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A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:54 pm
by Killian
Lane Kiffin has now lost more games by 21 points (3) than Pete Carroll did in his entire career at USC (2). Both of Carroll's came in 2009, his last year.
Also, Matt Barkley now has more losses than Matt Leinart, John David Booty and Mark Sanchez, combined.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:12 pm
by Van
Plus he managed to lose at home to Akron with a fancy name. (Credit to M Club for that one.)
USC during the Lane Kiffin era, especially his dad's 'defense'?

Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:32 pm
by pron
I want to sniff that.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:52 pm
by SoCalTrjn
I said this team may win 6 games at the start of the season. They may only win 5.
Team is not motivated because they have nothing to play for, coaching staff will mostly be gone by the end of next season except for Kiffin, he will serve out USCs sentence and then haden the domer will hire some other wounded duck for a coach.
The remainder of our seats for the season are going up on stub hub, I have better things to do on Saturdays than watch a team that doesnt care or want to be there.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:37 am
by Killian
SoCalTrjn wrote:haden the domer
You mean the Rhodes Scholar from USC? Shut the fuck up, you pussy.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:55 pm
by SoCalTrjn
Killian wrote:SoCalTrjn wrote:haden the domer
You mean the Rhodes Scholar from USC? Shut the fuck up, you pussy.
no I mean the cock sucker that cried on TV when Notre Dame got blown out by Miami.
Haden wanted to go to ND when he was a junior in HS, his senior year he went to live with his best friend and HS team mate, JK McKay. he went to USC because of his relationship with the McKays, ND was in his heart and as soon as he could he went to wok for Notre Dame. he is a domer and USC football will suck until he is gone from the school
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:50 pm
by minorthreat
It's always best to dump your team when they are down.
10 year Iowa State Cyclone season ticket holder.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:58 am
by Killian
SoCalTrjn wrote:no I mean the cock sucker that cried on TV when Notre Dame got blown out by Miami.
Really? What Miami game?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:38 am
by SoCalTrjn
Killian wrote:SoCalTrjn wrote:no I mean the cock sucker that cried on TV when Notre Dame got blown out by Miami.
Really? What Miami game?
1985, Its on ESPNs special on the U, Haden, crying like a little girl because Miami did to the Irish what Notre Dame had been doing to teams for 70 years in Gerry Faust's final game beating the Irish something like 60-6. He outed himself right then and there as a Domer, no Trojan would ever cry over a Domer loss.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:29 am
by Dinsdale
SoCalTrjn wrote:JK McKay
Whose father (you remember him, right?) was...
Quack Quack
Whose successor, who also won an MNC...
Quack Quack
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:18 am
by Killian
Papa Willie wrote:Killian wrote:Lane Kiffin has now lost more games by 21 points (3) than Pete Carroll did in his entire career at USC (2). Both of Carroll's came in 2009, his last year.
Also, Matt Barkley now has more losses than Matt Leinart, John David Booty and Mark Sanchez, combined.
USC pretty much has owned ND the last 10 or so years, eh? Well fuck - pretty much everybody has, you dick-slurping sack of gonorrhea!

Hey, the first thing Lennie has gotten right in a week! But as always, it's short lived. ND has scoreboard, don't they? Run along, dummy.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:41 am
by SoCalTrjn
minorthreat wrote:It's always best to dump your team when they are down.
10 year Iowa State Cyclone season ticket holder.
I will keep my season seats because if they get good again in another 20 years I don't want end zone seats. Its not like i will cheer for any other team, I fucking hate every other team in the NCAA, they all represent Paul Dee and the bullshit he strapped USC with.
I just have better shit to do on Saturdays then spend all day in LA watching a team put up a lackluster effort. I hope that USC's players go fucking psycho and start blasting enemy teams players in the knees and head since they Trojans cant go bowling they may as well try to ruin other peoples seasons, if not by beating them, by beating them up. What are the refs going to do, penalize them? They already are with bullshit calls like this one
That hit is clean, hit him square in the numbers, fuck the announcer crying for the penalty, he was sucking Burficts cock the entire game.
If the refs are going to call 15 yarders for hits like that, may as well blow out some players knees.
USC needs to play like this the rest of the year
who gives a fuck, the NCAA cant keep them from a bowl game and they are giving them penalties anyway
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:45 pm
by Killian
I hope someone on the other team blindsides your kid and blows both his knees out.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:04 pm
by Van
SoCalTrjn, since your beef is with the NCAA, as well as with the lackluster effort from USC's players, why are you wishing harm on kids from other teams?
What in the hell is wrong with you?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:28 pm
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:SoCalTrjn, since your beef is with the NCAA, as well as with the lackluster effort from USC's players, why are you wishing harm on kids from other teams?
What in the hell is wrong with you?
Oh, plenty.
Sigmund Freud
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:38 pm
by indyfrisco
Great stats?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:53 pm
by SoCalTrjn
Van wrote:SoCalTrjn, since your beef is with the NCAA, as well as with the lackluster effort from USC's players, why are you wishing harm on kids from other teams?
What in the hell is wrong with you?
All of the other teams are the NCAA, its not like they can blow out the knees of the LOIC so blow out the knees of the kids playing for all the teams that were aided by the LOIC's unjust penalties on USC. You think Deanthony Thomas goes to Oregon if USC isnt hit with sanctions? Cripple the little fucker for not keeping his word and cripple all the other traders from Southern California who sold their souls to Phil Knight. Then cripple Andrew Luck too, if USCs players dont get to go to a bowl game this year, make sure that if he does, its just to spectate from the sidelines on crutches. All out warfare is how the USC players need to view this season. I dont care if they lose every game the rest of the year as log as the other teams key players are carried off the field.
Cant hit the NCAA or the refs making the shit calls, take it out on the cocksuckers being aided by the NCAA and the refs
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:05 pm
by Van
USC wasn't going to beat out Stanford this season anyway, so why begrudge Andrew Luck, much less some poor O-Lineman from Washington St?
Seriously, are you nine years old?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:05 pm
by Goober McTuber
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:47 pm
by SoCalTrjn
Because Andrew Luck represents the NCAA and since the Trojans cant hurt the NCAA they may as well hurt who they can
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:52 pm
by Python
And you wonder why everyone hates USC.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:20 pm
by Van
No, I never have.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:29 pm
by Killian
Yeah, I've noticed southerners typically hate people who are intellectually superior to them that beat their ass in an argument.
Come on, Lennie, you can do better. Can't you?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:10 pm
by Killian
Papa Willie wrote:Killian wrote:Yeah, I've noticed southerners typically hate people who are intellectually superior to them that beat their ass in an argument.
Come on, Lennie, you can do better. Can't you?
Yeah - and I've noticed that Northerners like you are dumb as fucking shit, tend to support anything with cocks stuffed in it's assholes, and work their lives away just so they can move down here to die. Yay you.
Swing and a miss, Lennie.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:02 pm
by Killian
No, last word, it means that IKYABWAI smack is beyond a typical response. But, I'd expect nothing less from you, Lennie.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:30 am
by Killian
Lennie wrote:3rd grade noun/verb mash-up.
Time to go pet the rabbits, Lennie.
Killian wrote:Yeah, I've noticed southerners typically hate people who are intellectually superior to them that beat their ass in an argument.
Lennie wrote:Yeah - and I've noticed that Northerners like you are dumb as fucking shit
I'd expect nothing less.

Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:19 pm
by Left Seater
SoCalTrjn wrote: What are the refs going to do, penalize them? They already are with bullshit calls like this one
That hit is clean, hit him square in the numbers, fuck the announcer crying for the penalty, he was sucking Burficts cock the entire game.
If the refs are going to call 15 yarders for hits like that, may as well blow out some players knees.
USC needs to play like this the rest of the year
who gives a fuck, the NCAA cant keep them from a bowl game and they are giving them penalties anyway
Your myopia knows no bounds. I have watched that hit multiple times and for you to claim the contact is square in the numbers is crazy. That is a hit with the shoulder at the opponents shoulder. That should be called every time. Know the rules before you bitch about them, because when you don't know them and still bitch you could end up as board bitch. Now if you disagree with the rule, so be it, but say that.
As for you wanting SC to injure opponents reminds me of pre teens. They would think that is a good tactic, which doesn't surprise me that you are thinking the same thing. I don't want to see your kid injured but just imagine how angry you would be if your sons opponent took out his knee just because your kid was winning.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:53 pm
by SoCalTrjn
First, bullshit, McDonald never touched the other players head even though he is 5 inches taller than the guy he hit and if you would make that same call, you suck as much dick as the pac's refs do.
Second, if my son and his team had to cheat in order to be winning, I would expect the other team to go after his knees and head if they had any fight in them. USC and its players at the school this year were cheated, they were cheated by the NCAA who unjustly punished them for the wrongs of one players step dad when the current players were in middle school. Paul Dee and the COI were far dirtier in their punishment than USC was ever found guilty of in the Bush situation. USCs current players cant get Dee and company back for the injustices served upon them but they can get some pay back on the benefactors of the NCAA tyrannical penalties, the teams that reaped the rewards of USCs penalties. Ohio States players were allowed to go bowling because it was a unique opportunity, where are the Trojans players opportunity? Cam Newton was cleared over night because he said he didnt know his dad was asking schools for 200k to get his sons services, what Trojan player asked for or received 200 grand from USC so they would go to USC? USCs team has been wronged and the only thing that makes a wrong right is getting to wrong the other side. USC has 7 more chances to right the wrongs done to them by making sure that other players from other schools dont get to enjoy a post season either, or if the team goes its better players watch from the sideline on crutches
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:13 pm
by Killian
Looks like your pussy kid isn't back on the roster yet. Have you filed suite against the school? Already started the transfer paperwork?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
Killian wrote:Have you filed suite against the school?
OK, I believe you now. You’re not a lawyer.
Excellent thread, BTW, with truly entertaining performances by Toejam
and Papsmear Willie.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:30 pm
by Dinsdale
Goober McTuber wrote:Killian wrote:Have you filed suite against the school?
OK, I believe you now. You’re not a lawyer.
Maybe he's talking about the freebie suites Reggie got in Vegas?
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:44 pm
by Van
To All & Sundry,
Please be assured that SoCalTrjn's psychotic views in no way, shape or form reflect those of normal, sane USC fans.
Thank you.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:46 pm
by Killian
I'm a horrific speller, a product of the spell check generation.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:45 pm
by Left Seater
Myopic Bandwagon SC Fan wrote:That hit is clean, hit him square in the numbers,
Myopic Bandwagon SC Fan wrote:McDonald never touched the other players head
So which is it?
Left Seater wrote:Know the rules before you bitch about them, because when you don't know them and still bitch you could end up as board bitch.
Again, know the rule you are bitching about. The contact doesn't have to be on the helmet. Come back when you know what you are talking about. Hell, come back with a bitch where at least you have something to stand on. The last two times you attempted to blame the Pac 12 officials, you weren't even in the same zip code. Remember when your scoreboard guy messed up and you blamed the officials?
But you went to the surest sign you have nothing left to support your opinion, homo smack!
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:52 pm
by M2
Killian wrote:I'm a horrific speller
Really ???
Can you spell... NBC ???
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:20 am
by SoCalTrjn
Killian wrote:Looks like your pussy kid isn't back on the roster yet. Have you filed suite against the school? Already started the transfer paperwork?
no paperwork to start, at the end of the school year we pull him from MVHS and enroll him at Servite
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:43 am
by SoCalTrjn
Left Seater wrote:Myopic Bandwagon SC Fan wrote:That hit is clean, hit him square in the numbers,
Myopic Bandwagon SC Fan wrote:McDonald never touched the other players head
So which is it?
Left Seater wrote:Know the rules before you bitch about them, because when you don't know them and still bitch you could end up as board bitch.
Again, know the rule you are bitching about. The contact doesn't have to be on the helmet. Come back when you know what you are talking about. Hell, come back with a bitch where at least you have something to stand on. The last two times you attempted to blame the Pac 12 officials, you weren't even in the same zip code. Remember when your scoreboard guy messed up and you blamed the officials?
But you went to the surest sign you have nothing left to support your opinion, homo smack!
46 second mark of the video, Mcdonald hits him cleanly at the top of his numbers where it says Arizona State on his jersey not above the shoulders ... 11059.jpg/
photo is blurry but contact has been made to the chest, the ASU players shoulder pads are visible above McDonalds shoulders. The ASU player is also 4 or 5 inches shorter than McDonald so how do they expect a bigger player to get below a smaller players shoulders when the smaller player is leaning to get his pads low? Its like 2008 when USC was flagged for something like 6 horse collar penalties because every time they tackled the 5 foot 6 Jacquiz Rodgers from behind they grabbed his jersey near his shoulders. never once did a Trojan player grab him between the neck and pads which is a horse collar tackle
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:02 am
by Left Seater
SoCalTrjn wrote:
46 second mark of the video, Mcdonald hits him cleanly at the top of his numbers where it says Arizona State on his jersey not above the shoulders
Yeah, that's definitive.
Look if McDonald had even attempted to wrap at all he might get the benefit of the doubt but all he was doing was lowering his shoulder to punish the ball carrier.
SC Myopic Fan wrote:The ASU player is also 4 or 5 inches shorter than McDonald so how do they expect a bigger player to get below a smaller players shoulders when the smaller player is leaning to get his pads low?
Has nothing to do with anything. Wrap up instead of trying to behead the runner.
SC Myopic Fan wrote:Its like 2008 when USC was flagged for something like 6 horse collar penalties because every time they tackled the 5 foot 6 Jacquiz Rodgers from behind they grabbed his jersey near his shoulders. never once did a Trojan player grab him between the neck and pads which is a horse collar tackle
Oh, you mean this game?
One that I was on the sidelines for?
Horse collar or face mask? Hell anyone that posts on this board could score thru that hole.
USC was only flagged for 7 penalties in that game. At least two were offensive holding. Pretty sad faces here:
Seems that Pete was having a good time:
My wife had a good time:
ESPN only shows two personal fouls by USC after Quizz runs, so care to recant that statement?
Looks like that is strike three for you. Man am I owning you at this point.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:26 am
by Van
I really hated that game.
Re: A couple of great stats for USC haters
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:49 pm
by SoCalTrjn
You are suppose to punish the ball carrier, take away his desire to continue to carry the ball, maybe you should stick to flag football.
Was that a blurry photo? yeah it was a screen capture from the you tube video but you can clearly see the ball carriers shoulders above McDonalds shoulders so how can McDonald be hitting him above the shoulders like you, the announcers and the refs state he was?
Later in that game Barkley is hit helmet to helmet and there is no call, that, along with the 6 holding calls that were never called on Perry shows bias against USC. A sort of bias that USC cant combat, since they cant hit the refs, and therefore need to start blowing the knees out of the enemy players who are benefiting from the refs bias. USC is already not getting their games called fair, they may as well actually break the rules then if theyre going to get punished for it.