Oklahoma Wisconsin Gaddafi...
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:37 am
Name a loser, a loser, and a loser..Bwahhahhaaa....
Bwahahahhahhaaaa..I'm minding my own business, settling down to a nice little dinner of deeelicious couscous after a big week of middle eastern tough guy gleening ..Bwaha..and I'm paged to address my western hemisphere duties...Bwahahhaaaa...
Sooo...welly welly well...the rodents finally had to cross the road and meet an honest to goodness opponent..Bwahahaahahaa.. Nice play Wisconsin...Bwahahaaa...back to being an also rand right where you belong... enjoy freezing your ass off knowing your best ever chance to succeed in this endeavor you so coveted is beyond your reach, probably in your feeble lifetime..Bwahhhahahaa..which is running quite short now..Bwahhahhaa... loser team playing in a meaningless exhibition activity .. Bwahhahaaaa....Losers!!! Bwahahhaaaaaaa...and if that wasn't enough to draw me out of my dark lair these phony's affectionately know as Chocklahoma,... well...Bwahhahaaaa... chokes yet again!..Bwahhahaaaa.. I could feel the life escape every single schooner riding dirt thief and the joy of your fear is beyond description...Bwahhahhahhaaa...
You lose and all the blowhard fans can look in the mirror and realize their feeble lives are worthless..Bwahhahahaaa.. your manhood is gone, yet again..Bwahhahahaaaaa..enjoy your tomorrow as when you awake you'll realize your pride and joy is now gone and your worthless life is clearly worthless.. especially in your own eyes!..Bwahahhaaaaahhaa..I'd be surprised if your dog can look you in the eyes..Bwahahahaaa...he's embarrased to call you his master...Bwahhahaaa.. poor Fido...
SEASON OVER worm meal!...Bwahahahaaaa...