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Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:08 pm
by Screw_Michigan
DC can't have anything because of a few groups of kids whose parents don't care that they're out there on the street recording fights, kicking guys in the head while they're on the ground, punching a guy in the back of the head and running, and those dumbass girls that wait until people fall on the ground to come over and kick at the pile.

You don't see this kind of garbage in Virginia or even parts of Maryland

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:11 pm
by Carson
Woah, you live in DC?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:13 pm
by Goober McTuber
If you want to call that living.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:19 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Carson wrote:Woah, you live in DC?
Does Screwey live in DC?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:23 pm
by Screw_Michigan
You guys are just jealous you can't keep it real.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:24 pm
by Dinsdale
Carson wrote:Woah, you live in DC?


So... they assembled a bunch of Groes... and there was a problem? Man, who woulda thunk it?

Obviously, the DC law enforcement needs to take some lessons from the Portland Police. If/when that shit happens here, it wouldn't be any 7 1/2 minute affair -- by about 30 seconds in, a couple of them would have come down with a sudden case of lead poisoning, and the taser darts would flow like wine. Then they'd see who was still brave after that.

Then again, it's assumed that every gangbanger around here is packing (we assume that because they are), and that wouldn't have been a fistfight with folding chairs involved -- would have been an all out gunfight... because that is how we roll around here. Although it's been at least 2 or 3 days since the last gangbanger shoot-em-up, which is a long stretch lately. I'm sure the weekend parties will put an end to that run.

And why do African Americans feel the need to repeat every sentence 4 times?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:29 pm
by BSmack
Rack the cops rolling in on Segways.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:48 pm
by Trampis
Sudden Sam wrote:Howard University must be so proud.
Yeah, no shit. Put that segment in the recruitment video.

I like to think that was a re-enactment for those kids African history class, but Im sure it had something to do with dissrespecting someones opinion on lilwayne.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:00 pm
by R-Jack
Dinsdale wrote:And why do African Americans feel the need to repeat every sentence 4 times?
Do you mean verbal or prison? You need to be clear.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:02 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Papa Willie wrote:Dude - truth is, that a lot of blacks love this shit. I mean - watch it. They're all smiles and egging each other on.
Not to mention sponsored by World Wide Hiphop.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:03 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:04 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Well on the plus side at least no one pulled out their piece.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:21 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:There aren't that many black folks even in Portland, is there?
Just named "whitest major city." Which makes the amount of black gang-related crime absolutely ridiculous. Been well over 40 gang shootouts so far this year, and we aren't even through June yet. That's just the city proper, not counting the burbs, which don't have nearly as many bullets flying.

And RACK RJack.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by Goober McTuber
Isn't DC south of the Mason Dixon Line?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:22 pm
by Ana Ng
My dad used to say, "when you see one black standing there, you have a 'black person'. When you see two or more blacks standing around, you've got 'nig-gers'".

Then again, my dad's a beaner, that ended up hating himself for marrying and having children with a white woman.....sooooo, I don't invest too much thought into anything he says.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:46 pm
by indyfrisco
Ana, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. Not saying he did...

As for the video, it is :meds: refreshing / :meds: to see where our tax dollars will be spent in the form of welfare.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:47 pm
by indyfrisco
Screw_Michigan wrote:Well on the plus side at least no one pulled out their piece.
Why is that a good thing? Could have taken out some of the hood rat trash.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:48 pm
by Screw_Michigan
IndyFrisco wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Well on the plus side at least no one pulled out their piece.
Why is that a good thing? Could have taken out some of the hood rat trash.
I thought one of the common cries from you old farts was "damn kids and their guns. Back in my day, we settled things with fists. You got a black eye at worst, not a death certificate."

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:49 pm
by indyfrisco
I'm like 3 years older than you.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:52 pm
by Screw_Michigan
No, you're not. How old are you?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:59 pm
by indyfrisco
Just turned 35.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:07 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Yeah, you're a bit more than three years older. Sorry for the "old timer" blast. I'll save that for Fatspray and Gobbles McTubesteak.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:54 pm
by Carson
Martyred wrote:Does Screwey live in DC?
I think this has replaced "Who's Jim Rome?"

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:17 am
by Cueball
I love how they have to keep pulling their pants up after every 2nd "punch"

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:08 am
by Screw_Michigan
Papa Willie wrote: The local press - TV, Radio, Newspaper - never said a fucking word about it. Why? Because the mall paid them not to, plus, they didn't want to make the corored folks look bad. That kind of shit happens all the time here.
You have any proof to back this up or are you just talking out of your ass as usual? Sorry, pal. Gang shootout inside a shopping mall gets blown the fuck up, I don't care where you live. Especially in the south.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:16 am
by Invictus
Trampis wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Howard University must be so proud.
Yeah, no shit. Put that segment in the recruitment video.

I like to think that was a re-enactment for those kids African history class, but Im sure it had something to do with dissrespecting someones opinion on lilwayne.
This video is both sad and funny. The West Indian Festival in Boston is police and state trooper heavy and I'm not sure why there are only two lone cops on Segways patrolling the area and not cops lining the parade route. DC's current mayor is the latest in a history of assholes elected there who don't know how to effectively run a city with a shitload of poor people.

Like the majority of historically black colleges and universities, Howard University's campus sits in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. From the video, I see that the fighters are comprised mostly of high school students, cats younger than 18 or people who live nearby the school but probably aren't students themselves. Granted no doubt there are some Bison out there but I'm guessing that most of the combatants, pilers on, and the dude filming probably are still in high school, are from D.C., and will probably never go to college, let alone get into a university like Howard. Too many people out there in tight jeans, tank tops and knock off brand name attire and that speaks to me of young cats who want to be rappers, athletes, ballers, etc. and not people who are actually in an excellent university.

My pops and uncle went there in the 60's. They tell stories of being chased by neighborhood gangs who patrolled the area around the campus and preyed upon the students. I went to school at a campus that was surrounded by SIX fucking low income housing projects. I had friends who were jumped/mugged and classmates who were killed while going to the library. Freaknic in Atlanta was begun by college students as a picnic to gather together those who were in Atlanta from the DC/Maryland/Virginia but it degenerated into something that was coopted by locals and people from around the country who weren't even in college but came looking for a good, rapey, criminal time. I question the administration of HU giving authorization for a parade like this to go by or on their campus. Seems like a recipe for disaster and I'm sure someone will lose their job as a result of this video.

I doubt I'll see any of these persons at the DC Classic in September or Howard's Homecoming. These are the people who see the students coming into their neighborhood, getting an education and then leaving for greener pastures.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:25 am
by War Wagon
Vic, thanks for reminding me that not all blacks are hoodlums that need to be sent back to Africa... just 90% of them.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:32 am
by Invictus
I think 90% is still a little too high but don't let my fuzzy math get you off track.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:41 am
by Dinsdale
The vast majority of African Americans/Dazzling Urbanites I meet are plain ol' regular folk, like most other people.

On the other hand, I rarely meet any hoodrats... might be a correlation there.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:46 am
by mvscal
Ana Ng wrote:My dad used to say, "when you see one black standing there, you have a 'black person'. When you see two or more blacks standing around, you've got 'nig-gers'".

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:47 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:The vast majority of African Americans/Dazzling Urbanites I meet are plain ol' regular folk, like most other people.

On the other hand, I rarely meet any hoodrats... might be a correlation there.
That you don't hang out in the hood? Does Portland even have a hood?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:00 am
by Invictus
Dinsdale wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:There aren't that many black folks even in Portland, is there?
Just named "whitest major city." Which makes the amount of black gang-related crime absolutely ridiculous. Been well over 40 gang shootouts so far this year, and we aren't even through June yet. That's just the city proper, not counting the burbs, which don't have nearly as many bullets flying.

And RACK RJack.
I recently watched an episode of Gangland that profiled the "Everybody Killers" in Portland. Are they a real threat or are they bullshit like the Gangster Killer Bloods (GBK) here in Columbia, South Carolina?

I'm sure Salt Lake City is a whiter city than Portland (don't know if it is more major) but they have lots of non blacks in street gangs. Again, I saw it on an ep of Gangland so it may have been blown out of proportion.

And, don't give up on hoodrats. You need to experience the whole lowbudget pussy spectrum in your life, at least once. I fucked a broad in Madison who had nine (yep) children. I bumped into her son while I had his mom bent over grinding on me at a club. Not my best night but I got through it and it makes for a wonderful story!

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:11 am
by Screw_Michigan
Invictus wrote:I'm not sure why there are only two lone cops on Segways patrolling the area and not cops lining the parade route. DC's current mayor is the latest in a history of assholes elected there who don't know how to effectively run a city with a shitload of poor people.
The organizers of the Caribbean Parade already owe the District around $30k or so for security from past parades so instead of the city telling these fucksticks to get fucked (which would be racist, after all), they made them shorten the parade route. I don't know if that also included fewer cops than previous parades. Also, DC's previous mayor knew how to effectively run a city with a shitload of poor people (somewhat), but he pissed off the black voter base by "pandering to new residents" (aka white folk) so they mobilized and voted him out. Now we have a mayor (who I didn't vote for) who really hasn't done much except allow his chief of staff and right-hand woman promise a six-figure city job to some bat-shit insane two-bit mayoral candidate for keeping up the attacks on the former incumbent. That and re-establish the city as the hiring hall. He also appointed a raging cunt to run the taxicab commission, this woman has reporters arrested for having the gall to record meetings. Another fine representative of the city.
Like the majority of historically black colleges and universities, Howard University's campus sits in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. From the video, I see that the fighters are comprised mostly of high school students, cats younger than 18 or people who live nearby the school but probably aren't students themselves. Granted no doubt there are some Bison out there but I'm guessing that most of the combatants, pilers on, and the dude filming probably are still in high school, are from D.C., and will probably never go to college, let alone get into a university like Howard. Too many people out there in tight jeans, tank tops and knock off brand name attire and that speaks to me of young cats who want to be rappers, athletes, ballers, etc. and not people who are actually in an excellent university.
Vic obviously knows what he's talking about. LeDroit Park and the 'hoods around Howard (Shaw, Columbia Heights, greater U St) used to be one of the city's poorest 'hoods, but that award basically goes to anything located east of the Anacostia. That said, that 'hood is definitely "restructuring." Howard is minutes walking distance from U St, one of hottest entertainment districts in the city (and home to lots of new white folk and $600k+ condos), it is also walking distance from Columbia Heights which is undergoing a similar transformation. On the east side of Howard, you have Bloomingdale which is being revitalized through new homeownership as it is still somewhat one of the affordable mid-city hoods for buyers in the city.

But that said, there is still much of what I like to call Old DC still around those neighborhoods. Cardozo High School is basically the dumping ground for the poor, special needs and behavioral-issue kids who live in the area. There are a couple housing projects up near 13 and 14 and Clinton NW as well as further east of 7th. People who don't live in SW DC think my hood is ghetto but at least I don't have to worry about eating stray bullets.
I question the administration of HU giving authorization for a parade like this to go by or on their campus. Seems like a recipe for disaster and I'm sure someone will lose their job as a result of this video.
It didn't go on campus, so I doubt they had much choice. Doubt anyone will be losing jobs, this is DC after all.
I doubt I'll see any of these persons at the DC Classic in September or Howard's Homecoming. These are the people who see the students coming into their neighborhood, getting an education and then leaving for greener pastures.
That is correct. What is the DC Classic again? Is that the HBCU football game that will be played at RFK?

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:13 am
by Dinsdale
Invictus wrote:I recently watched an episode of Gangland that profiled the "Everybody Killers" in Portland. Are they a real threat or are they bullshit like the Gangster Killer Bloods (GBK) here in Columbia, South Carolina?

Did I mention "over 40 shootouts this year"?

Although the "collateral damage" has been minimal. Like Spray's deal, they had it out in the biggest all in the state this year.
I'm sure Salt Lake City is a whiter city than Portland (don't know if it is more major)
Just looked it up, and nope. Counting cities-proper rather than metro areas, ortland is #1 by a rather sizable margin. Seattle is #2. Metro areas, Portland is 5 (whole lotta mexis and Asians in the western burbs).

but they have lots of non blacks in street gangs.

Sure... 'round these parts, we call them "Mexicans."

And, don't give up on hoodrats. You need to experience the whole lowbudget pussy spectrum in your life, at least once. I fucked a broad in Madison who had nine (yep) children. I bumped into her son while I had his mom bent over grinding on me at a club. Not my best night but I got through it and it makes for a wonderful story!

This is why you are an internet legend.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:20 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote: That you don't hang out in the hood? Does Portland even have a hood?
The city had explosive growth in th not-too-distant past (and is still growing, despite having about the worst economy in the country), and with it came explosive gentrification.

There isn't "a hood" -- there's several pockets. As far s me going there -- I'm posting from a slightly gentrified version of the former king of the worst neighborhoods in town. If I was really bored, I could grab a camera and do aPET on all the ang taggings I could get to in 2 minutes on foot -- there'd be a few.

If yu're not wandering around the bad neighborhoods late at night by yourself, and you stay away from Old Town after the bars close, the rate of violent crime here is really low. The gang wars jack up the crime stats.

And I was wrong earlier -- last fatal capping was night-before-last, last nonfatal was a drivebye of a house last night.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:30 am
by Invictus
Screw, Morehouse College will be playing Howard September 10th at RFK. My friends and I plan to rent a house and do shit properly. So many people I knew will be in town for that event. It will be pretty sweet.

I was in DC a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to set up a back up place to stay during the Classic and also for my fraternity's Centennial Celebration the end of this July but I shot that to shit. She lives near Dupont Circle and was gonna give me a key to her crib to come and go as I please but that got ruined. Anyway, we went to Kramerbooks (very cool spot to eat and pick up a book. Or, a broad) near GW one night and she drove me through the Howard campus afterward. I was struck by the blight and prosperity that, like you said, were a mere blocks from each other. It was late at night but as we drove by the hospital, I could see the brownstones so close to red brick projects. The Capital was lit up and it can be seen from these areas around Howard. Gentrification in DC is interesting and different from what I've seen in Chicago, Milwaukee and Boston. I also went to a great restaurant called the Cajun Experience in Dupont Circle. The construction around certain parts of DC is incredible and maddening but the poorer areas are still untouched by much of the redevelopment.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:Vic, thanks for reminding me that not all blacks are hoodlums that need to be sent back to Africa... just 90% of them.

Whitey, thanks for reminding me that not all Missourians are toothless, backwoods hillbillies that need to be euthanized... just 90% of them.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
Papa Willie wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Vic, thanks for reminding me that not all blacks are hoodlums that need to be sent back to Africa... just 90% of them.

Whitey, thanks for reminding me that not all Missourians are toothless, backwoods hillbillies that need to be euthanized... just 90% of them.

And you guys hang from cow tits before you fuck them.
It’s called foreplay, you fucking Neanderthal.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:59 pm
by Dinsdale
Dinsdale wrote:Although it's been at least 2 or 3 days since the last gangbanger shoot-em-up, which is a long stretch lately. I'm sure the weekend parties will put an end to that run.

Didn't make it to the weekend -- dude got shot in the leg in last night's driveby.

Gangbangers are notoriously poor marksmen.

Re: Animals (Not the Pink Floyd album)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:56 pm
by Goober McTuber
Papa Willie wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:

It’s called foreplay, you fucking Neanderthal.

Well try to save a little trim for us rednecks, you motherfucker.
It’s going to be really stretched out, you know?