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New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:12 am
by BSmack
Frank Luntz is scared of the 99%. And he's developing a whole new way for Republicans to talk about it. ... 07949.html

Maybe he shouldn't have made that meeting public.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:10 pm
by Carson

Right up there with Homeland Security trying to ban the term "terrorist."

Next he'll tell everybody to drop "businesses."

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:25 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
5. Don't say 'government spending.' Call it 'waste.'

"It's not about 'government spending.' It's about 'waste.' That's what makes people angry."


Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:41 pm
by Carson
I hear the military is hiring. With benefits.

Maybe a drill sergeant can teach the Occupunks where to take a shit.

Maybe a tour of duty could teach them how good they have it here.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:10 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Carson wrote:I hear the military is hiring.

So your answer to the economic meltdown is...

...more government jobs.


Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:34 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
P.S. you could always move to Canada. Plenty of jobs here.

Have you ever skinned a seal*?

* not a metaphor for jerking off

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:26 pm
by Cueball
Martyred wrote:

* not a metaphor for jerking off
I was almost packed

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:28 pm
by BSmack
Cueball wrote:
Martyred wrote:

* not a metaphor for jerking off
I was almost packed
By who?

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:39 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
BSmack wrote:
Cueball wrote:
Martyred wrote:

* not a metaphor for jerking off
I was almost packed
By whom?

The "C" is for "Canadian"

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:23 am
by Rooster
To judge by Marty's 2012 Federal Budget graph, Black Panthers or other militant blacks are in charge of the OWS movement. Look at the lower righthand corner and examine the raised first in the box. It would appear Marty is in the pocket of them uppity whitey killing Mandingos...

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:20 pm
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:Image
That graphic is a bald face lie. Military spending isn't even close to 59%.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:35 pm
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:Frank Luntz is scared of the 99%.

Nobody with even one third of a testicle is even remotely disturbed let alone frightened by filthy, street shitting morons.

Personally, I hope they keep it up to the election. My "Republican strategy" for dealing with them would be to keep microphones in their dicksuckers 24/7. These people are complete idiots. Anyone who has listened to five minutes of their retarded drivel will reach that conclusion.

But don't take my word for it:

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:51 pm
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:Image
That graphic is a bald face lie. Military spending isn't even close to 59%.
That was my initial thought, but, notice the asterisk. They are speaking of "discretionary" spending. And, perhaps 59% is correct.

So. Fukking. What.

At least it is a constitutionally mandated expense. The large majority of the others listed are not. Not even fukking close.

If the feds went back to doing what they are constitutionally mandated to, that 59 would be a lot closer to 95.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:01 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:That was my initial thought, but, notice the asterisk. They are speaking of "discretionary" spending. And, perhaps 59% is correct.
No sale.

The clear intent of the graphic is to portray military spending as consuming the lion's share of the Federal budget. Why else would they limit their focus to only discretionary spending if not to present a distorted image of spending? The intent is to deceive. Remember that this graphic is being marketed to extraordinarily stupid people: OWS protesters.

That's just the first lie. The second lie is that there is no 2012 budget. Congress hasn't passed a budget since 2009.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:03 pm
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Frank Luntz is scared of the 99%.

Nobody with even one third of a testicle is even remotely disturbed let alone frightened by filthy, street shitting morons.

Personally, I hope they keep it up to the election. My "Republican strategy" for dealing with them would be to keep microphones in their dicksuckers 24/7. These people are complete idiots. Anyone who has listened to five minutes of their retarded drivel will reach that conclusion.

But don't take my word for it:

Regardless of whether or not you agree with their politics, if you accept the notion that OWS actually does represent 99% of the US population, it would stand to reason that, statistically speaking, a whole lot of them are complete fucking idiots. There are probably some smart ones in there too, but they don't make for nearly as hilarious soundbites...

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:18 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Frank Luntz is scared of the 99%.
Who? Nobody with even one third of a testicle is even remotely disturbed let alone frightened by filthy, street shitting morons.
Who said Luntz has testicles? BTW, he's one of the top GOP message guys. You've been parroting his bullshit for years whether you know who he is or not.
Personally, I hope they keep it up to the election. My "Republican strategy" for dealing with them would be to keep microphones in their dicksuckers 24/7. These people are complete idiots. Anyone who has listened to five minutes of their retarded drivel will reach that conclusion.
The Dems tried the same strategy of highlighting the wingnuts in the Tea Party in 2010. How well did that work?

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:28 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote: The Dems tried the same strategy of highlighting the wingnuts in the Tea Party in 2010. How well did that work?
It worked like shit, simply because they were not the whack jobs the dems painted them.

The OWS shit flinging monkeys are different. The reps don't need to portray them as morons, They do an outstanding job of it themselves.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:43 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:
BSmack wrote: The Dems tried the same strategy of highlighting the wingnuts in the Tea Party in 2010. How well did that work?
It worked like shit, simply because they were not the whack jobs the dems painted them.

The OWS shit flinging monkeys are different. The reps don't need to portray them as morons, They do an outstanding job of it themselves.
You really want me to unleash a shitstorm of Tea Party idiots?

Here's a sample.

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:50 pm
by smackaholic
a few assorted nuts in a very large crowd? sure there are a few.

how 'bout linking me up with videos of tea party shanty towns or covered up rapes or widespread drug use? or maybe widespread blatant anti police activity?

how 'bout the videos of those goose stepping cops hosing down the TPers with tear gas?

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:40 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:Who said Luntz has testicles? BTW, he's one of the top GOP message guys.
No, he isn't. He's a nobody. I've never heard of him. You've never heard of him. Nobody has ever heard of him...oh, until he says Republicans should shit their pants over the OWS crowd. Now all of a sudden he's in your sig.

Niggger fucking please....

:meds: :meds: :meds:

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:55 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:Who said Luntz has testicles? BTW, he's one of the top GOP message guys.
No, he isn't. He's a nobody. I've never heard of him. You've never heard of him. Nobody has ever heard of him...oh, until he says Republicans should shit their pants over the OWS crowd. Now all of a sudden he's in your sig.
I have heard of him. Keeping tabs on the enemy and all. He's, among other things, the "nobody" who helped eliminate the term "global warming" from the Bush Administration's vocabulary and replaced it with "climate change." ... matechange

Re: New School newspeak

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:31 am
by H4ever
I think dissention is actually very healthy right now given the state of affairs and bleak outlook. It brings about change. Who fears change? The corrupt motherfuckers who know their gig might be up. Burn in the rich. The 1960's comes to mind. Some good came of that discontent.

If it takes a bunch of ingrate, smelly, hippies to bring change.... so be it. Props.