My Avatar
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:52 am
Diego was repeatedly making references to me being [It'sHorrible!]a Christian[/It'sHorrible] - and naming me Phelpstart, so I decided to throw Fred Phelps up there for him to look at.
Then I dropped into chat last night and one of the chatters, a board 'pal' of mine for a decade, said, "That avatar is perfect for you, pops."
Truthfully, to some degree, I'm pretty sure he meant that.
Yes, because this is ONE very common perception people have of Christians these days.
The hateful wingnut.
But the Gospel is love, I am fully convicted that it is the ONLY answer for us, and I will continue to direct my life toward the ministry of the core Gospel Word.
The perception that I am anything like Fred Phelps makes me shudder.
I will lose the Phelps avatard soon, because the truth of the matter is that I detest him.
But the Cul de Smack is my playground - so I enjoyed displaying him under my name.
There is a fundamental theological reason why Christians are viewed in negative stereotypical ways.
And there are also reasons, brought on by the behavior of Christians themselves, why we are viewed negatively.
In large percentages, 'the church' was moved to align themselves with a certain political party toward the late 1980s.
Much church energy has been directed toward trying to advance certain social goals, and when looking at the current state of the church in America (and most places), it is just simply in VERY serious condition.
In overwhelming percentages, it has lost it's focus - due to losing hold of the Covenant.
Losing hold of the Covenant is a recurring theme throughout church history.
But God ALWAYS performs a restoration.
Romans 11:4.
THAT is where my heart is - basic restoration and reformation of the fundamentally important CORE of the Gospel.
Those with interest, read again Matthew 17:1-9. ... te=4380943
The current church is, overwhelmingly, making tabernacles to Moses (legalism of some form) and/or Elias (mysticism of some kind).
It is failure, and absolutely so.
Only Christ works.
That is the Covenant.
Paul saw it accurately when he wrote in Colossians 2:2-3, "Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
Critical Gospel Core?
Read them, understand them... whoever will.
Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 7:14
Galatians 4:3-4
Matthew 16:16
1 John 3:8
Then I dropped into chat last night and one of the chatters, a board 'pal' of mine for a decade, said, "That avatar is perfect for you, pops."
Truthfully, to some degree, I'm pretty sure he meant that.
Yes, because this is ONE very common perception people have of Christians these days.
The hateful wingnut.
But the Gospel is love, I am fully convicted that it is the ONLY answer for us, and I will continue to direct my life toward the ministry of the core Gospel Word.
The perception that I am anything like Fred Phelps makes me shudder.
I will lose the Phelps avatard soon, because the truth of the matter is that I detest him.
But the Cul de Smack is my playground - so I enjoyed displaying him under my name.
There is a fundamental theological reason why Christians are viewed in negative stereotypical ways.
And there are also reasons, brought on by the behavior of Christians themselves, why we are viewed negatively.
In large percentages, 'the church' was moved to align themselves with a certain political party toward the late 1980s.
Much church energy has been directed toward trying to advance certain social goals, and when looking at the current state of the church in America (and most places), it is just simply in VERY serious condition.
In overwhelming percentages, it has lost it's focus - due to losing hold of the Covenant.
Losing hold of the Covenant is a recurring theme throughout church history.
But God ALWAYS performs a restoration.
Romans 11:4.
THAT is where my heart is - basic restoration and reformation of the fundamentally important CORE of the Gospel.
Those with interest, read again Matthew 17:1-9. ... te=4380943
The current church is, overwhelmingly, making tabernacles to Moses (legalism of some form) and/or Elias (mysticism of some kind).
It is failure, and absolutely so.
Only Christ works.
That is the Covenant.
Paul saw it accurately when he wrote in Colossians 2:2-3, "Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
Critical Gospel Core?
Read them, understand them... whoever will.
Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 7:14
Galatians 4:3-4
Matthew 16:16
1 John 3:8