maxine waters!!!
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:26 pm
This congresswoman said, "The tea party can go straight to HELL", Why is that Ms. Waters? Is it because the people who voted you into office are leaches and parasites? Well, at least the majority of them.
There are two kinds of people in this country, TAXPAYERS, and TAX TAKERS. The people in the tea party, are TAXPAYERS.
The people who vote for you are in large part, TAX TAKERS. meaning, I respect the people in the tea party, and I am disgusted at the people who vote a fuckin moron like you into office.
You maxine waters with shit for brains, YOU dis-respect the tea party, the TAXPAYERS, the ones who actually pay your salary! And you coddle and embrace the TAX TAKERS, the ones who dont pay your salary. I, as a taxpayer and tea party supporter, would love to FIRE you , and see you work at wendys where you deserve to be.
You want the tea party to burn in hell? NO, how bout you take a trip to hell and visit some of your constituents.
I, Bradhusker am a TAXPAYER, therefore, I love the tea party, and the freedom and liberty they love. YOU, Maxine Waters, you are a leech and a parasite lover, you love to take from the taxpayer, and give to the tax taker, ie.. the leeeches and parasites of the country.
50 percent of all of us pay ZERO federal income taxes, AND, I dont have a problem with that at all, ALL I ASK is that you shut the fuck up about the rest of us who actually do pay taxes. SHUT YOUR DIRTY WHORE MOUTH ms waters.
This congresswoman said, "The tea party can go straight to HELL", Why is that Ms. Waters? Is it because the people who voted you into office are leaches and parasites? Well, at least the majority of them.
There are two kinds of people in this country, TAXPAYERS, and TAX TAKERS. The people in the tea party, are TAXPAYERS.
The people who vote for you are in large part, TAX TAKERS. meaning, I respect the people in the tea party, and I am disgusted at the people who vote a fuckin moron like you into office.
You maxine waters with shit for brains, YOU dis-respect the tea party, the TAXPAYERS, the ones who actually pay your salary! And you coddle and embrace the TAX TAKERS, the ones who dont pay your salary. I, as a taxpayer and tea party supporter, would love to FIRE you , and see you work at wendys where you deserve to be.
You want the tea party to burn in hell? NO, how bout you take a trip to hell and visit some of your constituents.
I, Bradhusker am a TAXPAYER, therefore, I love the tea party, and the freedom and liberty they love. YOU, Maxine Waters, you are a leech and a parasite lover, you love to take from the taxpayer, and give to the tax taker, ie.. the leeeches and parasites of the country.
50 percent of all of us pay ZERO federal income taxes, AND, I dont have a problem with that at all, ALL I ASK is that you shut the fuck up about the rest of us who actually do pay taxes. SHUT YOUR DIRTY WHORE MOUTH ms waters.