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Brutus vs. Bucky (PET included)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:55 pm
by L45B
Heading to the airport for the game tonight, this is Ohio State's best chance to salvage the season and not be categorized with any of those shitty Steve Bellisari-led teams.

Will try to have some pics up later. On an Oregon-related topic, tOSU will be wearing their pro combat throwback jerseys tonight, an homage to the 1961 team. Not sure I like the idea or not.




Re: Brutus vs. Bucky

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:33 pm
by King Crimson
pro combat=crap.

Re: Brutus vs. Bucky

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:14 pm
by Van
If they're going to do throwbacks, do throwbacks! Those solid gray pants and socks look nothing like the real ones.

Re: Brutus vs. Bucky

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:21 am
by L45B
Snagged a few pics while at the game, some pretty good Halloween costumes in the crowd. My favorite was a guy who was decked out in a clown outfit and had a shirt that read "Bauserman is a Clowny-Man." A nice tribute to our shitty backup quarterback. Unfortunately I don't have IOS 5 yet on my phone and couldn't take the picture in time.

Overall, what a fantastic game, haven't been to one that good in quite some time. Maybe that's why the students rushed the field at the end. I hope it's not just because we beat Wisconsin. No offense Goobs, but outside a few flukey night games in Madison, our fan base should expect to beat your ass every year. :grin:





Cluck-U Chicken

Kermit going for a Coke