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Re: 8th Grade Football - Week 6 Rant

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:32 pm
by Left Seater
88 wrote:The official blew the whistle even though a "live" ball was rolling around on the field. It was recovered by our defense, but to no avail. The officials conferenced and decided that since the whistle had blown, the play was over before the fumble was recovered. Our coaches went ape shit and got a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty called on them, which moved the ball to just inside the 10 yard line.
I don't like coaches going ape shit, but they have every reason in this case. Your son's coach should have been given the option of replaying the down. Nothing can be done about the official making the mistake once it has happened, but then not giving the offended team the option is horrible. Your coach should have been given an option to replay the down or take the result of the play at the point the whistle blew.