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She knows you are, but what is she?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:36 pm
by Dinsdale
Really, how many times do we have to say this?

If your drug dealer shorts you, steals your money, or provides a substance other than the illegal one sought, do not call 911.

Suzanne Basham, 47, made that mistake yesterday morning when she dialed police in Springfield, Missouri to report that she had paid $40 for crack cocaine that turned out to be sugar, according to an incident report.

Basham, who was not seeking a sugar high, asked cops to arrest her dealer for theft (and, of course, secure a refund for her). While patrolmen went to the address where Basham said she purchased the crack, residents there denied selling dope and declined to let investigators into the home.

Since cops discovered that Basham was in possession of a crack pipe, she was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. She is pictured above in a mug shot snapped in October 2010 following a collar for drug possession.
No one ever accused LKPick of being too terribly bright.

Re: She knows you are, but what is she?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:06 pm
by Cuda
LK_Pick hasn't been 47 in many, many years

Re: She knows you are, but what is she?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:52 am
by R-Jack
Reminds me of a time I had to talk some idiot friends of mine not to report what they called a "mugging"

When we were 16, a few of my freinds liked to hang out in front of 7-11's and see who would like to buy them a 12 pack. They would offer folks a twenty and tell them they could keep the change. I guess underage drinking carried a ten dollar surcharge.

One night they sheepishly asked a large thuggish black man to hook them up and went through the normal routine. The brotha took their money and said he'll even give them back their change. My idiot freinds were stoked and decided to overplay their hand in life and suggest he gets spends the full $20. After a few minutes the brotha, true to his word, gave them the 75 cents leftover from buying all that beer. He then thanked my idiot freinds for their generosity and walked away with all the beer.

I pretty muched rubbed the bridge of my nose raw doing this :doh: while trying to explain to these asshats why calling the cops for getting ripped off soliciting someone to buy alcohol for minors was not a great idea.

Those same idiots are coming over to watch the games tomorrow.

Re: She knows you are, but what is she?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:55 am
by BSmack
Back in my younger MUCH crazier days, I spent a LOT of spare time at the home of a weed dealer who got into some beef with the neighborhood competition. This idiot called the cops after getting jacked in a home invasion for a quarter pound of weed. Amazingly he didn't get pinched. They had cleaned him out so thoroughly that there was nothing at the house to bust him on.