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I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:20 pm
by Goober McTuber
(CNN) -- Political junkies keeping track of the GOP presidential horserace probably know the candidates by first name only: Mitt, Rick, Michele and so on.
But a new Pew Research Center survey finds only small percentages of Americans can name any of the 2012 Republican candidates. When asked to name a person running for the nomination, only 28 percent identified Texas Gov. Rick Perry, 27 percent named former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and 15 percent identified Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.
All of the other candidates got results in the single digits. Forty-seven percent of Americans couldn't name any candidate for the 2012 GOP nomination.
Those numbers are far lower than when the name question was asked in October 2007. At that time, 45 percent of respondents named former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as a candidate, while 30 percent identified Romney and 27 percent named then Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson. In that survey, 41 percent of respondents couldn't name a candidate.
Among Republicans voters, name recognition is slightly higher. Sixty-six percent of Republican and Republican leaning voters could name a candidate. Perry and Romney had the highest name recognition, each with 36 percent of respondents identifying them as candidates.
The poll was taken by telephone from Sept. 29-Oct. 2, and 1000 adults were surveyed. The sampling error was plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:28 pm
by smackaholic
I'm voting for Herb Cain, as Sarah likes to call him.
It is understandable that recognition was higher last time. EVERYONE knew who Rudy was after 911. McCain was a repeat runner.
Also, Americans are getting dumber by the year.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:31 pm
by indyfrisco
smackaholic wrote:Also, Americans are getting dumber by the year.
Thats most definitely true. Its a shame this country has no pride in it's perception.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:46 pm
by Mikey
IndyFrisco wrote:smackaholic wrote:Also, Americans are getting dumber by the year.
Its a shame this country has no pride in it's perception.
Or in its knowledge of how to use an apostrophe.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:05 pm
by indyfrisco
^^^ Apparently you missed that sarcasm that flew over your bald head? ^^^
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:06 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:Its a shame this country has no pride in it's perception.
I see what you did there... too bad Mikey has no pride in his' perception.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:09 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Mikey, I hope you get run over by a garbage truck full of AIDS needles have a great Canadian Thanksgiving weekend you pathetic piece of shit, my dear old friend.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:31 pm
by atomicdad
there is a diminutive guy that looks like he is scared of his own shadow, a nutty broad, a momo, a spook, and another fuck from texas.
what do i win?
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:09 pm
by Mikey
IndyFrisco wrote:^^^ Apparently you missed that sarcasm that flew over your bald head? ^^^
I must have been blinded by the brilliant SoCal sunlight.

Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:10 pm
by Mikey
atomicdad wrote:there is a diminutive guy that looks like he is scared of his own shadow, a nutty broad, a momo, a spook, and another fuck from texas.
what do i win?
A date with Marty for Thanksgiving dinner?
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:11 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I don't have to put up with this. I really don't.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:42 am
by bradhusker
After watching Mitt Romney speak saturday morning, ITS OVER. Its his to lose. game set match.
Now, bring on Obama, and let the debates begin. Mitt will make Obama look like a lost little girl in a debate. No teleprompters in a debate, just Barack vs. MITT, face to face, mano' to mano'. Mitt is a proven governor and leader of men. A business TITAN, a man with moxy, who is ready to roll up his sleeves and get down to brass tacks.
When the american people get to see these televised debates between Mitt and Barack, it will "seal the deal" if you will. It will be like Kennedy vs. Nixon from the famous black and white 1960 debates, where nixon looked uncomfortable and wooden, and Kennedy looked charming and poised. (kennedy was fucking marilyn monroe and several high class excorts at the time), so he was well relaxed.
Mitt Romney will come across as reagan like, presidential, a kind and caring leader, while Obama will come acrosss as a young man who is ready for a game of pick up 3 on 3 halfcourt basketball.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:16 pm
by Carson
What a pairing: Obamajangles vs. Ultra-Whitey.
So much for closing the race divide.
Too bad David Duke can't run.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:42 pm
by bradhusker
Carson wrote:What a pairing: Obamajangles vs. Ultra-Whitey.
So much for closing the race divide.
Too bad David Duke can't run.
NICE TRY carson, but your way off. Its Obama who is divisive, I love how democrats play the race card, Keep screamin racist, when its blacks themselves who are severe racists and haters. Just take a look at Obama's former church in chicago. Its full of sick hate and racism, full of it.
In the doctrine of the church, the very theology the Pastor taught, and I quote, "the ONLY way a white man can get to heaven", end quote. WTF?? Funny how there is no comment on blatant sick hate and racism within the black community, funny.
Obama and the dems love to call republicans "divisive. REALLY? It seems that when half the folks disagree with you, THEN YOU are the divider, not the unifier.
David Duke? what the fuck does he matter? He's dead. Rev Wright is very much alive and full of hate and racist thoughts.
Look around you, the left wing is full of hate and intolerance, or havent you noticed you dimwitt.
The only crowd who wants real liberty and real freedom is the tea party.
Until you come to that reality, you are one dellusional fuck tard.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:48 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:Mitt Romney will come across as reagan like, presidential, a kind and caring leader, while Obama will come acrosss as a young man who is ready for a game of pick up 3 on 3 halfcourt basketball.
Keep thinking that. Not that it matters. The Republicans will do better with Obama in the White House.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:08 pm
by bradhusker
BSmack wrote:bradhusker wrote:Mitt Romney will come across as reagan like, presidential, a kind and caring leader, while Obama will come acrosss as a young man who is ready for a game of pick up 3 on 3 halfcourt basketball.
Keep thinking that. Not that it matters. The Republicans will do better with Obama in the White House.
Just sit back and watch what happens when Barack Obama must have a one-on-one debate with Mitt Romney. It will be embarrassing for Obama to say the least. No teleprompters, just face to face, intellect vs. intellect, It 'll be a turkey shoot.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:17 pm
by Carson
More like a turkey shoot for the media:
"Mr. President, who's your favorite athlete?"
"Hey whitey, why do you want to hurt black people, illegals, and gays?"
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:19 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:BSmack wrote:Keep thinking that. Not that it matters. The Republicans will do better with Obama in the White House.
Just sit back and watch what happens when Barack Obama must have a one-on-one debate with Mitt Romney. It will be embarrassing for Obama to say the least. No teleprompters, just face to face, intellect vs. intellect, It 'll be a turkey shoot.
I'm sorry, did I confuse you? Corporate profits are at an all time high, taxes for the rich are just as low as the Bush years, money is flowing into GOP coffers like sperm into Stanley Pickle at NBA All-Star weekend and hardly any of the deregulation authored by Bush's corporate stooges has been reversed.
And you think they should CHANGE that? It's like being President without the whole having to take responsibility part. If you want to change that you're crazy.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:45 pm
Botox killed his face years ago.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:16 pm
by bradhusker
BSmack wrote:bradhusker wrote:BSmack wrote:Keep thinking that. Not that it matters. The Republicans will do better with Obama in the White House.
Just sit back and watch what happens when Barack Obama must have a one-on-one debate with Mitt Romney. It will be embarrassing for Obama to say the least. No teleprompters, just face to face, intellect vs. intellect, It 'll be a turkey shoot.
I'm sorry, did I confuse you? Corporate profits are at an all time high, taxes for the rich are just as low as the Bush years, money is flowing into GOP coffers like sperm into Stanley Pickle at NBA All-Star weekend and hardly any of the deregulation authored by Bush's corporate stooges has been reversed.
And you think they should CHANGE that? It's like being President without the whole having to take responsibility part. If you want to change that you're crazy.
theres just one lil problem here, Obama is a closet leftist, and as such, if he remains president, the country will remain in recession. My take is, with Romney as president, unemployment will go down as millions of jobs come back home, which in turn will completely turn the country back in the right direction.
One side note, Ive been watching the marches all across the country, and its a bunch of brain-washed college aged kids, dancing and shaking and having a good time, hooting it up on their parents' dime.
These kids are so brainwashed by Al gore's cult, its scary. Ive talked to some of these young college kids, and they are stupid with a capital S.
also, there are a lot of faggotts marching as well, and dykes of course, the rest? Mostly leftist dems and the unemployed.
ALL anti-freedom, nice bunch
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:57 pm
by R-Jack
BSmack wrote:money is flowing into GOP coffers like sperm into Stanley Pickle at NBA All-Star weekend

Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:50 pm
by bradhusker
R-Jack wrote:BSmack wrote:money is flowing into GOP coffers like sperm into Stanley Pickle at NBA All-Star weekend

holy shit, its the estevez brothers!!!!!!!!!
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:11 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:theres just one lil problem here, Obama is a closet leftist, and as such, if he remains president, the country will remain in recession. My take is, with Romney as president, unemployment will go down as millions of jobs come back home, which in turn will completely turn the country back in the right direction.
Yea, the hedge fund guy will be the one to put his foot down and save American jobs.
The reform this country needs will not come from either political party, it will come because the people are fucking fed up and the folks in one party or another finally remove their heads from their asses. If you think Romney is the best of the lot then fine. But don't try to sell me that he's some kind of change agent.
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:47 pm
by Jerkovich
Re: I'm voting for what's his name
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:44 pm
by bradhusker
BSmack wrote:bradhusker wrote:theres just one lil problem here, Obama is a closet leftist, and as such, if he remains president, the country will remain in recession. My take is, with Romney as president, unemployment will go down as millions of jobs come back home, which in turn will completely turn the country back in the right direction.
Yea, the hedge fund guy will be the one to put his foot down and save American jobs.
The reform this country needs will not come from either political party, it will come because the people are fucking fed up and the folks in one party or another finally remove their heads from their asses. If you think Romney is the best of the lot then fine. But don't try to sell me that he's some kind of change agent.
I wont try and tell you he's an agent for "change", HOW BOUT THIS?
He is a successful businessman, and as such, he will run the country better than a community street peddler. Hows that grab ya???
Mitt Romney and Herman Cain are both PROVEN and SUCCESSFUL men of business. The current president hasnt even run a popsicle stand. SO, why wouldnt I be excited at the prospect of real businessmen stepping in to run this country, taking us from bankruptcy to prosperity???
huh? answer me that?
HECK, who wouldnt be excited at men with proven track records in business, true leaders of the business world, taking the reins of our country, and leading by example?
The guy in the oval office currently has never even run a lemonade stand. Never even been outside the world of academia.
BY THE WAY, did you hear what Cornell west and Tavis smiley were saying? Calling Herman cain a man of "mediocrity"??
HOLY SHIT!!! two filthy race pimps, two race whores with gaps in their front teeth, telling Herman Cain to put down the crack pipe???
Herman Cain? a man with a track record of hard work and proven leadership? A man with multiple degrees? A self made man? And these two race whores calling him a mediocre nothing?
Cornell west and tavis smiley sticking up for african americans men in prison? saying that blacks in prison are innocent, and herman cain is mediocre?
This is left wing blacks in the academic world? These guys are in leadership in the african american community?
wow, now I understand why that community is in so much trouble.