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Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:28 pm
by Screw_Michigan
A tradition of a bunch of half naked dudes climbing a greased phallic object? Even KC Scott might not approve of this. I say GHEY AS FUKK.

Image ... story.html
Tradition of properly greased obelisk makes a comeback at Naval Academy

All school year, there were rumors that the new U.S. Naval Academy superintendent would restore one of the most challenging aspects to a potentially dangerous rite of passage for first-year students: Climbing a 21-foot granite obelisk that’s covered with grease.

Officials have long worried that the generations-old ritual had become unsafe, and last year they outlawed the most dangerous ingredient — baking grease, the type usually used in home-style desserts.

Without that slippery impediment, last year’s challenge lasted mere minutes instead of several hours. It disappointed plebes, who wanted a memorable way to end their first year. It bored the hundreds of spectators who traveled miles to watch. And it angered alumni who love their traditions.

“It’s a great tradition,” said John H. Dalton, a 1964 graduate who was the Secretary of the Navy for five years during the Clinton Administration. “Plebe year is rough, so this is about having a major, final feat for the class.”

So, grease was allowed to return to the Herndon Monument climb Monday afternoon — along with medical professionals, water stations and safety zones for students who didn’t want to participate.

Vice Adm. Michael H. Miller, the academy’s top leader, said in a statement that keeping the tradition consistent — and greasing up Herndon — instills camaraderie among classmates and links them to alumni who endured the same feat.

Plus, he added, “the plebes are extremely athletic and in good health.”

Re: Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:46 am
by mvscal

Re: Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:50 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:They will be serving our country.

If they want to climb a greased obelisk, then by damn let them.
It's perfectly safe. The Navy has vast experience hopping on and off greased poles.

Re: Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:58 pm
by Trampis
its only ghey if they wear fanny packs while they do it.

What kind of boredom do you have to be suffering to come up with the idea to climb a greased poll with your fellow halfnaked samesex classmates? They should try heavy drinking or war makeing to cure their boredom

Re: Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:14 pm
by Felix
hmmmm, that pic reminds of something


yeah that's it...totally fucking ghey

Re: Ghey as fukk or not?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:03 pm
by King Crimson
gheyer than ordering delivery chocolate chip cookies to watch Glee.