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These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:15 pm
by Screw_Michigan
WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO (even worse than usual for this sordid clambake), click the link for the video

McDonald's Worker Caught on Cell Phone Video Beating Unruly Customers ... z1bhzRIryi
GREENWICH VILLAGE — A McDonald's cashier is caught on a horrific cell phone video using a metal rod to brutally beat two female customers who'd jumped the counter of his West 3rd Street restaurant early Thursday during a fight over their order.

The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for manslaughter, beat the women so badly that one suffered a fractured skull and broken arm in the shocking attack, which was captured on a customer's cell phone and then posted to YouTube.

Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31, with felony assault, along with criminal possession of a weapon. Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct. McIntosh is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail, according to the Department of Correction website.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:26 pm
by smackaholic
Apparently them bitches didn't see Under Seige. Never fukk with the cook.

Rack mac for teaching those fukking water buffalos a lesson. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:32 pm
by smackaholic
Would you like an apple pie with that asswhuppin', ma'am?

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:01 pm
by Shoalzie
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:41 pm
by Moby Dick
ninja on ninja crime.

thumbs up!

stupid blue gum bitches deserved that shit...dont go behind the counter wantin' some if you aint expectin' to get some.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:25 am
by H4ever
The cook did 10 years in the slammer, so I'm sure prison taught him that when two people accost you in a threatening manner, you end the threat by any means necessary or you end up on the receiving end of the beatdown.

It seems the bulldyke that hopped the counter ended up with the worst of it...and rightfully so. Your men's under armour outfit and men's athletic shoes doesn't cancel that fact you have a box and shouldn't be getting tough with dude just out of the penitentiary.

I think both those cunts got what they deserved.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:38 am
by R-Jack
I really don't give a shit what the guys criminal background is.

I just know that it is probably not a good idea to pick a fight with anyone who has access to boiling grease.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:49 am
by H4ever
R-Jack wrote:I really don't give a shit what the guys criminal background is.

I just know that it is probably not a good idea to pick a fight with anyone who has access to boiling grease.

Agreed. Or any dude who can swing a metal rod with the bat speed of Barry Bonds on meth injected fried chicken.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:00 pm
by bradhusker
I cant believe this, two fuckin coon cunts jump the counter? And the cashier gets the more serious charge? ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDIN ME?
What is going on with our legal system?
In a business, where money and the lives of the employees are at stake, if a customer decides to jump the counter, THEY NEED TO GET BEAT THE FUCK UP!
HELLO!! common sense is calling? anyone home?

That counter which acts as a barrier between the cashiers , the money they take in and the general public, cannot be breached, period.
If it were my privately owned business, and a cunt coon' jumps the counter? She be gettin a McRib shoved so far up her McCunt , it gonna be a complete transfusion of her blood with Mc Barbeque sauce and onion slivers and pickles. fuckin bitches.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:29 pm
by L45B
He said he are the manager.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:05 pm
by ChargerMike
...did I just agree with Husker???

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:03 pm
by BSmack
Papa Willie wrote:Just think Screwy - you vote the same way those people do. :grin:
You're under the impression they vote. There's at least an 80% chance you are wrong.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:04 pm
by BSmack
ChargerMike wrote:...did I just agree with Husker???
How would you know? He would have to say something intelligible first.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:36 pm
by ChargerMike
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...did I just agree with Husker???
How would you know? He would have to say something intelligible first.


Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by BSmack
BTW, the guy has the right to defend himself. He doesn't have the right to continue wailing on the women after they were clearly no longer a threat to anybody. Rodney King thought that shit was over the top.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:58 pm
by bradhusker
BSmack wrote:BTW, the guy has the right to defend himself. He doesn't have the right to continue wailing on the women after they were clearly no longer a threat to anybody. Rodney King thought that shit was over the top.
Actually, if you remember the rodney king fiasco, he had beaten a female cop to within an inch of her life. SO, yes, common sense dictates that rodney should've been beaten to a bloody stinkin' pulp, at the VERY least.
The police are the only thing standing between us, the "good guys", and the filthy vile criminal thug cockroaches of society.
SO, with that in mind, YES, as a law-abiding taxpayer, I do want the police to beat rodney fag to a bloody pulp of garbage, THIS WAY, he will not be able to ever put his hands on a female police officer ever again.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:15 pm
by Cornhusker
bradhusker wrote: The police are the only thing standing between us, the "good guys", and the filthy vile criminal thug cockroaches of society.
Not necessarily true...I'm the proud owner of a .45 cal. Kimber CDP 1911 semi automatic hand cannon that fits snugly against my right hip with a cozy concealed handgun permit in my ass pocket. Funny how you can march around knowing if badass gangsta wannabe attempts to accost me and mine he'll be introduced to "my lil' friend". I gotta tell ya, no fear here...

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:55 am
by bradhusker
Cornhusker wrote:
bradhusker wrote: The police are the only thing standing between us, the "good guys", and the filthy vile criminal thug cockroaches of society.
Not necessarily true...I'm the proud owner of a .45 cal. Kimber CDP 1911 semi automatic hand cannon that fits snugly against my right hip with a cozy concealed handgun permit in my ass pocket. Funny how you can march around knowing if badass gangsta wannabe attempts to accost me and mine he'll be introduced to "my lil' friend". I gotta tell ya, no fear here...
I'd like your opinion on the ruger 380, the S +W 40 or the S+W .38 snub nose, are ALL 3 good for concealed carry? And do they ALL pack about the same wallop? Cause if a thug wants to accost me while Im enjoying a nice meal, lets say at either a subway or Dunkin Donuts, I'd like to know which gun has the power to fuckin send him to hell.
Lets take back our cities, towns and streets, and make the neighborhood eatery and ice cream parlor safe again!!!

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:46 pm
by Cornhusker
bradhusker wrote:
Cornhusker wrote:
bradhusker wrote: The police are the only thing standing between us, the "good guys", and the filthy vile criminal thug cockroaches of society.
Not necessarily true...I'm the proud owner of a .45 cal. Kimber CDP 1911 semi automatic hand cannon that fits snugly against my right hip with a cozy concealed handgun permit in my ass pocket. Funny how you can march around knowing if badass gangsta wannabe attempts to accost me and mine he'll be introduced to "my lil' friend". I gotta tell ya, no fear here...
I'd like your opinion on the ruger 380, the S +W 40 or the S+W .38 snub nose, are ALL 3 good for concealed carry? And do they ALL pack about the same wallop? Cause if a thug wants to accost me while Im enjoying a nice meal, lets say at either a subway or Dunkin Donuts, I'd like to know which gun has the power to fuckin send him to hell.
Lets take back our cities, towns and streets, and make the neighborhood eatery and ice cream parlor safe again!!!
The three above weapons you mention are very popular for C.C. The .380 is of course a smaller caliber, thus the punch is very much diminished compared to a .45. Lightweight and carry's easily. Problem is, you better hit your target 2 or 3 times on vitals if you want to slow a 220 lb. man quickly. A .45 hollow point means real business on impact most anywhere. It'll remove an arm or shatter a leg easily if you're a bad shot. Most guys don't carry a .45 for everyday, but the CDP is a 3.5" barrel and not as cumbersome nor heavy as most 1911s. I sometimes get so comfortable with it, I forget I'm carrying. Sitting requires some adjustment. The car is a pain. I don't carry over shoulder as the summer months don't allow the clothing you need. I'm not a 3 piece business suit guy.

I'd like to get a S&W .38 special as my next carry weapon. The special has more pop than a standard .38. Revolvers are more reliable than automatics for the obvious reasons, but if you keep an auto clean as a whistle it's more than likely not going to fail you.

I can respect a guy carrying if he's licensed, the pukes that don't are looking for trouble, not defending themselves. If you have a history with the MAN, you ain't gonna get approved. Only good guys carry legal....besides, aren't the meaty cornfed man crushing hands what they used to be?

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:38 pm
by bradhusker
Not necessarily true...I'm the proud owner of a .45 cal. Kimber CDP 1911 semi automatic hand cannon that fits snugly against my right hip with a cozy concealed handgun permit in my ass pocket. Funny how you can march around knowing if badass gangsta wannabe attempts to accost me and mine he'll be introduced to "my lil' friend". I gotta tell ya, no fear here...[/quote]

I'd like your opinion on the ruger 380, the S +W 40 or the S+W .38 snub nose, are ALL 3 good for concealed carry? And do they ALL pack about the same wallop? Cause if a thug wants to accost me while Im enjoying a nice meal, lets say at either a subway or Dunkin Donuts, I'd like to know which gun has the power to fuckin send him to hell.
Lets take back our cities, towns and streets, and make the neighborhood eatery and ice cream parlor safe again!!![/quote]

The three above weapons you mention are very popular for C.C. The .380 is of course a smaller caliber, thus the punch is very much diminished compared to a .45. Lightweight and carry's easily. Problem is, you better hit your target 2 or 3 times on vitals if you want to slow a 220 lb. man quickly. A .45 hollow point means real business on impact most anywhere. It'll remove an arm or shatter a leg easily if you're a bad shot. Most guys don't carry a .45 for everyday, but the CDP is a 3.5" barrel and not as cumbersome nor heavy as most 1911s. I sometimes get so comfortable with it, I forget I'm carrying. Sitting requires some adjustment. The car is a pain. I don't carry over shoulder as the summer months don't allow the clothing you need. I'm not a 3 piece business suit guy.

I'd like to get a S&W .38 special as my next carry weapon. The special has more pop than a standard .38. Revolvers are more reliable than automatics for the obvious reasons, but if you keep an auto clean as a whistle it's more than likely not going to fail you.

I can respect a guy carrying if he's licensed, the pukes that don't are looking for trouble, not defending themselves. If you have a history with the MAN, you ain't gonna get approved. Only good guys carry legal....besides, aren't the meaty cornfed man crushing hands what they used to be?[/quote]

Thanks for the advice, due to your valuable imput, I think im gonna go with the special!!!! And yes, my hands are large, but, the problem with jigs is they tend to gang up on ya, Now, I can handle two or maybe three, BUT, lets face reality here, Im no Steven Segall!! Ive seen that guy take on ten to fifteen punks!!
I think the 38 by S+W is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks husker!!!
p s. BIG game saturday, we gotta beat the spartans, and not just beat em', send a message, and knock out their QB. GO BIG RED FOOTBALL!!! :evil:

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
bradhusker wrote:Thanks for the advice, due to your valuable imput, I think im gonna go with the special!!!! And yes, my hands are large, but, the problem with jigs is they tend to gang up on ya, Now, I can handle two or maybe three, BUT, lets face reality here, Im no Steven Segall!! Ive seen that guy take on ten to fifteen punks!!
I think the 38 by S+W is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks husker!!!
p s. BIG game saturday, we gotta beat the spartans, and not just beat em', send a message, and knock out their QB. GO BIG RED FOOTBALL!!! :evil:
With any luck, the first time you reach for that gun with those stubby sausage fingers, the pistol will discharge in your pants and take out your rarely-used package.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:59 am
by bradhusker
Goober McTuber wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Thanks for the advice, due to your valuable imput, I think im gonna go with the special!!!! And yes, my hands are large, but, the problem with jigs is they tend to gang up on ya, Now, I can handle two or maybe three, BUT, lets face reality here, Im no Steven Segall!! Ive seen that guy take on ten to fifteen punks!!
I think the 38 by S+W is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks husker!!!
p s. BIG game saturday, we gotta beat the spartans, and not just beat em', send a message, and knock out their QB. GO BIG RED FOOTBALL!!! :evil:
With any luck, the first time you reach for that gun with those stubby sausage fingers, the pistol will discharge in your pants and take out your rarely-used package.
oh shit goober, you come up with the most grisley situations. Where do you come up with this? A guy accidently shooting his own pecker off?
I bet I can guess what goober's two favorite movies of all time are?
Adams Family,
Adams Family Values,
two Landmark films.
By the way, Raoul Julia is dead.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:10 pm
by Dinsdale
Cornhusker wrote:I'd like to get a S&W .38 special as my next carry weapon. The special has more pop than a standard .38.

I think what you meant was that a .38 Super has more pop than a .38 Special... since the Special is a "standard .38."

And a Super has quite a bit more pop than a Special.

Either way, it's probably a better idea to find a medium frame (not sure if anybody makes a lightweight, but probably) in a .357, if one is concerned about "pop," since the Magnum kills either the Special or Super in ft-lbs (not even close). And as a bonus, you can still use the Special loads in the Magnum.

The .380 (AKA the 9MM Short) is kind of a ballistics joke. Might aswell go with a .32ACP, which has slightly less ft-lbs, but is available in some pretty small guns...

Although... a friend bought a Keltec .380 not too long ago. If you're looking for tiny, without resorting to .25ACP or the other kiddie-calibers, Keltec is a good choice. Then again, said dude, when he carries (rarely, but legally), sports a Colt Defender in .45... the King of pocket pistols... they just happen to be freaking expensive (like about $900).

Revolvers are more reliable than automatics for the obvious reasons
Right up until a primer decides to exit the brass, then you're done, save for throwing the gun. Not a common occurance, but if it happens... a gunfight becomes pretty one-sided. You can't clear a wheelgun. Few things are going to render an auto unuasble, a couple of things can go wrong with revolvers that take tools to fix. The revolver vs. auto reliability debate isn't as one-sided as some people make it to be.

but if you keep an auto clean as a whistle it's more than likely not going to fail you.
Werd. Especially if said auto doesn't say things like "Jennings" or "Bryco" on the side.

While I loves me some Colts and Smiths, I'm kind of partial to the loose tolerances of the Euro guns -- not as accurate, but not as æffected by a little dirt. The old Walther doesn't seem to care much about a little dirt, just keeps clanking away.

Re: These women picked the wrong guy to fuck with

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:59 pm
by Cornhusker
Dinsdale wrote:
Cornhusker wrote:I'd like to get a S&W .38 special as my next carry weapon. The special has more pop than a standard .38.

I think what you meant was that a .38 Super has more pop than a .38 Special... since the Special is a "standard .38."
You are correct about the "Super." It increases velocity of a 130 grain bullet about 200' per second over the "Special."

The "Special" has a longer case length than the "original" .38 (known as the Short Colt.) One of the distinctions of the Special is the rounds can be fired in a .357 magnum (as you mentioned), whereas the standard / original Short Colt .38 cannot. The .38 Special will lose a little velocity when fired from a revolver chambered for the slightly longer .357 Magnum.
I believe you knew this, I was referencing the "Special" to a "Short Colt" (I think of as "standard" whereas "original" is probably the correct term) in my original post. Tomato-Tomoto I guess.

You are correct about the increased push in the "Super" verse the "Special" to be sure.

Most guys like the ammo exchange of the .38 special and the .357 mag.
Dinsdale wrote:Right up until a primer decides to exit the brass, then you're done, save for throwing the gun. Not a common occurance, but if it happens... a gunfight becomes pretty one-sided. You can't clear a wheelgun. Few things are going to render an auto unuasble, a couple of things can go wrong with revolvers that take tools to fix. The revolver vs. auto reliability debate isn't as one-sided as some people make it to be.
Well I've had primer failure in reloads, but never in quality ammo suppliers, (i. e. Hornady.) As you said not so common, but auto failure can occur not only with cheap ammo, a dirty weapon, but also a faulty magazine. I have found this more common than factory ammo failure. A magazine is suspect to dirt and spring wear more-so than any moving revolver parts. I've had more hang-ups due to magazine / ammo relationship than anything a revolver has ever dealt me.
Dinsdale wrote:Either way, it's probably a better idea to find a medium frame (not sure if anybody makes a lightweight, but probably) in a .357
Agreed to a point. Lightweight .357s can be found from a number of manufactures, scandiums are good for carry, but recoil in anything under 22 ounces is greatly increased. This can cause misfire if shooter doesn't handle recoil well (a weapon must be held firmly/correctly throughout the firing process to function properly) and accuracy on repeating fire coming back on target.