Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:49 am
President Obama says its time the wealthy pay their fair share. He wants billionaires and millionaires to pay up. He claims that billionaires dont pay as much taxes as school teachers and the middle class.
How can the president of the USA get away with bold face lying like this?? HOW?
If a guy making a million dollars a year pays 29.3 percent of his income to the federal govt. And a teacher making 55 thousand a year pays 15.1 percent to the federal govt. HOW does Obama say that the millionaire is not paying his fair share? How the fuck does this piece of shit president get to lie to the american people, and get away with it?
And, folks making less than 30 thousand a year, are paying far less of their income in federal taxes. IN FACT, some get their exemptions, and do NOT pay federal income taxes.
SO, this begs the question, why does this piece of shit continue to lie? AND, why does the democratic party and the far left continue to play class warfare?
How can the president of the USA get away with bold face lying like this?? HOW?
If a guy making a million dollars a year pays 29.3 percent of his income to the federal govt. And a teacher making 55 thousand a year pays 15.1 percent to the federal govt. HOW does Obama say that the millionaire is not paying his fair share? How the fuck does this piece of shit president get to lie to the american people, and get away with it?
And, folks making less than 30 thousand a year, are paying far less of their income in federal taxes. IN FACT, some get their exemptions, and do NOT pay federal income taxes.
SO, this begs the question, why does this piece of shit continue to lie? AND, why does the democratic party and the far left continue to play class warfare?