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'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:32 pm
by Van ... nba-wp9813
On Saturday, Denver Nuggets player Al Harrington took the Bugsy Challenge at Burger Joint at Flamingo Las Vegas. The Bugsy Challenge consists of a burger with six one-third-pound burger patties, six types of cheese (American, cheddar, pepper jack, fresh house-made mozzarella, Swiss and panko-crusted deep-fried provolone), chorizo, sautéed mushrooms, black and tan onion rings, three strips of applewood smoked bacon, three strips of cayenne peppered bacon and a fried egg, all oozing with Burger Joint's special pink peppercorn aioli.
This massive burger is accompanied by a cast iron skillet packed with two whole potatoes cut in wedges and deep fried, then smothered in cheddar cheese sauce, three-cheese blend, crumbled bacon, sliced green onions and topped with two strips of cayenne peppered bacon.
The full Bugsy Challenge weighs in at 4.5 pounds and is on the house for anyone who can finish it. Harrington was given 45 minutes to complete the challenge and unfortunately did not succeed.
"Rumplewife appetizer" quips in 4...3...2...1...
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:57 pm
by Smackie Chan
I was watching Man vs. Food or some such program a while back, and the show featured a joint in Boston (I believe) that served burgers with patties that weighed a half pound uncooked. They would continue to add patties, and whoever was the first to eat one with the latest high number of patties on it would get the burger named for him (or her?). They had a contest between the host of the show and one of the locals to see who could eat the most (by weight) in a given period of time (can't remember how much time; maybe 12 or 30 minutes). Each contestant was served a cheeseburger with 10 half-pound patties on it and something like 5 lbs of fries. The total weight of what was served was 12 lbs. It was a close contest, with the local winning, but each of them consumed something like 5 or 7 lbs of food in one sitting.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:23 pm
by smackaholic
There is a cafe cakked moose mcguillicuddy's right off waikiki beach in honolulu that does a monster omelette which is free if you finish it in an hour. plus you get a T shirt and your name on the wall. i gave it a try. didn't even come close. it has a dozen eggs, about a 20 lb sack of potatoes in it. they whip the fukk out of the eggs which turns them into sponges. they swell up in your gut. i think if i was 19 and extremely hungry, i might of stood a chance, but, i was crying no maas about 20 minutes into this attempt. i think i finished about a third of it.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:31 pm
by Dinsdale
I should ake advantage of the feebie food-challenges.
I'm "that guy" -- skinny fucker who can eat until the food is gone. As long as the food is good.
Gallon of milk in an hour? Puh-leez -- give me a few minutes.
Half pound burger? Appetizer.
Bring it on.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:45 pm
by Smackie Chan
Dinsdale wrote:I should ake advantage of the feebie food-challenges.
I'm "that guy" -- skinny fucker who can eat until the food is gone. As long as the food is good.
Gallon of milk in an hour? Puh-leez -- give me a few minutes.
Half pound burger? Appetizer.
Bring it on.
Sonya Thomas, "The Black Widow," is probably the highest ranked female competitive eater on the planet, and lives a few miles from me, although that has nothing to do with this story. A friend of mine in NOLA competed against her in a crawfish eating contest last year. Most contestants, including my friend, eat the crawdad meat and discard the shells. When time is up, the weight of the discarded shells is subtracted from the weight of what was served to the contestants to determine the total weight eaten by each contestant. Sonya took care of that problem by simply eating the whole damn thing, including the shell. She easily won, although my friend was tops among those competing from his home state.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:17 pm
by Mikey
My son ate a "Norm" burger at Cheers (the replica one at Faneuil Hall Marketplace) a few years ago.
While it pales in comparison to that Bugsy monstosity, it was still fairly impressive.

Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:38 pm
by R-Jack
Would anyone set foot in this bar call The League of Extrahorny Gentlemen and take a shot at the Toddowen? It's basically a baguette hollowed out and filled with the cook’s secret sauce, which bears a consistency of heated mayo. It weighs in at about four and a half pounds, but it comes with a catch. You don't eat it. You squeeze the baguette hard enough to push the gooey sauce out and smear it on your face. The person who can take it all and crack a smile before spilling a drop gets a t-shirt. They used to offer a towel or participants to clean their face, but the sole winner refused it.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:42 pm
by Van
R-Jack, ummm...that was more than a bit disturbing.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:47 pm
by Mikey
Pretty sure that thinking what R-Jack is thinking may be an arrestable offense.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:54 pm
by Van
I know I sure felt victimized.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:55 pm
by R-Jack
Van wrote:R-Jack, ummm...that was more than a bit disturbing.
In case you need the context.... ... 17&t=39338
Jeez, it's like my humor only plays to Marty these days. :cry:
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:21 pm
by Van
R-Jack, I got the joke. No problem there. It was more the extent to which your imagination ran wild, glorying in the lurid details.
Kinda oogey, ya know?
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:25 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Beth's Cafe in Seattle serves 12 egg omlettes.
The hash browns & toast are all you can eat with this omlette.
No prize for killing this sucker off.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:18 pm
by R-Jack
Van wrote:R-Jack, I got the joke. No problem there. It was more the extent to which your imagination ran wild, glorying in the lurid details.
Kinda oogey, ya know?
Really? After watching me submit randomly lurid, sometimes vile, occasionally seamy and possibly criminal text for over a decade,
that was the post that concerned you?
Perplexed I am.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:43 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
R-Jack wrote:
Perplexed I am.

Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:18 am
by Van
Sam, no, it's not so much that I think you're some huge guy, it's more that it seems like something you may have attempted during one of your bike sojourns through the Heart of Dixie. I could easily picture you (small)bellying up to the counter, John Wayne style, and grinning at the chef, "Son, do your worst."
Then you'd post a PET about it, including your later stint in the ER.
As for 'Spray, shit, I just picture him getting 'faced one night after a gig and accepting the challenge from his equally wasted drummer as they're sitting at the counter of some greasy spoon in Buttsniff, Saskatchewan.
Re: 'Spray or Sam, you ever try one of these challenge deals
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:23 am
by Van
Fuck yeah! I'd look like a denim-clad blueberry!