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Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:21 pm
by Atomic Punk
Do you also keeps a private jet?

My experience with wake boats is chewing out the assholes that come too close to shore when I'm fishing. Stay out in the middle of the lake if you want to create a wake. Nothing pisses me off more than those assholes.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:30 pm
by Derron
You can bet your ass as your kids get older, they will get better and want more performance out of a boat than a yamhahaha jet is going to give. Most people up here in the U & L opt for a nice ski boat like a natiquie or one of those other types. I had a 19 foot Bluewater when my kids were younger and it worked fine and was a hell of a lot less money than one of these fancy penis boats.


Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:01 pm
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:Wags stop reading now or your head will explode...

Some friends of ours have a houseboat they dock at Smithville lake, costs like $2,400 a year to lease that parking spot. Too rich for my blood.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:42 pm
by Derron
Jsc810 wrote:I wish .....

Buddy of mine has one like this for sale. The capital cost of the boat, the fucking cost of gasoline, the cost of the gasoline to tow it was making his 6 times a year tuna fishing pretty fucking expensive. Much more than charters cost. You best be prepared to spend every free day you have during season to make it pencil out...or maybe this is one of those because he has the boat and his homies don't, it gives him wood. Trouble is when he goes fishing all weekend, his wife is fucking some other guy for being lonely.

Comparing a Yamahahaha to a Crownline or a Sea Ray is apples and oranges. If the Yamaha is that close in price to the Crown or the Ray, then Yamaha is fucking you. Just no way are they in the same quality class as a Crown or Ray. Those 2 boats been around a lot longer than Yamaha, and my experience is the Ray is a real nice boat.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:59 pm
by Derron
Jsc810 wrote:No doubt, I could do all the charter fishing I could possibly do in a year and it still would be much much less expensive than owning such a boat. But those World Cats are sweet.
I do about 4 -5 charters a year and spend less than $ 1000 for me and the wife including meals and hotels. And that usually yields me about 80 pounds or more of fish in the freezer and fresh crab. I catch sea bass of the jetty and throw my crab pots in there too. Don't cost me a dime. Back when I had my Bluewater, I could fill it up for about $ 50, fish or ski all day, and tow it home for a reasonable cost. Those big ass boats just don't cut it. You can buy an 80K boat around here for about 35K right now.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:23 am
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:I catch sea bass of the jetty and throw my crab pots in there too.

Sea Bass (Pacific rockfish) makes the best fish and chips ever.

Years ago, me and some buddies used to go to Netarts late afternoon/early evening (usually in winter), do a boatload of drugs, and toss pots off the boat dock, and toss rubber jigs for seabass... usually pretty small, but we would catch them by the truckload. Occasional lingcod. We'd go dig up blue clams when the sun would come up (if it was low tide). No one else ever fished there, either.

Let's see -- lighted, bathrooms, running water... and a bar sharing the parking lot. Worse ways to spend an evening.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:35 pm
by Go Coogs'
Scotty, if you like to ski and fish, the Glastron 205x's are perfect boats. They have an inboard/outboard Volvo Penta prop. The hull is what's most impressive about these boats. They can take a beating in shallow waters and cut through wakes like I've never seen before.

Check them out.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:21 pm
by Dinsdale
As far as prop vs. jet -- You're being silly. V-drives have a guard over them... all of them. Jets don't. I/O usually isn't shielded, but they mount them so they're hard to get into. V-drive gets out of the hole much faster.

Jets, both I/O but usually outboard, are extremely popular around here, but not because they're efficient. They plane a little higher, which is helpful when bombing up a shallow whitewater river. Guys whose milieu is theocean or big water generally don't want any part of a jet... lots of reasons, and Spray covered them pretty well.

I always figure ski boats are for people who don't know how to catch salmon. I'll stick with the driftboat (not that my POS has seen the water in years, since my fishing bud has the nicest one they make).

Just don't be this guy:

I might just have to fish there tomorrow... we'll see. No sled for us, we'll be quite happy with the drifter.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:47 pm
by Derron
Rack PW's take on everything.

Those 4.3 engines are V-6's I believe. You are going to work a V-6 a lot harder than a comparable small V-8. Been there and done that...7400 RPM cruise ..Are you fucking kidding me ? you run that engine at that level and it is history in 2 years. My 4.3 V-6 ran 45 mph at 3500 RPM. The comparison to the Cessna is accurate..the 2500 rpm is balls out takeoff and climb is about 1900..

When I worked for Toro we had Mitsubishi diesels in some equipment..the engineers finally got smart and compared them to a Kubota diesel and found the Kubota diesel would yield 3 more horsepower at 750 less rpm...and increased torque, and cost about 13% less. The lowered RPM translates into aprox 1.5 years more life out of the engine under seasonal operating parameters. Pretty significant operating cost difference.

Common sense equals safety in a boat. The driver keeps the prop the fuck away from people...and kicks in into neutral when picking up or dropping off skiers. Most boat accidents result form stupid people who are drunk. Jet's eat gas at a horrendous rate. V Drives are pretty damn efficient in power transfer and fuel use. MY I/O was fine on gas.

Rack Dins reset on the tards on the Clack. Fished the North Fork Nehalem yesterday morning and picked up one. Shit ton of people over there.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:53 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Just don't be this guy:

I watch "that guy" sink his boat in the St. Lawrence. Somebody obviously never told him it was a bad idea to run his midlife crisis boat 60 mph in an area riddled with shoals. The fucker hit a rock, gashed his hull, and his boat sank within 5 minutes. Everybody was rescued and there didn't appear to be and injuries. So I sat on a dock 400 yards away and LMAOed at the money he pissed away.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:05 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Just don't be this guy:

I watch "that guy" sink his boat in the St. Lawrence. Somebody obviously never told him it was a bad idea to run his midlife crisis boat 60 mph in an area riddled with shoals. The fucker hit a rock, gashed his hull, and his boat sank within 5 minutes. Everybody was rescued and there didn't appear to be and injuries. So I sat on a dock 400 yards away and LMAOed at the money he pissed away.
This scene repeats itself once or 30 times a season around the U & L. These guys get these 50K boats and think because they have a jet they can blast up the shallow rivers. Usually results in an impeller full of rocks at the least and boat sinkage at the worst.

Seen one of these jet boats bounce about 15 feet in the air and they bury itself in the water after the tard went up a riffle on the Rouge. First time the tard had the boat out and completely wrecked it.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:22 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:Rack Dins reset on the tards on the Clack. Fished the North Fork Nehalem yesterday morning and picked up one. Shit ton of people over there.

Were you at the hatchery? The entire Douche family seems to populate that spot on winter weekends. About the prettiest waterfall you'll ever see, and plenty of fish... and I'm trying to think of any other redeeming qualities the NF has. Been years since I fished for big nates on the Mainstem -- we used to do that a bit, or hikeup the railroad tracks up the Salmonberry... BIG steelies in that fucker. C&R only, of course, but every fish you see is 20#+.

Pretty sure I have the day off tomorrow, and I'm thinking the Clack sounds good. Plenty of water for the Alumiweld 17' Pro Guide... but 4 in the boat will be cozy. I'll resist the temptation to pack the .45 to deal with Johnny Gofast in his sled. I bet That Guy is out in force (much worse on weekends, though). I'm sure I'll start drinking much too early to be trusted with the temptation of firearms and liquored-up rednecks in grossly overpowered sleds. I'll just sit in front of the heater, keep my hands warm, and watch the rod tip while pulling plugs (awesome but lazy way to fish in the cold/wet out of the DB). Might even burn a little herb, too. Maybe we'll be the first (that we know of) to pull in a springer this year... although I'll bet one of those Meldrum junkies probably bagged one already in the high water.

Watched That Guy take one of those goofy Seadoo things up through Riverside on the Clack a few years back. Drunk dude and his drunk buddy had the thing WFO -- must have been going 40, or close to it. That rapid above the ramp isn't as deep as it looks... hilarity ensued. High Rocks is usually the best place to see tards putting their tardism on display -- although during low water in summer, watching guys try to launch big boats off the old ferry ramp by Staff Jennings can be pretty good, too. It's like there's an auto-response to warnings of "that's not a boat ramp, it drops off into the channel" -- they invariably reply with I KNOW WHAT I"M DOING!" as the trailer drops in the river... the best shows are when it drags the truck in with it.

And on topic -- run that jet drive through a kelp/weed bed, and see how you feel about jets and shallow after that. Do that with a I/O or outboard, and while lame, you can possibly fix it on the water... good luck unclogging a jet... better pack some paddles.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:29 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:These guys get these 50K boats and think because they have a jet they can blast up the shallow rivers. Usually results in an impeller full of rocks at the least and boat sinkage at the worst.

Screw a 4.3... or even the 8.2... Scott needs one of these:


Turbine power.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:47 pm
by Atomic Punk
Just out of curiosity... am I the only one that uses a bottom topography map when navigating the water?

I remember the Peoples Democratic Republic of CA required us to go from 2 strokes to 4 strokes back in 2004. So I bought a Honda 4 stroke and the thing was great. Then the old man that was supposed to watch the piers at night didn't see the thieves take 8 of those off our boats and got fired.

Again, those speedy bastards that get to close to me when I'm fishing need to be dealt with. For some reason this one guy with a wake boat in the slip across from me lost all of the water out of one of his ballast bags and it flipped over in the slip. I wonder who would do something like that to his boat. Hmmm... no idea.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:53 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:

Were you at the hatchery? The entire Douche family seems to populate that spot on winter weekends. -- we used to do that a bit, or hikeup the railroad tracks up the Salmonberry... BIG steelies in that fucker. C&R only, of course, but every fish you see is 20#+.

Pulled in the hatchery so we could see what was happening at the handicap ramp and intake area. Lot of people there. Seldom do I do a weekend trip up there, but one of my boys is a firefighter and had the day off so we went up there for a bit. Usually do a mid week steelhead fishing trip, just so I can avoid "That Guy" that just fishes on the weekend.

Used to fish the Salmonberry a lot..just to get those big fighting natives on the line. Don't know what shape the trail is in now, the RR bed is all blown out from the 07 floods.

Between me and the kid we had 4 pistols on us yesterday, as usual. No sense in being unprepared. You always have the idiots out there, and the NF is known for a fair amount of snagging activity. And you always have to be ready when " That Guy" says you are fishing in "my hole". :lol: :lol:

Those jet boat races they have down next to I- 5 at Harrisburg might have to be on my list this summer. Nothing like seeing, and hearing those massive horsepower engines race around the course, and of course seeing one of them launch on to dry land after a driver fuck up is pretty epic too.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:59 pm
by Derron
Atomic Punk wrote:Just out of curiosity... am I the only one that uses a bottom topography map when navigating the water?

Again, those speedy bastards that get to close to me when I'm fishing need to be dealt with.
You probably would not fare well on our rivers up here in chinook season. The fucking guides bring a 24 foot sled with 4 to 6 people in it, sideways down the river, in a river that is barely 35 feet wide at spots and anchor up in a hole and flog the water, and tell the bank anglers to go fuck themselves. This usually results in insults and fingers being exchanged, jackets pulled open to show off pieces, etc.

Then they will start back up the river after their 1/2 day drift, and just fucking haul ass back to the put in point. I have heard that bank anglers sometimes throw rocks at them. :shock: :shock:

As for bottom topography, just bend your prop or tweak your out drive and you will real fast learn that these things called depthfinders are a very good thing to have, and that keeping a close eye on it will save a lot of damage to your boat and wallet.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:17 pm
by Atomic Punk
On the nearest lake, I pretty much knew where all the hazards were but always had my topography map. After my engine was stolen I sold the boat for what I bought it for (with no engine) to some sucker.

From then on I would just rent those 17' flat bottom aluminum boats and abuse them. Learned my lesson from owning a boat. I even had a kayak that I towed. I'd fish from it to get in really close to the shore.

So those bastards in the U&L would carry guns and show them if you got pissed at them huh?

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:24 pm
by Moving Sale
I own 1/4 of a nice 2004 Ski Nautique 196. Has (most) all the advantages of owning 100% of a boat but with a decent price tag... but then I'm smarter than most of you idiots.

War Lake Naci which is better than the lake you ski on. :hfal:

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:32 pm
by Derron
Atomic Punk wrote:
So those bastards in the U&L would carry guns and show them if you got pissed at them huh?

Fuck yea...but you have to basically assume that everyone you meet on the river is packing. Flashing them is for idiots and those who want to get busted for brandishing. You never know if the dude out there in the drift boat is a state cop or not. They like to patrol in plain clothes and their own boats to catch snaggers, over limits and drunks.

We just used to laugh at them, and tell them to come back when they had a real gun. Although I was with a couple of guys about 25 years ago down there, when one of them said something to one of the asshole guides, the guide flipped him off, pulled back his jacket to show his piece. My buddy laughed at him, took a last pull off his beer can, threw it into the river, pulled his own .44 out and vaporized the can. Pretty good piece of shooting, he was a bit drunk and pretty high..but made that guide shut the fuck up and float on down the river.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:35 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:I own 1/4 of a nice 2004 Ski Nautique 196. Has (most) all the advantages of owning 100% of a boat but with a decent price tag... but then I'm smarter than most of you idiots.

War Lake Naci which is better than the lake you ski on. :hfal:
How could that possibly be?? You would have to have those extra high seats and altered controls for your sausage fingers to manipulate ..I would think the other owners might not like that..unless you are in some midget boating club ? Then it's all good. :lol: :lol:

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:37 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:You probably would not fare well on our rivers up here in chinook season. The fucking guides bring a 24 foot sled with 4 to 6 people in it, sideways down the river, in a river that is barely 35 feet wide at spots and anchor up in a hole and flog the water, and tell the bank anglers to go fuck themselves. This usually results in insults and fingers being exchanged, jackets pulled open to show off pieces, etc.
And the river bottom is different every year... there's that.

Many years ago, me and a friend were banking it on the Poor White Trask at the peak of nook season... on a saturday. Plenty of guys on both sides (mostly flossers). Redneck #1 casts over Redneck #2 on the opposite bank -- a snarl ensues, then the argument ensues. Next thing me and my bud know, there's bullets hitting the embankment next to us... again, very crowded day. I believe we were unarmed, which had no bearing on our decision to get. The. Fuck. Out. But other tards drew down and started returning fire. Glad they were bad shots. We went over to the Wilson and slayed them pretty good. Tillamook isn't quite as wild and crazy as it was 15-20 years ago... although I'm guessing you could get yourself shot at by anchoring by or in the slot at the Hospital Hole.
Then they will start back up the river after their 1/2 day drift, and just fucking haul ass back to the put in point. I have heard that bank anglers sometimes throw rocks at them.
Fucking Donny Morris (Jammin Salmon Guide Service) is notorious for being a prick the the bankies on the Clack. You'd think being probably the only black guide in the U&L, he'd keep it mellow, since he's pretty recognizable. But that A-hole will run the sled right over the bankrats' lines. I'm sure he's got more dents in his boat than just the one my buddy put in it.

With all the idiots, I'm surprised more people don't get shot, or at least their boats. And the Clack is pretty bad for it. Ain't so much bank access that we can't be courteous to the Bankies. We always yield the right-of-way to the bankies... it's the unwritten (actually has been written) rule of courtesy. But... my fishing buddy lives about 10 minutes from Riverside, another lives in Estacada, and the Clack has tons of fish (usually). So we fish there. Rarely on weekends, though.
As for bottom topography, just bend your prop or tweak your out drive and you will real fast learn that these things called depthfinders are a very good thing to have, and that keeping a close eye on it will save a lot of damage to your boat and wallet.

I guess I'm old school -- in the drifter, the guys in front stay very vigilant, and oddly enough, the guy on the sticks knows how to read water (funny what 20+ years of riverrunning will do). When motoring, we have this crazy theory about going really slow through questionable shit, again with very alert passengers. Don't take much work for someone to yell (SKINNY LEFT," but it does take a bunch of work to haul a swamped boat out of a hydraulic (or so I hear... never had the misfortune).

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:54 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:
So those bastards in the U&L would carry guns and show them if you got pissed at them huh?

Fuck yea...but you have to basically assume that everyone you meet on the river is packing.

We assume that, because everyone IS packing on the river. In Oregon, so long as you're not a felon, there's a law that says you can carry a concealed weapon while fishing or hunting, or in transport to or from fishing and hunting, no permit/license required.

And you hope they only "show" them.

For myself and my fishing buds, we usually just smile a lot, and wave and be pleasant, and make it a point to never raise voices at other anglers, even if they're fuckups (unless they actually endanger us). Reduces the ventilation in the sides of the boat.

Since we're talking boats, here's what we fish from (my fishing buddy of over 20 years got an offer he couldn't refuse, even though he couldn't afford it, but it was the Dream Boat that came with 3 year free financing from a friend).


Ours (OK, his) is decked out way nicer, has a front anchor, rear seat, and a heater. Soooo glad of the guide model -- the extra 12" of beam (or whatever it works out to) makes it way roomy. Can fish 3, and just about have to yell to each other. Might fish 4 tomorrow (I'll be the cool guy and sit in the back) -- usually run 2 plug rods in the rod holders, and the guy in back (we'll rotate, since the heater is in the front) hammers the edges with a spinner rod... usually. Stckman usually just rows, unless we pull over (mouth of Eagle Creek sounds like a good place, assuming low redneck population), or anchor (might not be happening tomorrow), then Timbo is a very good spinner chucker.

Damn, I've got the metalhead jones on now.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:58 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:. Tillamook isn't quite as wild and crazy as it was 15-20 years ago... although I'm guessing you could get yourself shot at by anchoring by or in the slot at the Hospital Hole.

That would be where the incident I cited happened. Fuckin wild wild west back in those days. Everyone was drinking on the river, smoking weed and snorting cocaine, some pretty fucked up people by noon each day.

Donnie Morris....dude used to blast up and down the mainsteam of the Nehalem through Nehalem and upriver..all the old boys at the RV parks kept buckets of rocks, and vegetable to throw at him.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:14 pm
by Atomic Punk
We have this place below the dam and it's called Lost Lake. During season the local fishery would stock the lake with trout and the goddamn Hmongs would have at least 6 poles in the water (no licenses) right where they released the trout and use corn as bait.

They would basically take up the entire bank area near where the fish are released with all of their little kids. I never once caught a fish there because they knew every Thursday morning was the time to poach. I have to now pay $53 for a license when it was only $27 a decade ago? These Hmongs are poaching and don't pay shit and pull out all of the fish.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:17 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:. Tillamook isn't quite as wild and crazy as it was 15-20 years ago... although I'm guessing you could get yourself shot at by anchoring by or in the slot at the Hospital Hole.

That would be where the incident I cited happened. Fuckin wild wild west back in those days. Everyone was drinking on the river, smoking weed and snorting cocaine, some pretty fucked up people by noon each day.

I was That Guy (sans the blow) this last fall. Them beers go down awfully smoothly on a cold morning on the Poor White Trask. One day, we were flat-fucking wasted by noon... which was good, since we went 0/0 for 3 rods in 3 days. That sucked. Fish-checker said we didn't suck any worse than anyone else. 9 for 30 boats, or some stupid shit.
Donnie Morris....dude used to blast up and down the mainsteam of the Nehalem through Nehalem and upriver..all the old boys at the RV parks kept buckets of rocks, and vegetable to throw at him.
DO NOT piss of the old codgers at the RV park at The Forks. Had those fuckers blasting an air horn at me, even though we were going maybe 3MPH max, with nothing resembling a wake. Can only imagine what they do if you're going 40... and black. Love fishing that area, though -- not many other places you can tie up the boat, walk up the stairs, go in the bar and have gourmet pizza (don't know if you've eaten at the new joint -- pretty good) while keeping an eye on the boat, walk across the street, and make the usually-bad decision to get more beer, hop back in, and whack some coho... good times.

Clack is down to about 14' as of this afternoon -- sounds like game on. Friend of a friend (yup) guides, and slaughtered them during last week's flood -- little rich for my blood, although he runs a sled (that 200 horse probably came in handy). But the first reading under 15 after the first real freshet... sounds tasty. Should be easy to run at 14' -- not so many hazards. But when you do find a hazard in high water, things get sketchy pretty quick. Won't be pissing over the side while moving, methinks (that's what the jug is for). Don't think I'll be doing too much standing, even -- results in bruised kneecaps or a swim in full clothes in whitewater in 39 degree water.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:23 pm
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:
They would basically take up the entire bank area near where the fish are released with all of their little kids. I never once caught a fish there because they knew every Thursday morning was the time to poach. I have to now pay $53 for a license when it was only $27 a decade ago? These Hmongs are poaching and don't pay shit and pull out all of the fish.

Can't swing a dead catfish around here without hitting a poaching gook. U&Lers don't take kindly to it... that "everyone's packing" thing keeps the problem in check to a degree. They still follow the stocking trucks around.

The Dirty Drunken Injuns are a bigger poaching problem. They run gillnets on reservation land with impunity.

Rednecks poach the sturgeon, which is considered a pretty bigtime offense.

Our license fees have skyrocketed, too. About $56 with the salmon/steelhead tags these days.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:45 pm
by Atomic Punk
You got Hmongs up there also? One thing about them is they are resourceful. Free houses and they use their back yards as farms and to raise chickens. 10 - 14 kids per family is about the going rate.

They even wild game around here with no tags and I've never heard of any of them getting caught. The only ones that get caught are the ones that grow weed underneath the rows of grape vines.

At least up in the U&L you pay to catch quality fish.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:50 pm
by Dinsdale
Toddowen wrote:Image

Do you go in the ocean in that?

Around here, we have a term for taking a small boat with a single engine out on the briney -- we call it "suicide."

Hope the bar doesn't get angry when you have to come back in -- I'm guessing that sucker would flip in a heartbeat.

Climbing the breakers with a 150 could get a little scary, too. Then again, the North Pacific gets pretty nasty compared to its little brother.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:02 pm
by smackaholic
todd lives on long island sound. a rubber ducky is good enough. a whaler is more than good enough. but, it does get a little interesting on the race during tide change. the north atlantic can be as nasty as anything, just not in our neck of the woods.

and yes, even in the atlantic, having a single engine is not the smartest thing.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:14 pm
by Atomic Punk
Todd, I don't think you understand what Dins is saying. I used to fly SAR missions from the U&L up to Alaska and even into the Bering Sea. A little guppy like that wouldn't last long. So many times I've been launched out of Kodiak or Adak, Alaska and most of the time we never found the missing fishing boats which were considerably larger and we had their last positions about an hour old.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:19 pm
by Dinsdale
Fair enough.

Our seas rarely go below 4', and the bars are never that low. The Columbia bar (most dangerous river crossing in human history) runs at 25' frequently -- and can go from a few feet to 25+ in the blink of an eye... gotta have the right boat, although a bunch of people risk death with inadequate boats all the time.

Freaking Columbia bar runs like that for about 1.5 miles, or some shit like that. Container ships and grainers don't care, but riding a 25' swell in a boat smaller than 25' seems a tad bit insane to me. Inboard V8's can't climb up the front of the really big swells... better hope the Coast Guard can get to you.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:49 pm
by Atomic Punk
Toddowen wrote: And you needn't tell me about rough seas. I've seen stuff as bad or worse than anyone on this board. I guarantee that.
I don't think so. I guess you're not familiar with Alaska.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:41 am
by smackaholic
spray's not worried. he's his own fukking life preserver. that fat fukk couldn't sink if he tried.

i been in pretty fukking giant seas too. 40-50 ft waves, at least. it got pretty hairy at times, 4, maybe 5 degree rolls. almost spilled my fukking coffee. sure was nice being on a carrier rather than a destroyer in that shit.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:07 am
by BSmack
Atomic Punk wrote:Todd, I don't think you understand what Dins is saying. I used to fly SAR missions from the U&L up to Alaska and even into the Bering Sea. A little guppy like that wouldn't last long. So many times I've been launched out of Kodiak or Adak, Alaska and most of the time we never found the missing fishing boats which were considerably larger and we had their last positions about an hour old.
Was this before or after you single-handedly disarmed the Red October and ended the Cold War?

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:42 am
by Atomic Punk
BSmack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:Todd, I don't think you understand what Dins is saying. I used to fly SAR missions from the U&L up to Alaska and even into the Bering Sea. A little guppy like that wouldn't last long. So many times I've been launched out of Kodiak or Adak, Alaska and most of the time we never found the missing fishing boats which were considerably larger and we had their last positions about an hour old.
Was this before or after you single-handedly disarmed the Red October and ended the Cold War?
You're a jealous rolly-polly little bitch. I get it already. Stick to music radio threads that the other 3 would even click open.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:09 am
by poptart
'spray wrote:I HAVE gotten caught in a few bad storms, though.

We started hitting 8-9 footers that were trying to break at points (this while high winds were around and lightning was out the ass). I'd nail the gas going up one side of the wave and let off on the back side. Had to do that for about 45 minutes, and there were definite moments of concern.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:36 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:Fair enough.

Our seas rarely go below 4', and the bars are never that low. The Columbia bar (most dangerous river crossing in human history) runs at 25' frequently -- and can go from a few feet to 25+ in the blink of an eye... gotta have the right boat, although a bunch of people risk death with inadequate boats all the time.

Freaking Columbia bar runs like that for about 1.5 miles, or some shit like that. Container ships and grainers don't care, but riding a 25' swell in a boat smaller than 25' seems a tad bit insane to me. Inboard V8's can't climb up the front of the really big swells... better hope the Coast Guard can get to you.
Word. There is a reason that Coast Guard Station Ilwaco has the training school for bar navigation for the Coast Guard. Nasty fucking bar and it is a long bar and has bar effects in past the bar. It also has one of the best salmon fisheries in the world on it and attracts 1000's of boats on a daily basis to go out and angle and dodge 800 foot freighters, who's wake alone will swamp your ass.The Buoy 10 fishery is a highly fished short salmon season in late fall. I have fished it numerous times, and my 19 foot Bluewater was the smallest I would have gone in and felt much better in my buddies 28 footer.

I fished Buoy 10 about 10 years ago. Launched and wanted to get out and fish before the tide started ebbing. Headed the 5 miles out from Hammond to Buoy 10 things went pretty good. In the manner of 10 minutes that area changed from passable to down right dangerous. The fucking ebb was a minus ebb, which made it a lot worse and it got to about 12 feet short swells. I glassed the area ahead of me and all I saw was boats slamming up and down. I said fuck this we are going back, took one over the bow, put about 3 inches of water in my boat, and I just started running for the launch. Got there ahead of everybody, and in time to see the Coast Guard headed out to pickup some dudes who capsized. I have never been back save for one time in my buddies 28 footer and it still beat the shit out of us.

I have been over every bar on the coast at least one time. Columbia is by far the most dangerous. Contrasting is 350 miles south to Brookings where you can take 14 foot rowboats over on good days. I even saw a 17 foot drift boat with motor and 2 dudes in it 9 miles out when the tuna were in.

The picture below is a 48 foot motor life boat. Getting slammed by the Columbia. ... ia_Bar.jpg

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:58 pm
by smackaholic
Can't imagine you last very long when you capsize off the coast of oregon. i been in that water, all the way up to my mid shin. My feet were aching after a few seconds.

Our ocean doesn't give us nice low humidity weather in the summer the way you left coasters get, but, it sure is a lot nicer if you get tossed into it in august.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:15 am
by Derron
Papa Willie wrote:
The 8-9 footers we got caught in the other storm were definitely more of the swell type (which is why I'm probably still alive), but it's not cool standing in a boat and noting that the waves are a good 2-3 feet taller than YOU are. It grabs your attention.
All depends on the duration between swells. I was out fishing tuna out of Brookings OR a few years ago, in 10-12foot long ocean swells. Not bad. Then we start whacking and stacking the tuna, it built up to around 25 foot long swells. You go down in the trench and look either way and all you see is water. Ride up on top, clear the area for other boat traffic and back down you go. Long duration, so pretty smooth no chop. Short swells at 8 feet are much worse. Gradually tired of it and started making my way back to shore and the harbor. One of the longest 12 mile runs I ever made. But about 150 pounds of fresh tuna was worth it. Bloody fucking mess in the boat, but that's fishing.

Re: any boat owners here?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:18 am
by Derron
smackaholic wrote:Can't imagine you last very long when you capsize off the coast of oregon.
Cold water even in July / August. You got about 5 minutes if you go in, and your done for. If you get into a survival suit, you might get and hour and half. I never understood why they surf in that cold water, and why the tards went swimming in that water. Of course, seeing a great white take a seal on the surf line at Crescent City a few years back reinforced my dislike of swimming in the ocean.