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spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:53 am
by King Crimson
what a podunk place. i mean, WIll Rogers in OKC looks like Heathrow compared to MCI. not only do you have to go through security again when you change terminals, stand outside in shitballing heat to catch the bus from Terminal A to Terminal C, but there's nothing to drink once you are inside TSA security.
i went through TSA 2 times trying to watch the US Open on Sunday. and "war" the Budweiser bar in the terminal for floating me a big ass plate of Ruffles and an 8$ shit turkey sammie.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:04 am
by poptart
Speaking of airports...
Scott, you've been around.
I assume you've been to Dungver International Airport.
What is with that place?
The VERY strange murals there - and overall strangeness of the facility.
Maybe Moby Dick, Tom, or one of the other 'NWO conspiracy' fellas would like to weigh in on it.
It really either IS some sort of NWO place, or they've put a lot of effort into trolling NWO types to freak out thinking it is.
Weird, and just overall full of GAY.
Nice going, Piled Highers.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:42 am
by Screw_Michigan
poptart wrote:Nice going, Piled Highers.
I love how NFL division rivalries permeate your observations.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:10 pm
by indyfrisco
I'll be God-damned, Sam. After all the ribbing you've taken you finally discovered google.
Screw, I have noticed that about pops as well. Funny thing about that crowd...those AFC West honks seem like they would rather win the AFC West and tank in the first round rather than win the wild card and subsequent Super Bowl. It's all about the AFC West, baby. Super Bowl is for second place! Strange similarity to SECBSH...
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 pm
by Left Seater
MCI does suck as an airport today. But when it was built it was a great idea in that you could park at your gate. Today it sucks if you are departing or changing flights.
Denver is one of the better large airports (see also DFW) in that the runways don't cross so the thru put of planes is much higher. Less chances of delays when storms move in.
OKC is fine as long as you dont use that special terminal. :D
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:45 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
The Second Amendment; America's original Homeland Defense!
Guns cause violence like flies cause garbage!
Responsible Gun Control = Using two hands!
Do you have these eye-opening insights slapped on the back of your pick up?
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:04 pm
by Trampis
WOW! Whats with those murals? Is this a tactic to scare the hell out of people so they will never want to move to Denver? Maybe our southwest states need to put murals up on the border of field workers being eaten by chupacabras.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:10 pm
by Left Seater
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Do you have these eye-opening insights slapped on the back of your pick up?
Nope. Would have to buy a pick up first. Just a collection of quotes from the last five years or so from this little "family" at T1B.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:47 pm
by indyfrisco
KC Scott wrote:DFW isn't bad - I've never had a problem wit the Tram system there. Same for Denver.
DFW is now my favorite. The tram system, which I hated, is gone. When's the last time you flew DFW? Getting from terminal to terminal has been replaced by a light rail, and there are like 3 stops at each terminal so they get you damn close to your gate. Also, if I was ever holed up in an airport for a long delay, DFW kicks ass with all the options they have for dining. They just opened a Papadeaux and we were stuck there, but we could not go in as they were having a grand opening party for all the people who built it. Big Papadeaux fan here. Great coon-ass fare.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:48 pm
by indyfrisco
Papa Willie wrote:So I'm there doing my bidness right next to this stall. Some poor son of a bitch completely exploded in the stall - lots of squirts, but lots of farting.
Now just think if he was doing that next to you while you were eating.

Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:47 pm
by King Crimson
murals at DIA are pretty creepy but it's a pretty easy use airport imo. if you start googling around, there's apparently alien messages in the marble floors and a bunch of skull and bones stuff conspiracy in the underground alien aircraft storage runways a thousand miles beneath the surface of the Colorado earth.
DFW blows. Dulles is a freakshow of terminal transportation.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:54 pm
by indyfrisco
King Crimson wrote:DFW blows. Dulles is a freakshow of terminal transportation.
I take it these are two completely separate comments, right? Why does DFW blow? I used to think it sucked ass, but since the changes in the last 5 years, I think it is pretty top notch for the amount of traffic it houses.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:34 pm
by King Crimson
IndyFrisco wrote:King Crimson wrote:DFW blows. Dulles is a freakshow of terminal transportation.
I take it these are two completely separate comments, right? Why does DFW blow? I used to think it sucked ass, but since the changes in the last 5 years, I think it is pretty top notch for the amount of traffic it houses.
it blows because it's a long, narrow circular corridor of gates and goofy baggage outlets. it's like Max Escher on bad traveling acid.
it's an airport, not an ad hominem.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:41 pm
by mvscal
King Crimson wrote:what a podunk place.
So were you able to feel yourself getting dumber by the minute as you sat in KC? Hopefully you weren't there too long and the damage will be reversible.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:59 pm
by Ken
KC Scott wrote:If I was to rate the Hub airports from a passenger standpoint - getting from one gate to another the list of the Worst would be:
DFW isn't bad - I've never had a problem wit the Tram system there. Same for Denver.
Apparently, you've never transited through Dulles.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:00 pm
by Truman
King Crimson wrote:what a podunk place. i mean, WIll Rogers in OKC looks like Heathrow compared to MCI. not only do you have to go through security again when you change terminals, stand outside in shitballing heat to catch the bus from Terminal A to Terminal C, but there's nothing to drink once you are inside TSA security.
i went through TSA 2 times trying to watch the US Open on Sunday. and "war" the Budweiser bar in the terminal for floating me a big ass plate of Ruffles and an 8$ shit turkey sammie.
Glad you enjoyed the experience. Now do us a favor: Never come back.
You wanna buy a Brooks Brothers suit at a Galleria or a plate of PF Chang’s shrimp fried rice? Fabulous. We can accommodate you. We put all that stuff in something we like to call “shopping districts”. Mix in a Skymall if you’re bored, Loser. We use our airport to actually
fly places. We don’t go there to sit around and bitch about the amenities.
The locals are literally 75 feet away from the jetway to the curb. While you fume over a three-hour layover in a veritable desert of accoutrements, I’m already in the car zipping for home.
But in all seriousness...
KCI was clearly built before 9-11, and you couldn’t beat it for convenience – er, other than fact that they built that fucker a good 25 miles away from any known civilization. KC native and comedian David Naster used to joke that you needed to take an airplane to get to the airport in this town.
Naturally, the security restraints laid on the flying public over the last decade have proven the old, convenient design to be, um, a bit
ungainly. Of course, this has spurred a cavalry charge of local political muckity-mucks who say we need to level our existing infrastructure and replace it with a shiny new One Big Terminal,
ala DIA, replete with dining amenities and shopping opportunities found in "big" airports.
All at tax payer expense, natch. Wanna know the push-back on that one? Run for office on
that platform, and you can guarantee yourself a speedy return to your day job. We
like our convenient little podunk airport.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:08 pm
by Truman
mvscal wrote:King Crimson wrote:what a podunk place.
So were you able to feel yourself getting dumber by the minute as you sat in KC? Hopefully you weren't there too long and the damage will be reversible.
You DO realize St. Louis schools drag the state's ACT scores, right, Loser? Sharp stuff from a hoosier whose family got run outta the state....
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:26 pm
by Truman
IndyFrisco wrote:I'll be God-damned, Sam. After all the ribbing you've taken you finally discovered google.
Screw, I have noticed that about pops as well. Funny thing about that crowd...those AFC West honks seem like they would rather win the AFC West and tank in the first round rather than win the wild card and subsequent Super Bowl. It's all about the AFC West, baby. Super Bowl is for second place! Strange similarity to SECBSH...
Now THAT's a scary take, Indy.
'cuz I really don't think it's too far from the truth.
The 'duhs swept the Division last year, and you'da thought after reading those fuckers over in Football that they had won the damn thing out right. I've always said, if the Chiefs go 4-12, I hope all four of those victories come against Dungver and Jokeland. S'pose such rivary was what made the Old Skool Boards so much fun. Funny thing is... Anyone jocking a team from outside the Division can roll in and smack it for it's suckitude (and rightfully so - we
know the West sucks) -
But you better bring every scud in your arsenal, cuz you're gonna take in-coming from every corner of the Division. How we roll.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:28 pm
by mvscal
Truman wrote:You DO realize St. Louis schools drag the state's ACT scores, right
Not very surprising. All the ni...ggers live in the city.
Sharp stuff from a hoosier whose family got run outta the state....
I have no connection to the state of Indiana whatsoever and your "run outta the state" comment doesn't even make sense.
Good job keeping the KC stereotype alive.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:42 pm
by War Wagon
Truman wrote:
KCI was clearly built before 9-11, and you couldn’t beat it for convenience – er, other than fact that they built that fucker a good 25 miles away from any known civilization.
I'm 10 minutes from Terminal A. Believe it or not, but a good portion of the metro resides
north of the river - you know, that stream now a raging behemoth you cross on your way to a casino? Wait, you don't do the casino thing so you probably cross over only twice a year or so.
Not that I fly much, but I often taxi family back n forth. Can't speak to the flying experience, but it's a breeze to drive in and out of.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:48 pm
by Truman
mvscal wrote:Truman wrote:You DO realize St. Louis schools drag the state's ACT scores, right
Not very surprising. All the ni...ggers live in the city.
Now THERE's a take. So Kansas City ni...ggers are smarter than St. Louis ni...ggers? Different tribes, or is the school system in your old home town simply a failure?
mvscal wrote:Truman wrote:Sharp stuff from a hoosier whose family got run outta the state....
I have no connection to the state of Indiana whatsoever and your "run outta the state" comment doesn't even make sense.
...neither do the residents of South County, but that doesn't keep the folks that call that backwater home from labeling them as such. Tell me you knew. Apparently, you have no RL connection with that shit-hole of a town either.
A so-called St Loser native unfamiliar with the lexicon? What a surprise. Always knew you were a fraud. Thanks for proving it.
mvscal wrote:Good job keeping the KC stereotype alive.
And that would be what? Pounding you into atoms? Ever'body needs a battin' practice pitcher. Happy to oblige, Loser.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:56 pm
by Truman
War Wagon wrote:Truman wrote:
KCI was clearly built before 9-11, and you couldn’t beat it for convenience – er, other than fact that they built that fucker a good 25 miles away from any known civilization.
I'm 10 minutes from Terminal A. Believe it or not, but a good portion of the metro resides
north of the river - you know, that stream now a raging behemoth you cross on your way to a casino? Wait, you don't do the casino thing so you probably cross over only twice a year or so.
Not that I fly much, but I often taxi family back n forth. Can't speak to the flying experience, but it's a breeze to drive in and out of.
Thought of you when I scratched that line. About as close as I'll ever come to directly smacking you, boyo... :D
Got a baby sister that resides in your parts, Wags. Tease her all the time that she lives in Iowa. Hell, you people are all even beginning to
sound like Mace. That said, I cross that river several times a week as I've got bidness up there. Make cart-loads of cayshe and smuggle it home to civilization....
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:13 am
by King Crimson
KC Scott wrote:Ken wrote:Apparently, you've never transited through Dulles.
Couldn't talk about Dulles without mentioning the mobile gas chambers aka intra terminal people movers. No other airport I've been too has anything close in terms of WTF

that was some weird shit. true. i take the escalator up to some waiting room....and a bunch of closed doors. you walk on to that "tram" thing and wait another 10 minutes before being hustled off to the other terminal. good thing i had a couple hours to burn.
black girl at TSA flirting with me was good, though.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:16 am
by King Crimson
Truman wrote:King Crimson wrote:what a podunk place. i mean, WIll Rogers in OKC looks like Heathrow compared to MCI. not only do you have to go through security again when you change terminals, stand outside in shitballing heat to catch the bus from Terminal A to Terminal C, but there's nothing to drink once you are inside TSA security.
i went through TSA 2 times trying to watch the US Open on Sunday. and "war" the Budweiser bar in the terminal for floating me a big ass plate of Ruffles and an 8$ shit turkey sammie.
Glad you enjoyed the experience. Now do us a favor: Never come back.
You wanna buy a Brooks Brothers suit at a Galleria or a plate of PF Chang’s shrimp fried rice? Fabulous. We can accommodate you. We put all that stuff in something we like to call “shopping districts”. Mix in a Skymall if you’re bored, Loser. We use our airport to actually
fly places. We don’t go there to sit around and bitch about the amenities.
The locals are literally 75 feet away from the jetway to the curb. While you fume over a three-hour layover in a veritable desert of accoutrements, I’m already in the car zipping for home.
But in all seriousness...
KCI was clearly built before 9-11, and you couldn’t beat it for convenience – er, other than fact that they built that fucker a good 25 miles away from any known civilization. KC native and comedian David Naster used to joke that you needed to take an airplane to get to the airport in this town.
Naturally, the security restraints laid on the flying public over the last decade have proven the old, convenient design to be, um, a bit
ungainly. Of course, this has spurred a cavalry charge of local political muckity-mucks who say we need to level our existing infrastructure and replace it with a shiny new One Big Terminal,
ala DIA, replete with dining amenities and shopping opportunities found in "big" airports.
All at tax payer expense, natch. Wanna know the push-back on that one? Run for office on
that platform, and you can guarantee yourself a speedy return to your day job. We
like our convenient little podunk airport.
sorry to offend your provincial love of the local airpad. it is kind of a bullshit airport, though.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:37 am
by Smackie Chan
KC Scott wrote:Ken wrote:Apparently, you've never transited through Dulles.
Only as a destination - Not a big United flyer except where there's no other direct.
Dulles would be # 1 on the list of ugly / "Dune" looking airports - gray walls, dirty - hell it makes Laguardia look like Orange County
Couldn't talk about Dulles without mentioning the mobile gas chambers aka intra terminal people movers. No other airport I've been too has anything close in terms of WTF

Unfortunately, I'm all too familiar w/ Dulles and what they affectionately refer to as their "mobile lounges." They recently finished their rail system, so the lounges only serve terminal D, I believe. I expect to have the pleasure of being transported by one on Sunday. Aesthetics-wise, as unsightly as Dulles may be, it still isn't as ugly as DC's other airport, Reagan National. Looks like a compound of military barracks.

Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:54 am
by War Wagon
King Crimson wrote:
it is kind of a bullshit airport
Thankfully, you lived to tell the tale but I do apologize that the infrastructure didn't suit your refined needs.
Shucks, and here I'd heard from travelers that KCI was exceptionally well designed. Guess we'll have to tear it down now and start over.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:56 am
by Truman
King Crimson wrote:
sorry to offend your provincial love of the local airpad. it is kind of a bullshit airport, though.
Heh. Offended? Not even in the least. Think it's hilarious that mooks like you get sideways 'cuz they can't find a proper Starbucks to feed their coffee jones while they wait out a delay at DWF or O'Hare. It's an airport, Loser. Not a shopping mall.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:00 am
by Truman
KC Scott wrote:
Funny - I got the same reaction from the Wife when I wanted to buy a house on Smithville lake 9 years ago; "There's nothing up here"
tried to convince her that Liberty wasn't that far and lost that arguement
Liberty's come a long way in the past nine years. Good town.
But I'm not going to help move you again.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:27 am
by Truman
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:12 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:
Funny - I got the same reaction from the Wife when I wanted to buy a house on Smithville lake 9 years ago; "There's nothing up here"
tried to convince her that Liberty wasn't that far and lost that arguement
Smithville has a Hy-Vee and a good hardware store, two bait shops, two car washes, and a Quik Trip. Not to mention a post office, not that you'd have any use for a post office, but still.
wifey pwned you on that deal, Smithville is a fabulous lake. Crappies, hmmm.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:30 am
by R-Jack
Truman wrote:KC native and comedian David Naster used to joke that you needed to take an airplane to get to the airport in this town.
A comic from Kansas City who does a bit about Kansas City? How have I not heard of him?
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:45 am
by King Crimson
Truman wrote:King Crimson wrote:
sorry to offend your provincial love of the local airpad. it is kind of a bullshit airport, though.
Heh. Offended? Not even in the least. Think it's hilarious that mooks like you get sideways 'cuz they can't find a proper Starbucks to feed their coffee jones while they wait out a delay at DWF or O'Hare. It's an airport, Loser. Not a shopping mall.
ain't about Starbucks; but nice try on the projection.
Re: spent a little time in the Kansas City airport
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:07 pm
by indyfrisco
KC Scott wrote:
Holy fuck, I could retire in that reclamation vehicle.