Ghey as fukk or not?
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:28 pm
A tradition of a bunch of half naked dudes climbing a greased phallic object? Even KC Scott might not approve of this. I say GHEY AS FUKK. ... story.html ... story.html
Tradition of properly greased obelisk makes a comeback at Naval Academy
All school year, there were rumors that the new U.S. Naval Academy superintendent would restore one of the most challenging aspects to a potentially dangerous rite of passage for first-year students: Climbing a 21-foot granite obelisk that’s covered with grease.
Officials have long worried that the generations-old ritual had become unsafe, and last year they outlawed the most dangerous ingredient — baking grease, the type usually used in home-style desserts.
Without that slippery impediment, last year’s challenge lasted mere minutes instead of several hours. It disappointed plebes, who wanted a memorable way to end their first year. It bored the hundreds of spectators who traveled miles to watch. And it angered alumni who love their traditions.
“It’s a great tradition,” said John H. Dalton, a 1964 graduate who was the Secretary of the Navy for five years during the Clinton Administration. “Plebe year is rough, so this is about having a major, final feat for the class.”
So, grease was allowed to return to the Herndon Monument climb Monday afternoon — along with medical professionals, water stations and safety zones for students who didn’t want to participate.
Vice Adm. Michael H. Miller, the academy’s top leader, said in a statement that keeping the tradition consistent — and greasing up Herndon — instills camaraderie among classmates and links them to alumni who endured the same feat.
Plus, he added, “the plebes are extremely athletic and in good health.”