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I'm never watching another SEC game

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:30 pm
by Felix
if verne lundquist and gary danielson are announcing it.....
I'm a cost/benefits know, when the benefits outweigh the cost, you buy.....but this year, listening to those two fucktards has become too much.....the cost of listening to the endless SEC dick sucking of those two is just not worth the benefit of watching LSU, Alabama et al....I tried it with the sound off, but that just doesn't work for me....I tried turning it down, but every time I did, the bobsey twins would ratchet-up the knob slobbing....fuck CBS and fuck those two asshats

I thought I could take it, but by half-time I was done....

btw, LSU is a pretty good team

Re: I'm never watching another SEC game

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:51 am
by Felix
Sudden Sam wrote:I've always thought Danielson was...very bright, very articulate...
he is.....but when he gets around Verne "Buzzkill" Lundequist, he seems to get caught up in Buzz's hyperbole/dick sucking and it's just too much

Felix, Verne is a rollin' and tumblin' misstatement machine. He is fatter at the end of each game than he is at the start.
that kind of reminds me of a line from a movie I once heard...

"you know, deep down inside he's a really nice guy"
"oh yeah, well up front the guy's a real fucking asshole"

my despise of buzz and vanilla isn't something that suddenly came over me....I've given those fuckwads enough chances, they drove me to this decision....look it's either I quit watching them, or I'm going to end up going postal.....

the horror

Re: I'm never watching another SEC game

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:20 am
by War Wagon
ok, that's funny.... almost as funny as me picking Arkansas +13.5.

Re: I'm never watching another SEC game

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:07 pm
by Mikey
I'm about ready to see somebody put a gun to Mark May's head and pull the trigger. Did a more pompous, self-important know-it-all ass ever grace my TV screen?

Re: I'm never watching another SEC game

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:20 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:I'm about ready to see somebody put a gun to Mark May's head and pull the trigger. Did a more pompous, self-important know-it-all ass ever grace my TV screen?