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Mitt bashing

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:45 pm
by smackaholic
Most of the GOP candidates are now channeling the lefties in their gang bang of Willard.

Newt is leading the charge going after Romney for his work in venture capital. He keeps going on about how they invested 30 million in a company, took 180 million out of it and then bankrupted it.

I have a question. If a company has 180 million available to be "taken out", why would those in charge of the company let someone take it over for 30 million. Also, if investors are able to pull off such a thing without doing anything illegal, why the fukk shouldn't they?

I believe this thing is going to backfire of Newt and company.

Can Scott or someone wise in all this financial BS splain this?

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:02 pm
by Sirfindafold
smackaholic wrote: Can Scott or someone wise in all this financial BS splain this?
It was George W. Bush's fault.



Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:58 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote: I have a question. If a company has 180 million available to be "taken out", why would those in charge of the company let someone take it over for 30 million.
Liquidation of real assets is probably most of it.
Also, if investors are able to pull off such a thing without doing anything illegal, why the fukk shouldn't they?
What's legal and what's ethical aren't necessarily the same. Not too many people are looking up to corporate raiders these days and naming children after Gordon Gekko.

It raises unemployment and can create other economic problems like supply chain disruptions etc.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:40 pm
by Mikey

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:51 pm
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote: I have a question. If a company has 180 million available to be "taken out", why would those in charge of the company let someone take it over for 30 million.
Liquidation of real assets is probably most of it.
Also, if investors are able to pull off such a thing without doing anything illegal, why the fukk shouldn't they?
What's legal and what's ethical aren't necessarily the same. Not too many people are looking up to corporate raiders these days and naming children after Gordon Gekko.

It raises unemployment and can create other economic problems like supply chain disruptions etc.
define ethical.

if the folks running a bidness are dumb enough to sell their company for 30 cents on the dollar, they should lose the fukking thing.

i do understand what you are saying, but, the problem is you start getting into fuzzy areas when you start talking about ethics.

capitalism is mean sometimes, but, when there are concrete legal rules, it beats the alternative which is handing over the decision of what is fair to a gubmint hack.

i'll take corporate raiders over gubmint ethics police anyday, so long as there are clear rules to the game.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:11 am
by Bizzarofelice
smackaholic wrote: define ethical.
yeah. bidness makes money. if it don't make dollars it don't make sense. if a bidness wants to donate, got to be for some sort of benefit. bidness got no need for ethics. do what you can within the law.

i remember expressing that in school and people were appalled.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:20 am
by Derron
Vanity Fair ? Really ?

That is a great news source :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:22 am
by Derron
Bizzarofellatio wrote:
smackaholic wrote: define ethical.
yeah. bidness makes money. if it don't make dollars it don't make sense. if a bidness wants to donate, got to be for some sort of benefit. bidness got no need for ethics. do what you can within the law.

i remember expressing that in school and people were appalled.
Yeah...fuck people in the ass legally, take the company down..screw over people for a dollar..real good way to get a one way ticket to hell. Just because it is legal does not make it right.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:29 am
by Mikey
Derron wrote:Vanity Fair ? Really ?

That is a great news source :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:40 am
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:Vanity Fair ? Really ?

That is a great news source :lol: :lol: :lol:
You should check it out, Dorron. I understand it has a lot of pictures.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:48 am
by Bizzarofelice
Derron wrote: Yeah...fuck people in the ass legally, take the company down..screw over people for a dollar..real good way to get a one way ticket to hell. Just because it is legal does not make it right.
then don't do business with them.

think the rent is too damn high? live with your mom.

think credit card companies screw people over? don't do business with them.

think health insurance is expensive? do not purchase it.

think gasoline is too high? walk.

think a factory is polluting the water near a community? then prove it and wring those fucks for millions unti lthe creek is cleaner than before the factory was there.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:49 am
by Derron
Mikey wrote:
Derron wrote:Vanity Fair ? Really ?

That is a great news source :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quoting Vanity Fair seems reasonably gay to me. Just is about the last place I would look for anything....

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:51 am
by Derron
Bizzarofellatio wrote:
Derron wrote: Yeah...fuck people in the ass legally, take the company down..screw over people for a dollar..real good way to get a one way ticket to hell. Just because it is legal does not make it right.
then don't do business with them.

think the rent is too damn high? live with your mom.

think credit card companies screw people over? don't do business with them.

think health insurance is expensive? do not purchase it.

think gasoline is too high? walk.

think a factory is polluting the water near a community? then prove it and wring those fucks for millions unti lthe creek is cleaner than before the factory was there.
Nice rant..completely off the point but nice rant anyway.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:40 am
by smackaholic
Derron wrote:
Bizzarofellatio wrote:
Derron wrote: Yeah...fuck people in the ass legally, take the company down..screw over people for a dollar..real good way to get a one way ticket to hell. Just because it is legal does not make it right.
then don't do business with them.

think the rent is too damn high? live with your mom.

think credit card companies screw people over? don't do business with them.

think health insurance is expensive? do not purchase it.

think gasoline is too high? walk.

think a factory is polluting the water near a community? then prove it and wring those fucks for millions unti lthe creek is cleaner than before the factory was there.
Nice rant..completely off the point but nice rant anyway.
actually, he is quite on point in this case.

getting back to the corporate raider thing. if someone is buying a company for thirty cents on the dollars, somebody is not doing their homework. i am 100% for frying any raider, especially an oakland raider, if it can be shown that somebody did a little auditing funny business. But, if anyone purchases property legally, it is theirs. and if it is theirs, they have the right to sell it.

it is basic property rights 101. of course, those rights have been shit all over by all levels of gubmint, but, it would be nice if these still had some sort of relevance.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:06 am
by Bizzarofelice
smackaholic wrote: if anyone purchases property legally, it is theirs. and if it is theirs, they have the right to sell it.
they have the right to use the american tax laws to benefit their own interests. they have the right to fire everyone and send those jobs to china.

and we have the right to tell them to fuck off. and we have the ability to amend our laws if they do not suit the country.

those rights have been shit all over by all levels of gubmint
you are buying into right wing crap

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:57 am
by War Wagon
if anybody wants to read a definitive article on why Mitt is getting bashed, this is it. ... LL20120108

I grew up near this steel plant, knew a lot of people whose fathers fathers worked there. IIRC, David Cone's dad, Ed Cone, retired from what used to be called ARMCO steel.

There's a corridor of industrial infrastructure built up around that plant that stretches for miles. Mostly vacant now.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:07 am
by Van
That article mostly reads as an endorsement of Romney's business acumen even as it rips unions.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:12 am
by Bizzarofelice
Van wrote:That article mostly reads as an endorsement of Romney's business acumen even as it rips unions.
if i'm going to run a business, that would be good for him.

America isn't a business.

the commander in chief can't layoff Iran. the president can't replace the senate. the leader of the free world can't fire his approval rating.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:13 am
by Mikey
Derron wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Derron wrote:Vanity Fair ? Really ?

That is a great news source :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quoting Vanity Fair seems reasonably gay to me. Just is about the last place I would look for anything....
Didn't go looking for it, moron. It came up on a Google news summary.

Besides, it's the 60 Minutes / Vanity Fair poll.

Not that it would make any difference to such a paragon of masculine intellectualism as yourself.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:23 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote:That article mostly reads as an endorsement of Romney's business acumen even as it rips unions.
It reads as a statement of facts, how the US steel industry was eviscerated. That's what I read. Cheap foreign steel and by cheap I don't mean just low cost. Junk.

But yeah, the union pension costs are the straw that broke that camel's back.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:49 am
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:America isn't a business.
what would you like it to be?

of course it's a business, you dolt.

charity begins at home.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:15 am
by mvscal
War Wagon wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:America isn't a business.
what would you like it to be?

of course it's a business, you dolt. It isn't a business. It's nothing like a business. You would be better served looking into his record as a governor than a business man.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:24 am
by Bizzarofelice
mvscal wrote: You would be better served looking into his record as a governor than a business man.
After Mitt gets the nom, his record as a governor will suddenly be brought out of mothballs.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:50 am
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote: I have a question. If a company has 180 million available to be "taken out", why would those in charge of the company let someone take it over for 30 million.
Liquidation of real assets is probably most of it.
Also, if investors are able to pull off such a thing without doing anything illegal, why the fukk shouldn't they?
What's legal and what's ethical aren't necessarily the same. Not too many people are looking up to corporate raiders these days and naming children after Gordon Gekko.

It raises unemployment and can create other economic problems like supply chain disruptions etc.
"It raises unemployment", OH, I see, kinda like the CEO of the USA? Obama's destructive policies which cause millions to lose their job?

I FUCKIN LOVE IT!!!! Let the dems try to paint Romney as a corporate raider with no soul. Obama will be exposed as a fuckin incompotent FOOL who takes taxpayers hard-earned money, dumps it into a solar firm in California, the firm goes bankrupt, so in effect, Obama does NOT have a fuckin clue about running a country.

Millions upon millions will stay unemployed while the CEO Obama continues to make extremely poor decisions. The answer to all this? Fire Obama as the CEO, and hire Romney.
Obama doesnt have a fuckin clue how to lead or manage or run anything, Im pretty sure that Obama would have trouble running a popsicle stand, EVEN if he put the popsicle stand in a great location, such as downtown near a busy intersection, or right outside an elementary school. ANY business run by Obama would be bankrupt within a short period of time. He has zero business sense, All the Romney people need do is to expose Obama as an incompotent fool, and the guy will be toast.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:04 am
by smackaholic
I'll bet if barry opened a dicksicle stand, you'd be his best customer.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:28 am
by bradhusker
smackaholic wrote:I'll bet if barry opened a dicksicle stand, you'd be his best customer.
smack, Im a Reagan conservative, I am firmly in the Romney camp, Im not a dick sucking liberal queer like you, so NO, I would not support a popsickle stand by barry.

I could see you sucking a black dick, ALL liberals love to suck black cock, and, they love to swallow black jizz, not only in their liberal mouths, but in their liberal ass as well.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:37 am
by smackaholic
It's a pity your reading skills aren't as sharp as your cock snorkling skills.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:41 am
by Bizzarofelice
bradhusker wrote: Im a Reagan conservative, I am firmly in the Romney camp
interesting dichotomy

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:07 am
by bradhusker
Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Im a Reagan conservative, I am firmly in the Romney camp
interesting dichotomy
how so?

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:35 pm
by R-Jack
bradhusker wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Im a Reagan conservative, I am firmly in the Romney camp
interesting dichotomy
how so?
Regan hated "welfare queens". It would stand to reason he hated welfare and queens. You are to dumb to not be on one and not straight enough to not be the other.

Welcome back brad. Don't forget you still have four auto-TROTS threads in your future. :wink:

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
In one sign of their desperation, some activists are holding out for what they acknowledge is a spectacular long shot: a late-entering savior who could still qualify for enough state ballots and win enough delegates to force a brokered GOP convention this summer.
I think Scott Walker is the savior they're looking for.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:35 pm
by smackaholic
nahhhh, scotty's gonna hang around whisky a while longer to torment you. maybe next time.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:37 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:nahhhh, scotty's gonna hang around whisky a while longer to torment you. maybe next time.
He's probably gone by June.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:48 pm
by smackaholic
Goober McTuber wrote:
smackaholic wrote:nahhhh, scotty's gonna hang around whisky a while longer to torment you. maybe next time.
He's probably gone by June.
sig bet?

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:50 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
smackaholic wrote:nahhhh, scotty's gonna hang around whisky a while longer to torment you. maybe next time.
He's probably gone by June.
sig bet?
People still do those?

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:07 pm
by smackaholic
Yeah, from time to time. usually seems to be BTPCF related, but, I don't think it's a law.

C'mon Nancy, what are ya afraid of?

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:27 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:Yeah, from time to time. usually seems to be BTPCF related, but, I don't think it's a law.

C'mon Nancy, what are ya afraid of?
Not a damn thing. Let's bet some cash.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:42 pm
by Mikey
Goober McTuber wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Yeah, from time to time. usually seems to be BTPCF related, but, I don't think it's a law.

C'mon Nancy, what are ya afraid of?
Not a damn thing. Let's bet some cash.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:46 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:It is so funny watching the right wing implode. Nobody is stopping the Romney train, but it is great to see these douchebags try. Their efforts will help produce four more years of Obama, but more importantly, they will more the Republican party to a more central and rational position. Suck it, fundies. :lol:
Good god, you're a fucking dumbshit. The next Republican nominated who isn't a middle of the road, slightly right of center moderate will be the first since Reagan and even he wasn't all that far right.

Re: Mitt bashing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:51 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:It is so funny watching the right wing implode. Nobody is stopping the Romney train, but it is great to see these douchebags try. Their efforts will help produce four more years of Obama, but more importantly, they will more the Republican party to a more central and rational position. Suck it, fundies. :lol:
Good god, you're a fucking dumbshit. The next Republican nominated who isn't a middle of the road, slightly right of center moderate will be the first since Reagan and even he wasn't all that far right.
If Reagan ran as a Republican today he'd be heckled as a socialist.

Of course he can't, though, because he's dead.