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Re: The REAL Sabbath Reuniting

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:49 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Rack 80-year old geezers reuniting for another cash-grab! :meds:

Re: The REAL Sabbath Reuniting

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:25 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Yes, it was intended, you moron. I bet you'd pay $75 to see these washed-up has-beens. Christ, will they have to unembalm Ozzy and wheel him up on-stage on a dolly?

What a fucking disgrace.

Re: The REAL Sabbath Reuniting

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:35 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Sudden Sam wrote:Yeah, right. No one who enjoys Foster the Pubes, Air Prance, and MGMT would be familiar with Geezer.
I'm well aware of Geezer Butler, idiot. Tommy Iommi, too. I used to work in a dentist office when I was in high school. When the dentist was gone and it was only hygienists working, and I had to work, too, I'd play Paranoid over the PA. You'd get some strange comments from the old bag ladies in the waiting room.

Just because your era's music is irrelevant and nobody cares about it anymore, doesn't mean I don't know who the fuck these people are.

Re: The REAL Sabbath Reuniting

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:26 am
by King Crimson
need to do Sweet Leaf.

great rock riff.

Re: The REAL Sabbath Reuniting

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:27 am
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
I'll pass.

Saw the original lineup at New Year's Evil at Bank One Ballpark (now Chase Field) back in '98. Even 13 years ago, Ozzy couldn't hit the high notes anymore, but it was still a solid show.

Also saw Ozzy solo and Sab... err, Heaven and Hell within about a year of each other back in 05-06. Dio was on fucking point, but Ozzy was using a Tele-Promp-Ter. It was just sad. I'm not gonna shit on the guy, considering he, Tony, Geezer and Bill invented the greatest genre of music of all time, but I certainly wouldn't pay money to see them play at this late date.