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Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:43 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Do they serve Kölsch in Switzerland? Where are the photos of Swiss T&A? (Or cranks. Sin, KC Scrote)

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:10 am
by Mikey
Screw_Michigan wrote:Do they serve Kölsch in Switzerland?
Pretty much limited to Köln and the general area, I think.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
Toddowen wrote:
88 wrote:cheap ass video camera

You might find one for under $100.

Probably the best HD vid for the money, as well as ease of use.
Ease of use? So you can hold the camera in one hand and the child in the other? Die already, you fat, drunken pedophile.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:34 pm
by M Club
Lake Zurich smells like milk. The Swiss are extraordinarily ugly. The town is beautiful. Plus, all that gold just yards underneath your feet.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:13 am
by Truman
Mikey wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Do they serve Kölsch in Switzerland?
Pretty much limited to Köln and the general area, I think.


Schlafly Beer won the Gold Medal for Best German-style Kölsch in the World Beer Cup in 2010.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:16 am
by BSmack
Truman wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Do they serve Kölsch in Switzerland?
Pretty much limited to Köln and the general area, I think.


Schlafly Beer won the Gold Medal for Best German-style Kölsch in the World Beer Cup in 2010.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:26 am
by Trampis
M Club wrote: The Swiss are extraordinarily ugly.
How so? I would think their looks would be very neutral.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:36 am
by Truman
Don't be so hard on Mikey, B.

I'm sure he meant to post that the Koelsch found in Switzerland was "limited to Köln and the general area."

And yes, I got the inference.

Lighten up, Francis. Just havin' a bit o' fun while jocking a pretty damn good American offering. Dork.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:13 am
by BSmack
Truman wrote:Don't be so hard on Mikey, B.

I'm sure he meant to post that the Koelsch found in Switzerland was "limited to Köln and the general area."

And yes, I got the inference.

Lighten up, Francis. Just havin' a bit o' fun while jocking a pretty damn good American offering. Dork.
Then next time Köln is in Switzerland will be the first. But go on, keep kicking your own ass.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:50 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:Then next time Köln is in Switzerland will be the first. But go on, keep kicking your own ass.
How about products from Köln? You think maybe they might be found in Swizterland?

But, yes, Truman sorta kicked his own ass and Mikey is sorta right. Kölsch is a protected designation like champagne and may only be brewed in or around Köln. The Schlafly product (more bode for St. Louis over KC, btw) is Kölsch style.

Oh and, for the record, Eichhof is a garden variety Munich helles lager not a Kölsch.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:54 am
by Goober McTuber
Yes, and Belgian IPAs are now being brewed in Belgium, you fucking poseur.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:59 am
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:Yes, and Belgian IPAs are now being brewed in Belgium, you fucking poseur.
Will that somehow prevent them from tasting like rancid cat piss and then quietly abandoned once the brief fad is over?

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:02 am
by Truman
BSmack wrote:
Truman wrote:Don't be so hard on Mikey, B.

I'm sure he meant to post that the Koelsch found in Switzerland was "limited to Köln and the general area."

And yes, I got the inference.

Lighten up, Francis. Just havin' a bit o' fun while jocking a pretty damn good American offering. Dork.
Then next time Köln is in Switzerland will be the first. But go on, keep kicking your own ass.
No, I'm pretty sure the Köln auf Deutschland reference pretty well qualifies to be included in the "general area" near Der Schweiz and Zurich. Google maps is your friend, Sparky. But thanks for the encouragement. I'll be sure to get around to kicking my own ass after I'm done plungering yours.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:10 am
by mvscal
Truman wrote:No, I'm pretty sure the Köln auf Deutschland reference pretty well qualifies to be included in the "general area" near Der Schweiz and Zurich.
OK. Now you have kicked your own ass...twice. Köln auf Deutschland means Köln in Germany. Last time I checked, Die Schweiz is not in Germany.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:13 am
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Yes, and Belgian IPAs are now being brewed in Belgium, you fucking poseur.
Will that somehow prevent them from tasting like rancid cat piss and then quietly abandoned once the brief fad is over?
I don't know. You'd have to ask the BELGIAN brewers who are making it, you narrow-minded twat.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:17 am
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Then next time Köln is in Switzerland will be the first. But go on, keep kicking your own ass.
How about products from Köln? You think maybe they might be found in Swizterland?

But, yes, Truman sorta kicked his own ass and Mikey is sorta right. Kölsch is a protected designation like champagne and may only be brewed in or around Köln. The Schlafly product (more bode for St. Louis over KC, btw) is Kölsch style.
Just like pilsner beer is to Pilsen? And yes, dickhead, i KNOW Pilsen is in the Czech Repuplic. Tedious asshats...

Fail. American vintners bottle "sparkling wine." American brewers bottle "koelsch" at their whim. Reinheitsgebot polizei must be asleep at the switch. BTW, let me know the next time you see a winery label a product "American-style Champagne."

Schlafly "claims bode" on this style of beer only because Boulevard doesn't brew it. Nice brew. Might want to spirit a case-or-three back home next you come back to visit your kin in Potosi.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:22 am
by mvscal
Truman wrote:Just like pilsner beer is to Pilsen?
No. Pilsner is not a legally protected designation.
American brewers bottle "koelsch" at their whim.

Take another look at the label on the bottle you posted, idiot.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:30 am
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
Truman wrote:No, I'm pretty sure the Köln auf Deutschland reference pretty well qualifies to be included in the "general area" near Der Schweiz and Zurich.
OK. Now you have kicked your own ass...twice. Köln auf Deutschland means Köln in Germany. Last time I checked, Die Schweiz is not in Germany.
Twice?! Bet you had to count B's balls to arrive at that number, dintcha?

Bullsear, mvscal, you nailed it. They haven't gotten around to moving Switzerland into Germany yet, despite Hitler's best efforts...

Der Schweiz is Switzerland, asshat. Mix in an atlas. Köln is about 250 miles from Zurich.

Why, that's almost the same distance from KC to St. Louis. Some folks might even qualify that distance as a fairly accurate descriptive of the "general area." Or maybe that's just a Flyover thing.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:41 am
by mvscal
Truman wrote:Der Schweiz is Switzerland, asshat.
Uh, no. Die Schweiz is Switzerland.
Some folks might even qualify that distance as a fairly accurate descriptive of the "general area."
Nice except that auf Deutschland doesn't mean "in the general area of Germany." It means "within Germany."

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:46 am
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
Truman wrote:Just like pilsner beer is to Pilsen?
No. Pilsner is not a legally protected designation.
American brewers bottle "koelsch" at their whim.

Take another look at the label on the bottle you posted, idiot.
OK, I will.

Nope, pretty sure the label doesn't read "An American Beer Brewed in the Same Way That They Do It in Köln, Because mvscal Says We Can't Use the Word Kölsch ."

Pretty sure the label reads "Kölsch Style." Lemme know if the umlauts defeat your pronunciation.

Stiil waiting on that "Champagne Style American Sparkling Wine' link, Homer....

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:47 am
by BSmack
Truman wrote:Köln is about 250 miles from Zurich.

Why, that's almost the same distance from KC to St. Louis. Some folks might even qualify that distance as a fairly accurate descriptive of the "general area." Or maybe that's just a Flyover thing.
Only a damned idiot would claim that KC and St. Louis are in the same "general area." That would be like saying that Rochester and Toronto are in the same "general area."

Anyway, you replied to Mikey's assertion that Kölsch was only served in Köln and the "general area" thereabouts by posting a picture of an American made Kölsch "style" ale. Regardless of whatever semantic bullshit you are trying to pull, I seriously doubt that Schlafly was the answer to Screwy's question.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:00 am
by mvscal
Truman wrote: Pretty sure the label reads "Kölsch Style."
Which means "An American Beer Brewed in the Same Way That They Do It in Köln, Because the Law Says We Can't Use the Word Kölsch ."
Lemme know if the umlauts defeat your pronunciation.
Ich kann Deutsch. Offenbar kannst du nicht.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:01 am
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
Truman wrote:Der Schweiz is Switzerland, asshat.
Uh, no. Die Schweiz is Switzerland.
Some folks might even qualify that distance as a fairly accurate descriptive of the "general area."
Nice except that auf Deutschland doesn't mean "in the general area of Germany." It means "within Germany."
No, auf means at, on, up, to, in, onto, and upon. Which has zero to do with my statement that Cologne is in Germany and its proximity to Zurich, Switzerland is within the general area. You moved the goalposts and still missed wide right, mvscal.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:04 am
by mvscal
Truman wrote: No, auf means at, on, up, to, in, onto, and upon.
That's what I said, moron.
Which has zero to do with my statement that Cologne is in Germany and its proximity to Zurich, Switzerland is within the general area.
Zurich is nicht auf Deutschland aber sie ist in der nähe von Deutschland.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:11 am
by Truman
BSmack wrote:
Truman wrote:Köln is about 250 miles from Zurich.

Why, that's almost the same distance from KC to St. Louis. Some folks might even qualify that distance as a fairly accurate descriptive of the "general area." Or maybe that's just a Flyover thing.
Only a damned idiot would claim that KC and St. Louis are in the same "general area." That would be like saying that Rochester and Toronto are in the same "general area."
Oh, I dunno, B. Lotsa folks confuse Missouri with Kansas. Hell lotsa folks confuse Missouri, Kansas, and the whole damn Midwest as something called the Flyover. Why, it's all just one big "general area," as far as most folks are concerned. Don't believe me? Ask your neighbors. Even money sez they're gonna say, "same difference."
Anyway, you replied to Mikey's assertion that Kölsch was only served in Köln and the "general area" thereabouts by posting a picture of an American made Kölsch "style" ale. Regardless of whatever semantic bullshit you are trying to pull, I seriously doubt that Schlafly was the answer to Screwy's question.
Well, there's that... Or maybe I was just lookin' for a bit of sport on a smack board. 'Preciate you participating, though, B. Are all the slow kids back East as quick as you?

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:41 am
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
Truman wrote: No, auf means at, on, up, to, in, onto, and upon.
That's what I said, moron. you were trying to move the goalposts.
mvscal wrote:
Truman wrote: Which has zero to do with my statement that Cologne is in Germany and its proximity to Zurich, Switzerland is within the general area.
Zurich is nicht auf Deutschland aber sie ist in der nähe von Deutschland.
Köln ist auf Deutschland, Dummkopf. Zurich ist in die Schweiz, nicht wahr? Mach sagst du wusste, bitte...

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:10 am
by mvscal
Ich hab das gesagt, schwachsinniger.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:05 pm
by Dinsdale
Truman wrote:BTW, let me know the next time you see a winery label a product "American-style Champagne."

Is there a prize involved?


Gallo has been doing it forever.

Re: Raining in Zurich

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:06 pm
by M Club
Gott sei Dank für Google Translate, Verlierer.