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Week 2 Death Pool-UPDATED!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:39 am
ImageImage Of course this is just a trifle tardy as these CFB posers lose two in a row..Bwahahaaahaaa.. Losing is a full time job to these softies from Potville. Is this the first time a team loses to a conference opponent without offically being a conference game? Of course it is!..Bwahahaaaa.. only these losers can boost of that accomplishment.. Bwahahaaaa....Hey PAC 12ers, if you need a hook-up for sum know where to go now...Bwahahaaaa...they can't beat you one the field, but they'll get you high...and then you must die!!..Bwahahaaaa..

Image ImageWake up kitty kitty..oh you're not napping?..Bwahahaaaaa...well I give you credit for taking on a foe that has some least you died an honorable death..but you dead just the same..Bwahahaaa...

ImageImage That Hawkeye is closed for another long season and it's still 80 degress in Crapville Iowa. Thanks for not wasting our time losers...Bwahahaaaa...being dealt the death blow from lil' brother across the state should be the embarrassment of the can these losers get out of bed tomorrow? They won't!..Bwahhaaaahaaa...

Image Welly well, I take great pride in these Bible thumpers getting thumped. They are a weird lot that keeps it all in the family, if you know what I mean...if only they knew the final reward..Bwahahaaa...

Image Image
Well I remember assisting in reaping the herd that beautiful July afternoon in Montana when the Sioux had a little surprise for G.A. Custer and his boys. Maybe he'd have fared better slaughtering the peaceful Utes as they are now in the Happy Hunting Grounds along with Georgie..Bwahahaaaaa...Lets see, these guys and the losers above will make the Pacific 12 proud, nothing like adding even more losers to a conference. Bwahaaaaaa..

Welly welly well...even though more of you decomposers are still out there, this is all I have time for, you see, I need to get to my full time job and glean the geriatric ward... (check my list for tonight...ummm.. Mabel, Junior, Ethel, and Norman...check!) borrrringgg...I need another tsunami..Bwahahaaaa...or that big time earthquake that's been promised to all you's coming worm meal! oh yeah, it is... Bwahhahaaaaa...Bwahaaaaahhaaa..Think atomic holocaust losers..Bwahahaaaa...You all play a hand in the end, so keep up the good work you greedy sinful bastards! Bwahahaaaa...Bwahahaaaa, see you soon! Oh yeah, I mean SOON!.. Bwahahaaahaaaa...

You Name Here!

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:53 am
by King Crimson
sucks to be Garrett Gilbert these days. got Brent Mussie's second fave man crushes beating BYU for him. did you know that pere McCoy and Shipley played together at Abaline Christian together....? Brent will always want to blurt out, "look at that ass on Chris Simms"....but a Colt/Shipley gene love will do.

that's a ESPN wet dream. and no, i'm not even going to try and spell Abaleine correctly.

this whole "back to the past" that was 2 and 3 years ago seems to me sad for UT. jus sayin.

of course, they'll probably beat us and lose 5 games...that's just how it is.

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:36 pm
by bradhusker
hey season over? ya sissy, you thought nebraska was gonna go down heh? TOO BAD sissy boy, not gonna happen, punk.

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:11 pm
by Van
Damn, even as bad as we are these days, I wish Nebraska had remained on our schedule.

Btw, where is SO troll's nod to Mizzou? With all the K.C. people here, I thought that one would be a no-brainer.

Should 'Bama lose a game this year, is he going to wimp out and use a dead elephant for his "Bwaaaaaaahaaa!" rant, or will he get creative and somehow show a roadkill Crimson Tide?

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:23 pm
by bradhusker
Van wrote:Damn, even as bad as we are these days, I wish Nebraska had remained on our schedule.

Btw, where is SO troll's nod to Mizzou? With all the K.C. people here, I thought that one would be a no-brainer.

Should 'Bama lose a game this year, is he going to wimp out and use a dead elephant for his "Bwaaaaaaahaaa!" rant, or will he get creative and somehow show a roadkill Crimson Tide?
You wish nebraska had remained on your sched. this year? REALLY? thats like you wishing to go into a dark alley in new york city with me, bradhusker. Not a good thing to wish for, you'd be dead, and so would your sissy football team ya punk. :evil:

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:31 pm
by Mace
I think it's a little early to include Iowa on the list but they've obviously got a lot of work to do before entering the conference season. OTOH, Iowa State was pretty impressive yesterday and will greatly exceed the pre-season predictions for the Big 12, if they can avoid injuries at the QB and O-line positions that would expose their lack of depth.

Re: Week 2 Death Pool- UPDATE!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:44 pm
Van wrote:Btw, where is SO troll's nod to Mizzou? With all the K.C. people here, I thought that one would be a no-brainer.?
I sincerely apologize for my absent mindedness, but I was working a bus accident / bridge thingy in the Congo that evening, Bwahahahhaaaa.. funny thing.. Bwahahahahhaaaa.. (see, it was funny..Bwa...) the piranha drew the ire of a couple crocodiles and the body count was a little skewed, I have to account for that stuff you know..Bwahahaaaaaa..I love those little fishies...darling disposition and cute all at the same time..pick a couple up for the kiddies and encourge them to finger feed the little guys..Bwahahaahaaa...good times...Bwah..

Oh yeah...this Bwahahahaaaa....
Not only is this the most annoying team to observe during what you call a football game, their fans are a bunch of fair weather no count losers..Bwaaahhahhahaa....Hey tigger fan, maybe those Hawkeye slayers will win your division...Bwahahhaaaa...that outta get ya an invite out of the DEATH conference... Bwahahhaaaa...Can you say MAC? Bwahhahhaaaa.,..maybe they won't have you...Bwahahaaaa...SEASON OVER losers, but you knew that was inevitable in August, I right? OF COURSE I'M RIGHT! Bwahahhaaaaaa...Keep sucking you fence sitters...Bwahahaaaaa...P.S. Billy Quantrill sends his love, that bitch takes the fork twice a day...Bwahahahaaahaa....He said "Show Me" when he was gleaned in '65...well he's Seen it countless he loves it..Bwahahhaaa...

Re: Week 2 Death Pool

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:55 pm
Mace wrote:I think it's a little early to include Iowa on the list
You think? you don't need to think plow jockey...I KNOW!!! Bwhahahaahaaa...DEATH to your stupid bird and fat women!

Image I know this is choice Ioway pork so I gotta bet YOU would hit it! Bwahahahaaa...Homecoming Queen...right?..Bwahhahahhaaa..

Re: Week 2 Death Pool- UPDATE!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:25 am
by Mace
SEASON OVER wrote:[/....Hey tigger fan, maybe those Hawkeye slayers will win your division...Bwahahhaaaa....
Hey, twatlips, there are no divisions in the Big 12 this year.

Re: Week 2 Death Pool- UPDATE!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:17 am
Mace wrote:
SEASON OVER wrote:[/....Hey tigger fan, maybe those Hawkeye slayers will win your division...Bwahahhaaaa....
Hey, twatlips, there are no divisions in the Big 12 this year.
Bwahahaaahhaa..I love to feel your hatred, anger is a glorious emotion reeking within your writing, filling your being with the ultimate reward... DEATH!...Bwahahaaaa...time my friend, time...I sense you are is running out just for you...please call me more unknown mortal makes me stronger and you vulnerable to the... end...Bwahahhahaaahaa.. what my friend is this twatlip anyway? I'm unfamiliar...Bwahhahaahahaaa..something you wear on your face..? no? Bwahahhahaaa...

division/revision..tomato/tomatoe..Iowa Fan/Loser..Bwahahhaaaa...