The Kübler-Ross Model as applied to KC Scott
Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:52 pm
The Five Stages
1. Denial
I am not gay!
2. Anger
If you call me gay, I'm taking you up to Payback Mountain. Your days are numbered.
3. Bargaining
Okay, say you know this gay guy...It's still better than being AP or Diego, correct?
4. Depression
I'm not funny AND I'm gay. My life is over.
5. Acceptance
I can't believe everyone thinks I'm gay. I need a good steam bath to clear my head. Rod's Rub 'N Tug...hmmm...seems reputable...
1. Denial
I am not gay!
2. Anger
If you call me gay, I'm taking you up to Payback Mountain. Your days are numbered.
3. Bargaining
Okay, say you know this gay guy...It's still better than being AP or Diego, correct?
4. Depression
I'm not funny AND I'm gay. My life is over.
5. Acceptance
I can't believe everyone thinks I'm gay. I need a good steam bath to clear my head. Rod's Rub 'N Tug...hmmm...seems reputable...