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Yo, Dins!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:23 pm
by Truman
Article in the Red Star last month foreboded the Apocalypse.

The future is now:
This just in! Finally after much anticipation, Deschutes Brewery will officially arrive in Missouri.

For the Craft Beer enthusiast, The Well and Lew’s in Waldo will be one of the first in Kansas City to offer Craft Beers from the famous Deschutes Brewing Company in Oregon. “This has been a highly anticipated day in Kansas City when we can offer the Oregon based brewing company beer at our restaurants” said Chris Lewellen. “There has been a tremendous call for their beer and we finally have landed two of their most famous beers on tap starting Friday, Jan 6th. Craft beer has really taken off in our restaurants over the past few years and we look to offer our customers these types of specialty beers as soon they are available to us. Lew’s Grill & Bar will be offering Mirror Pond Ale on Tap while The Well will be offering both Mirror Pond Ale and Black Butte Porter.

Black Butte Porter rated 97 points by and was the 5th ranked Beer of 2011 by Wine Enthusiast Magazine. Mirror Pond Pale Ale rated 92 points by ... -lews.html
Well, now, there goes the neighborhood.

Picked up a Mirror Pond deuce on the way home this afternoon. Six packs TBA. Currently have it chilling to proper mST (mvscal Serving Temperature) for enjoyment during the Missouri game tonight.

Told the beerista at the check-out that I had an acquaintance in Oregon who had suggested that we flyovers have never truly experienced a good beer before…

That drew a chuckle. Dude’s got 64 feet of coolers five shelves deep dedicated to the best craft brews America has to offer. Still, I’m looking forward to hunting down the draught version this weekend.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:30 pm
by mvscal
Not a fan of Mirror Pond. Black Butte Porter is excellent, though.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:53 am
by Derron
mvscal wrote:Not a fan of Mirror Pond. Black Butte Porter is excellent, though.
Good choice..Black Butte Porter with a nice steak..then another one ( at least) with a good cigar after dinner..

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:19 am
by BSmack
Most of my favorite beers these days are porters. Tops amongst these would be Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald, Southern Tier Porter and Otter Creek Stovepipe Porter. Nice to see Deschutes continue to spread east. Looking forward to them getting to New York.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:01 am
by Truman
Derron wrote:Black Butte Porter with a nice steak..then another one ( at least) with a good cigar after dinner..
Well, the Mirror Pond warshed down ('sup Bace) just fine with the strips I pulled off my Weber this evening. Not sure if it is the best PA I've ever sampled - but it was pretty damn good. Have always been of the mind that if a brewery does a pale ale fairly well, then anything else they brew should follow suit. Looking forward to sampling the porter tomorrow.

Side note: Pity we don't export this one far from IKYABWAIville:


Fastest growing micro in the Flyover, and equally acclaimed to Black Butte for its quality.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:45 am
by Dr_Phibes
Truman wrote: Have always been of the mind that if a brewery does a pale ale fairly well, then anything else they brew should follow suit.
Stick to shandy, you southern softie. My girl drinks petrol.. through her cunt.

Beer snob 101, young Truman. Never mention pale ale.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:03 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
sufferin' cats!


Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:18 am
by Truman
Dr_Phibes wrote:Stick to shandy, you southern softie. My girl drinks petrol.. through her cunt.

Beer snob 101, young Truman. Never mention pale ale.
It ain't like it had fruit in it, you proletariat.

Every American micro brews a pale ale. It's a signature staple, and a worthy gauge of a brewer's mettle. Simply wanted to give the new kids a try before sampling the exotics.

What happens when the town pump your girl runs out of gas?

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:15 pm
by Dinsdale
Deschutes is a shadow of their former selves, but still pretty decent. A few years back, they more than double production, and the results were apparent within a couple of weeks on my grocer's shelves. They even have a brewery in Portland now, the sellouts (won't be long before they go all Rogue, and have one on every corner, quality-control be damned).

They misspelled Black Butte -- there's no "e" on the end. I've learned, at great cost, that one should never, ever conclude a hard evening's drinking with a nightcap of Black Butt, lest its namesake physical trait come calling. But pretty tasty with a heavy dinner... just stop at one -- always.

First time I drank Black Butt (Black Butte is a butte outside of Bend -- all Deschutes brews are named after some landmark in/around Bend) was at the brewery, before it was in stores or anywhere besides the brewery. Must have been about '91. A great story came from that... which is for another time.

Re: Yo, Dins!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:32 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
I am sorry... did you say Black Nut?

Stanley Pikkkle