I went on a five mile hike yesterday morning up a local mountain with a 1500 foot vertical rise. That's pretty damn steep, and the trail is not only steep but pretty rough in places.
Here's a view from the top, looking over Fallbrook where I live, to the ocean way off in the distance. The trailhead is where the freeway and the road in the lower right hand corner cross.

I was pretty impressed that my hips didn't bother me at all. Like I said they're stronger than any time in memory. The most pain was in my knees from the steep descent. After the hike I went shopping at the farmers market, Costco and the grocery store, came home and sat in the spa, and then jumped in the pool to cool off.
So - - here's what's freaking me out. As I was climbing up the steps to get out of the pool my left hip squeaked. I could hear it AND feel it vibrate. Not just a little squeak that only I could hear, it sounded sort of like a rusty hinge. The wife was sitting there 10 or 15 feet away and it was loud enough to cause a double take. I was thinking "woah WTF was that?" So I got back down into the pool and climbed the steps again. It squeaked again on two of the five steps. Got in and out of the pool maybe half a dozen times and it squeaked about 50% of the time.
It was sort of scary at first but then I thought that if I could control it, it might be pretty cool. How many people have a joint that can squeak on demand? I mean, I've heard of creaky joints. But joints that actually squeak? Could I learn to control the pitch, actually play a tune?
It doesn't squeak when I walk, and it didn't squeak any more last night. This morning when I got up I realized that when I bend over like I'm picking something up I can make it squeak. Sometimes now it squeaks when I get up from a chair.
Not sure if I like this or not...