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Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:12 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:57 pm
by BSmack
Sudden Sam wrote:What a dumbass. The unemployment numbers just bumped up a notch.
Not really. I'm sure Fed Ex will replace him. Nothing but a net draw.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:28 pm
by Screw_Michigan
See, this is why FedEx fought long and hard to resist unionization. To be able to hire jerkoffs like this.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:36 pm
by Carson
A union driver would have taken the monitor home and turned in a "lost shipment" report.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:11 pm
by trev
Screw_Michigan wrote:See, this is why FedEx fought long and hard to resist unionization. To be able to hire jerkoffs like this.
Oh is that why? Mmm hmm. You're a smart one.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:43 pm
by Left Seater
If he was part of a union he would get a day of "retraining" and be back on the road doing the same thing 48 hours after being caught.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:51 pm
by Screw_Michigan
You're right. I guess UPS just hires (or trains) better truck jockeys. Because when you pay rock bottom wages, you get the rock bottom of society. UPS learned not to do that years ago.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:58 pm
by War Wagon
Having used both Fedex and UPS extensively at work, I'd agree that UPS > Fedex.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:31 pm
by Van
They've both literally tossed guitar amps with glass tubes in them around their trucks.
"Fragile As FUCK!" signs plastered all over these big musical instrument problem. Just go ahead and toss them around the truck like they're Nerf footballs.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:34 am
by trev
Our UPS guy is a bitter snot. Our Fedx guy is pleasant and gives excellent service.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:38 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
trev wrote:Our Fedx guy is pleasant and gives excellent service.
Please tell me that's not a metaphor...
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:43 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
trev wrote:Our Fedx guy is pleasant and gives excellent service.

Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:53 am
by Dinsdale
Wait... Screwey contends that union shops attract higher quality workers?
Fuck, I think I just pooed myself.
Seriously, tard -- get yourself some life experience.
In fact, I'm responding to your stupidity right now because the union-run site where I'm working kicked us out at 4 freaking o'clock, despite other contractors waiting on us and emphasising how dependent people are on us finishing.
14 guys watching 3 work. Complete intolerance of "going the extra mile." 15 minute discussion to do 5 minutes of work. Contempt for anyone working hard beyond going-through-the-motions.
And they do it with perceived impunity.
Actually pisses me off when they're doing it on the taxpayers' dime.
But what do I know, I just spend all day with them... pretty easy to pick out who is union and who isn't on a jobsite.
But go ahead and keep toeing the party line like a good little sheeple.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:38 am
by Python
Dinsdale wrote:I think I just pooed myself.
I have no idea why, but that has me laughing out loud. Just seems so....un-Dinslike...or something.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:13 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:
14 guys watching 3 work. Complete intolerance of "going the extra mile." 15 minute discussion to do 5 minutes of work. Contempt for anyone working hard beyond going-through-the-motions.
You just described OWS.
Might I add... not giving a shit, actively or thru inaction, that's not my job let somebody else do it and btw, where's my Christmas bonus and cost of living raise you ungrateful fucks?
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:25 am
by trev
SM, what in your logical mind believes that a union worker (who is hard to fire) is a better worker than a non-union? Or for God-sakes, more intelligent? Can't wait to hear this. Delivering packages is physical work. This just in, gates slow people down. FedX worker is frustrated because he has work to do. He is tired of entitled welfare sucking customers waiting on their latest "monitor" to play video games on all day on the governemnts dime. Union worker is glad to wait at a freaking gate because, he is "entitiled" to his hours no matter how hard or easy he has to work. FedX guy knows this loser is home, but prefers to make the working guy work harder. You are a freaking lib, SM. I hope for your sake you are a union worker. I mean, you seem to hold it to such high-esteem.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:55 am
by socal
Van wrote:They've both literally tossed guitar amps with glass tubes in them around their trucks.
"Fragile As FUCK!" signs plastered all over these big musical instrument problem. Just go ahead and toss them around the truck like they're Nerf footballs.
Fragile as all fuck
Cornerstone for package dam
What brown did for you
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:38 am
by BSmack
trev wrote:SM, what in your logical mind believes that a union worker (who is hard to fire) is a better worker than a non-union? Or for God-sakes, more intelligent? Can't wait to hear this. Delivering packages is physical work. This just in, gates slow people down. FedX worker is frustrated because he has work to do. He is tired of entitled welfare sucking customers waiting on their latest "monitor" to play video games on all day on the governemnts dime. Union worker is glad to wait at a freaking gate because, he is "entitiled" to his hours no matter how hard or easy he has to work. FedX guy knows this loser is home, but prefers to make the working guy work harder. You are a freaking lib, SM. I hope for your sake you are a union worker. I mean, you seem to hold it to such high-esteem.
So you feel that being more likely to be shitcanned produces better workers as opposed to things like job security, a living wage and decent benefits? Interesting.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:18 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:trev wrote:SM, what in your logical mind believes that a union worker (who is hard to fire) is a better worker than a non-union? Or for God-sakes, more intelligent? Can't wait to hear this. Delivering packages is physical work. This just in, gates slow people down. FedX worker is frustrated because he has work to do. He is tired of entitled welfare sucking customers waiting on their latest "monitor" to play video games on all day on the governemnts dime. Union worker is glad to wait at a freaking gate because, he is "entitiled" to his hours no matter how hard or easy he has to work. FedX guy knows this loser is home, but prefers to make the working guy work harder. You are a freaking lib, SM. I hope for your sake you are a union worker. I mean, you seem to hold it to such high-esteem.
So you feel that being more likely to be shitcanned produces better workers as opposed to things like job security, a living wage and decent benefits? Interesting.
The ability to shitcan a shit worker, is, of course something that produces better workers. How can anyone with 3 braincells to rub together, not get this?
Job security should mean, do a good job and you'll be kept around because companies actually value good workers. It should not mean, you can do anyfukkingthing you want, because you have a powerful union.
As for better wages leading to better workers, you are right. The question is, how do you come to better wages? A thriving economy where worth a shit employees can demand them through market conditions is a better way than some union boss just demanding them.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:20 pm
by smackaholic
Dinsdale wrote:Wait... Screwey contends that union shops attract higher quality workers?
Fuck, I think I just pooed myself.
Seriously, tard -- get yourself some life experience.
In fact, I'm responding to your stupidity right now because the union-run site where I'm working kicked us out at 4 freaking o'clock, despite other contractors waiting on us and emphasising how dependent people are on us finishing.
14 guys watching 3 work. Complete intolerance of "going the extra mile." 15 minute discussion to do 5 minutes of work. Contempt for anyone working hard beyond going-through-the-motions.
And they do it with perceived impunity.
Actually pisses me off when they're doing it on the taxpayers' dime.
But what do I know, I just spend all day with them... pretty easy to pick out who is union and who isn't on a jobsite.
But go ahead and keep toeing the party line like a good little sheeple.
How long does it take to get the union "rigger" to show up to move your job box 20 feet? Do you need to get a union electrician to plug something in for you? If you prounion honks think this is an exaggeration, you've never been to a tradeshow in chicago.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:22 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Let's see...non-union job that pays X amount of dollars, or union job that pays x times 2-3 times what the non-union job pays along with representation in HR matters.
Gee, I wonder what the smart person would take.
Try coming out of your ivory tower & learning that there are a LOT of companies that don't value good workers. Profits & stock prices are what matter to them (not that profit doesn't have relevance, but valuing employees more than lip service is a part of earning that profit - see Costco).
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:45 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:Let's see...non-union job that pays X amount of dollars, or union job that pays x times 2-3 times what the non-union job pays along with representation in HR matters.
Gee, I wonder what the smart person would take.
Try coming out of your ivory tower & learning that there are a LOT of companies that don't value good workers. Profits & stock prices are what matter to them (not that profit doesn't have relevance, but valuing employees more than lip service is a part of earning that profit - see Costco).
I do not have a union. I have HR representation, believe it or not. Were I unionized, I suspect my pay would be pretty close to what it is, maybe a few bucks more, but, I doubt it.
Anyone that makes double what they would make without union representation, is overpaid. Period. Pretty much the only place you find this nowadays is in the public sector. It can not exist in the private sector for obvious reasons. A good friend of mine has one of those yobs. His pay rate may not be double what is would be in the private sector, but, it's close to it.
Do you really believe that all this salary doubling can occur simply by making the fatcats "pay their fair share"?
It can't. There simply are not enough fatcats.
It occurs partly through excessive taxing and partly through criminal public debt.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:52 pm
by War Wagon
Diego in Seattle wrote:there are a LOT of companies that don't value good workers.
That's ignorant not to mention ridiculous.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:20 pm
by Goober McTuber
trev wrote:This just in, gates slow people down. FedX worker is frustrated because he has work to do. He is tired of entitled welfare sucking customers waiting on their latest "monitor" to play video games on all day on the governemnts dime.
So the person who lives behind that fancy fence is on welfare and playing video games? Wow, somebody has a vivid imagination.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:48 pm
by smackaholic
Section 8 can get you some pretty nice digs in some parts, apparently.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:19 pm
by Screw_Michigan
smackaholic wrote:I have HR representation
HR doesn't represent you, idiot. HR exists to protect the company.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:33 pm
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:smackaholic wrote:I have HR representation
HR doesn't represent you, idiot. HR exists to protect the company.
they exist for a number of reasons and I do agree that covering the company's ass is number one. but, the fact remains that they are there for me. And my "representative" to them is me.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:47 pm
by Left Seater
Lets be honest, unions exist to get more people working in union positions. They do this by negotiating for less work at more pay, which means more workers are needed.
I have had three opportunities to join a union and passed each time. Damn glad that I did each time. Perfect example was with an airline job during college.
There were three gates for this airline and 17 flights a day. The union had succeeded in getting their way and there was a "crew" for each gate. These crews only worked "their" gate. Didn't matter if another gate had a short turn or delay, they were on their own even if another gate didn't have a plane there. On top of these gate crews there was one guy who was labeled the "push back" guy. All he did was drive the tug that pushed the planes back from the gate. In an 8 hour shift he pushed maybe 8 departing flights so he worked maybe a total of 45 mins a day. This of course was the coveted position among most of the rampers.
One day we had 20 plus diversions due to weather and since we only had three gates plus our normal daily flights we had to park planes all over the place. Some had to be pushed into tight spaces by the tug driver. He was pissed that he had to do extra work and as such was grumpy. After about an hour the weather cleared at the hub and these planes started getting clearances to depart. Most had to be pulled out of their tight spaces by the tug driver. Of course he was on his break and wouldn't budge till his last 3 minutes were used. After he had dispatched maybe three planes, all were cleared and waiting to depart. With only one tug and maybe 15 planes left it would have taken this guy well over an hour and a half to get them all out. Since we were all trained on every piece of equipment and cleared for each job, I took the extra tug and a few wing walkers and started on the other end of the line of planes. This cut the departure time for the last plane in half.
After getting back to the normal gate area the tug guy confronted me and told me I took OT pay out of his pocket and that I needed to pay him for it. I told him I wasn't paying him crap. I explained that I did it because it was the right thing to do and helped the company and hundreds of travelers make connections. He told me our union didn't care about that. I told him I wasn't a union member and he almost hit me before going to see the station manager. I was called in later by the station manager, who told me about the conversation with the tug driver. He was laughing and said I was the kind of employee that the airline needed more of. He gave me a dollar an hour raise and two paid days off right there on the spot. He must have told the tug driver that I was suspended cause when I returned he was all over me asking if I enjoyed my suspension etc.
Funny thing about that guy today is that because the union kept driving so hard the company just cut them in half. Instead of using three gates, they now use two and operate three more flights. The ramp crew is now four people less than it was when I was there. Guess he showed me.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:50 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Left Seater wrote:Lets be honest, unions exist to get more people working in union positions.

Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:52 pm
by Left Seater
Please show me a union that is working to expand work rules, supporting automation, and or supporting fewer workers.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:15 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:Screw_Michigan wrote:smackaholic wrote:I have HR representation
HR doesn't represent you, idiot. HR exists to protect the company.
they exist for a number of reasons and I do agree that covering the company's ass is number one. but, the fact remains that they are there for me. And my "representative" to them is me.
So if you sue someone, you look for a lawyer who is on the defendant's payroll?

Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:17 pm
by Atomic Punk
Lefty, I've seen certain airliners use the reverse buckets to back out of the gates. They have to use wing walkers but they got to clear the gates. One time my best friend that flies for American Airlines calls me on his cell phone and he was at DFW sitting on the ramp in the cockpit waiting for a gate to clear.
When you get an IFR clearance, you got to get off the runway to fly in the box the system puts you in or you sit... as you well know.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:42 pm
by Left Seater
Yeah, AA did the most power backs. Fuel costs rising and the continued retirement of the mad dogs put an end to it.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:05 pm
by Derron
smackaholic wrote:
If you prounion honks think this is an exaggeration, you've never been to a tradeshow in chicago.
Go ahead and toss San Francisco into the equation as well. When I worked for The Toro Company, one of our biggest trade shows of the year was the National Golf Show. We all got there a couple of days early and got ready to start moving equipment in to the floor. I was driving a large mower in there and union honk stops me and says you have not paid the fee. I said what fee...he says the .50 per pound fee to move the equipment on the floor, and you need two spotters as well. I tell union honk I am fairly certain that is not in our contract, but let me go ahead and hand this off to the CEO of Toro, cause I think he is going to be slightly pissed.
After 2 hours of bullshit, mother fuckering, and no's, they end up paying the fee and going in. The National Golf show has never been back there that I am aware of. Nice job union honks, taking millions of dollars out of the local economy.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:16 pm
by trev
The teachers union and others are a huge problem in California. They are big and use millions of dollars to get their politicians elected. I think that is a bunch of BS. Teachers have to be stupid to put up with it.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:19 pm
by Truman
Diego in Seattle wrote:Let's see...non-union job that pays X amount of dollars, or union job that pays x times 2-3 times what the non-union job pays along with representation in HR matters.
Gee, I wonder what the smart person would take.
Why, a smart person might just choose "none of the above." Why only
two choices, Diego?
What about the job that pays x amount of dollars
above union scale?
What about the worker who could give a rat’s ass about HR because he
is the job?
Why should a worker’s livelihood be determined by seniority and not merit, and his earnings reflect scale and not the rewards of hard work?
If union membership
guarantees a worker “job security”, then why have hundreds of thousands of union workers been laid off over the generations?
Why the hell would
anybody in their right mind agree to have their earnings potential limited by the decisions of others?
Why shouldn’t the worker decide what his living wage should be?
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:21 pm
by BSmack
Truman wrote:Why shouldn’t the worker decide what his living wage should be?
I decide I'm worth 1 million dollars a year.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:29 pm
by ChargerMike
trev wrote:The teachers union and others are a huge problem in California. They are big and use millions of dollars to get their politicians elected. I think that is a bunch of BS. Teachers have to be stupid to put up with it.
..nailed it!
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:36 pm
by Atomic Punk
Left Seater wrote:Yeah, AA did the most power backs. Fuel costs rising and the continued retirement of the mad dogs put an end to it.
I didn't know that and haven't asked my buddy about it as we rarely talk about the flying business anymore. It must be a union thing because there was a guy that would plug in a headset under the nose wheel, 2 wing walkers and power backs seemed like a good idea. That was for the MD 80 & I think 90 series.
I always fly American Airlines because I get to fly D2 on "buddy passes." Sit 1st class as long as you wear a collared shirt, slacks and no tennis shoes... then they bump you up to 1st class to clear room in the back.
Imagine flying from FYI to DFW, then to JFK for $135 1st class? You get free meals, free booze, wide seats, and leg room. Years back if I ever flew coach then I would demand an emergency exit seat next to the door over the wing because I'm getting my ass out if there is an emergency landing. The fatties would be out of the way.
Another buddy I flew in the USN with and on civilian flights in my old PA-23, flies the Citation 3's and I have no idea how you can get out of one of those in an emergency. Just climbing into the cockpit seat was brutal. A nice Beech King Air B200 that was under the 12,500 lb requirement was a better fit but is slow and each engine burned 50 gallons an hour. However they are fun turbo props and fun to fly.
Anyway, it has to be a union thing if they don't do power backs anymore. You can make up for the gas en route as long as you stay in the IFR box.
Re: FedEx Cares
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:36 pm
by Truman
BSmack wrote:Truman wrote:Why shouldn’t the worker decide what his living wage should be?
I decide I'm worth 1 million dollars a year.
Nice start, B. Now, all you gotta do is figure out a way to
earn it.
Occupying a street in a financial district while whining about others who have ain't gonna get it, btw...