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It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:06 am
After one counseling session, Newt Gingrich asked Marianne for an “open marriage” — though not in exactly those words — so that he could see other women, she said.
Marianne, who had attended services in a Baptist church with her husband, refused.
“He said the problem with me was I wanted him all to myself,” she said. “I said, ‘That’s what marriage is.’ He said [of Callista], ‘She doesn’t care what I do.’ ”
Marianne said, “He was asking me for an open marriage, and I wouldn’t do it.”
Newt: Yeh, so honey, I've got this mistress who
doesn't care what I do. You should be more like her. I want a divorce. Now I'm late for my family values speech,
Yeah, dude. It's a great sign if the women you hang around don't care enough about you to get pissed when you're out wiping viagra foam off your rotten gob and plunging your rude mushroom cap into some vile tangy holes. Cool story, NewtBro.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:16 am
by Bizzarofelice
rack Newt
I don't think Romney would have the spine to ask his wife this question.
I don't think Santorum has ever had sex with a woman.
I don't think Ron Paul remembers sex.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:35 am
by smackaholic
dude's gotta be thinking "why couldn't I have hooked up with hillary 40 years ago" as she had no problems with this sort of arrangement..
he is likely the only dude on the planet with those thoughts.
if newt gets the GOP nod, it's gonna be fun watching the dems spout off with all their righteous indignation.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:24 am
by Van
PSU wrote:some vile tangy holes

Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:45 am
by mvscal
According to ABC, Marianne Gingrich became the subject of an FBI sting operation in Paris in the late 1990s, involving an arms dealer working undercover for the U.S. government. The network said the investigation was dropped but that the then-Mrs. Gingrich had claimed that she could “get things done” in Congress and had sought a $500,000 down payment as part of a $10 million bribe to influence her husband.
Don't know how tangy her hole is these days, but it certainly is vile....and without any credibility.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:51 am
by Screw_Michigan
Rack Newt for trying.
Rack Suckaholic for bringing the fun-nay.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:21 am
by The Seer
Scorned woman seeking revenge and lapdog media there with their witching sticks....profound.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:17 am
by poptart
I've never seen a more fitting individual to represent decadent America than Newt Gingrich.
"Hey wifey, my whore says she's good with me slippin' my snake anywhere I want. Now tell me (and your pastor) you're ready to get with that program. And btw, go fix me a sammich, bitch."
Damn, if tubby doesn't win I'll feel pretty bad for ya, AmeriKa.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:28 pm
by WolverineSteve
At least he had the courtesy to ask for the open marriage. The Clinton's had an open marriage for years befor Hillary knew.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:50 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
WolverineSteve wrote:The Clinton's had an open marriage for years befor Hillary knew.
I doubt that.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:00 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Nice to see PSUFAN take a break from his regular inanities at his online sewing club to come here and post a decent take.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:25 pm
by Derron
Martyred wrote:WolverineSteve wrote:The Clinton's had an open marriage for years befor Hillary knew.
I doubt that.
Right ..I am sure Bill sat down with Hillary and told her all about Monica sucking his dick in the Oval Office, blasting a load all over her blue dress and that Monica sucked dick better that Hillacunt did. Bill tapping every stray gash he could over the years had to be an "open" marriage. You can't really be that fucking stupid can you ?
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:41 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Derron wrote:You can't really be that fucking stupid can you ?
Your reading comprehension suggests you're at least twice as stupid.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:45 pm
by Carson
Google "JFK banging Marilyn Monroe while Jackie said nothing."
You're welcome.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:26 pm
by bradhusker
Bizzarofelice wrote:rack Newt
I don't think Romney would have the spine to ask his wife this question.
I don't think Santorum has ever had sex with a woman.
I don't think Ron Paul remembers sex.
NO, dont rack Newt, he is a lying piece of shit. I find it funny how evangelical christians are rallying around this lying hyppocrite. ONLY in an evangelical state could a piece of garbage like Newt Gingrich win.
FUNNY thing is that HE CANT POSSIBLY beat Obama in the general election. SO, not only are evangelicals hyppocrites, but they are stupid as well.
NOT TO WORRY, Mitt will easily take ALL the major states with zero problem. California, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc...etc...VOTERS with an ounce of a brain will realize that Mitt can defeat Obama in the general election. AND, Mitt is a man of great accomplishments, and this is important, MITT IS A LEADER.
ONLY in evangelical places like Iowa can a guy like santorum have a chance. Evangelicals are such lying hyppocrites, they say they look down upon scum like Gingrich, YET, they instead rally around him like dummies, even when they must know FULL WELL he has zero chance of beating Obama in November.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:13 pm
by Bizzarofelice
bradhusker wrote:
NO, dont rack Newt, he is a lying piece of shit.
And Romney isn't? Wait... Romney is a spineless, lying piece of shit. I understand the distinction you are making.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:48 pm
by bradhusker
Bizzarofelice wrote:bradhusker wrote:
NO, dont rack Newt, he is a lying piece of shit.
And Romney isn't? Wait... Romney is a spineless, lying piece of shit. I understand the distinction you are making.
NICE TRY Bizzaro, what about your buddy Obama? Every word out of his filthy marxist mouth is a lie.
He OBAMA, MUST lie to pretend to be with most americans, HOWEVER, in his OWN words, Obama admits to be more attracted to the communists and marxists, and so, he gravitated torward them.
SO, in order to be elected to president, Obama must pretend and lie to be a moderate, which he does successfully, and which is why he duped a lot of independants.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:03 pm
by Bizzarofelice
bradhusker wrote:Bizzarofelice wrote:bradhusker wrote:
NO, dont rack Newt, he is a lying piece of shit.
And Romney isn't? Wait... Romney is a spineless, lying piece of shit. I understand the distinction you are making.
NICE TRY Bizzaro, what about your buddy Obama?
I didn't say anything about Obama. I brought up the spineless wimp Mitt Romeny. And you can't defend that pussy.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:17 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:NOT TO WORRY, Mitt will easily take ALL the major states with zero problem. California, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc...etc...
Wisconsin? Is Goober running this troll?
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:28 am
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:bradhusker wrote:NOT TO WORRY, Mitt will easily take ALL the major states with zero problem. California, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc...etc...
Wisconsin? Is Goober running this troll?
It's been years since I trafficked in that level of psychedelics.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:14 am
by bradhusker
And Romney isn't? Wait... Romney is a spineless, lying piece of shit. I understand the distinction you are making.[/quote]
NICE TRY Bizzaro, what about your buddy Obama? [/quote]
I didn't say anything about Obama. I brought up the spineless wimp Mitt Romeny. And you can't defend that pussy.[/quote]
OH really bizzaro? Let me educate you.
Obama promised to "unite us", instead, he has deeply divided us. THE REASON? Obama pretends to be a centrist and moderate in the same vain as Bill Clinton, HOWEVER, he is NOT.
Read Obama's OWN words in his book, "I felt more comfortable around the marxists and communists, so I gravitated toward them"/
Romney is a man of accomplishments, He is a businessman who understands how things work. Obama is in way over his head, which is why he FAILS to put americans back to work.
Romney, being a true moderate in the same vain as a Bill Clinton, can and will unite us.
You mistakingly called Romney a pussy, due to the fact that you "name call" when you cant grasp or understand things pertaining to this country and the state we are currently in.
The country is broken on many levels, and Obama cannot fix it, due to the fact that he is not a leader of men.
Romney is a true leader of men, and, if elected president, I believe he will lead men to accomplish great things, including uniting americans.
Romney will be able to bring the parties together the way Reagan did. He will be able to accomplish and negotiate with leaders of the democratic party, the way Reagan did.
Obama was not ready for the complexities of the job, Romney will be from day ONE.
any questions pussy?
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:29 am
by mvscal
bradhusker wrote:Romney will be able to bring the parties together the way Reagan did. He will be able to accomplish and negotiate with leaders of the democratic party, the way Reagan did.
Obama was not ready for the complexities of the job, Romney will be from day ONE.
any questions pussy?
He's a dick eating toolbag not to mention a skeevy, whack job cultist. Maybe your next 30 year research project can be the Mormon church.
Re: It doesn't get any better than this
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:50 am
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:bradhusker wrote:Romney will be able to bring the parties together the way Reagan did. He will be able to accomplish and negotiate with leaders of the democratic party, the way Reagan did.
Obama was not ready for the complexities of the job, Romney will be from day ONE.
any questions pussy?
He's a dick eating toolbag not to mention a skeevy, whack job cultist. Maybe your next 30 year research project can be the Mormon church.
obviously mvscal, I dont put much stock in what you just said about Romney, considering the fact that you eat other peoples' shit, why should I?