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We're gonna' need a bigger boat

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:34 am
by War Wagon
Bismark, ND


This is bad and about to get worse. I never thought I'd see a flood worse than the one in 1993, but the Mighty Mo is one very pissed off mofo. Every river crossing between St. Joe and Council Bluffs is closed, I-29 shutdown for long stretches.

When they built the Gavins Point dam in SD in the 1950's the Army Corp of Engineers never planned for this.

Re: We're gonna' need a bigger boat

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:27 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Papa Willie wrote:Where is that at?
The very first thing posted in this thread wrote:Bismark, ND

Re: We're gonna' need a bigger boat

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:04 pm
by poptart
Tell daddy to plug the damn hole.

Re: We're gonna' need a bigger boat

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:24 am
by Moby Dick

Re: We're gonna' need a bigger boat

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:05 pm
by War Wagon
Sudden Sam wrote:Sounds like Minot is doomed.
Pretty much.

So I'm watching the local weather yesterday on the CBS affiliate and Katy Horner is saying that the flooding in Minot will take 4-5 days to get to KC. Hullo?

Minot is over 100 miles from the Missouri river and is being swamped by fuckulous amounts of water from the Souris river, which flows south out of Canada and then makes a loop and drains back into Canada.

No, Katy, the flooding in Minot won't be reaching KC, you ignorant bitch. Break out a map before running your dicksucker.