway, I bought an overpriced jar of sunflower seed butter. Holy shit, that stuff was good!!!!! Similar to PB but better. It had listed on the incredients "evaporated cane juice". Is there anyone out there stupid enough to not know what "evaporated cane juice" is?
Heading up to Vermont in a couple of weeks. Might have to track down the Long Trail brewery this time. Then again, I might just fuck off and play golf all weekend. Hard choices. :wink: