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GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:25 pm
by Moby Dick
wow..first i'd ever heard of 'em...

wow ... l-edition/

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:29 pm
by mvscal
You didn't miss anything.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:28 am
by Carson
Is he the guy who ate shit onstage and ran out in traffic?

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:30 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Saw it during it's original theatrical run during the Toronto International Film Festival...

Dee Dee Ramone's cameo is priceless.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:31 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
bite it, you scum

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:44 am
by Goober McTuber
Just a sedated version of shutyomouth. No big deal.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:02 am
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:Just a sedated version of shutyomouth. No big deal.
That clown could only dream of being shutyomouth. Spray has actual musical talent.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:17 am
by mvscal
I've always given credit where it's due. GG Allin was a talentless psychopath. shutyomouth...has talent.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:19 am
by M2
mvscal wrote:I've always given credit where it's due.

Then you would have to give credit to "the truth" for your avatar.

Which I've always found amusing.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:29 am
by M2
Cat got your tongue... grease spot ?

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:31 am
by mvscal
M2 wrote:
mvscal wrote:I've always given credit where it's due.

Then you would have to give credit to "the truth" for your avatar.
So you're Mathew Brady? I could have sworn you've been dead for over a hundred years.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:32 am
by M2
mvscal wrote:
M2 wrote:
mvscal wrote:I've always given credit where it's due.

Then you would have to give credit to "the truth" for your avatar.
So you're Mathew Brady? I could have sworn you've been dead for over a hundred years.

Swing and a miss... you want to keep playing ???

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:39 am
by M2
88 wrote:I don't know if that was art or not. Definitely not status quo. I am actually glad that dudes are out there doing that. I have rage thoughts now and then. Sometimes I like to howl at the moon and break glass. But as hard as I bring it, there is a limit. I find comfort knowing that there are dudes out there who can bring it harder than I am willing or able to do so, even if they are certifiably fucked between the ears. Rack GG. He would have been one of ours.

88, gets it once in a while...

... I think it's time for 88 to take a road trip on the fun bus.

Be as hard as you can be... right here, right now.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:07 pm
by campinfool
I saw him in the mid 90s in Austin at the now infamous Cavity Club. Some of his early recordings were pretty good straight forward punk rock. He evolved into GG Allin and the Murder Junkies where the music took a back seat to shock value. The Austin show was the only live music event I ever attended in which I purposely stayed near the back of the club. He was performing naked with feces smeared on him when the Austin PD shut down the show and arrested him. Great times.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:04 am
by campinfool
Here is a photo of GG Allin about to defecate into his hands at the Austin show in 1992. When the shit starts flying at a GG Show if your clothes get stained then you call it getting hit by a bonus egg.

I know you Slow Ride listening fucks are probably wondering why go to a show if bonus eggs are a real possibility. Simple. We were curious, young, and proud to call the Cavity Club "home". It was all all-ages venue that was a complete dump. here's a picture of the sound guy.

We had a pool table and creepy dudes in towels

Killer stage that always looked like it was about to collapse

And an outdoor patio with a skate ramp and litter consisting of empty bottles, cans, and sometimes hypo needles.

During the GG show I started at the back near the pool table, but GG Allin soon proclaimed that we would get fucked up if we stayed there. During the show he jammed some beer into a woman's asshole with a turkey baster and she stood over him and shot it out her ass into his mouth. He also bashed his forehead with a mic stand until he bled. Once he shit into his hands and smeared a bloody shit mixture over his body I started lurking towards the exit towards the skate ramp area. He jumped into the crowd and pushed a woman up against the wall and tried to kiss her, smearing his shit and blood on her. The crowd turned on him and some dude with crutches tried to hit GG Allin in the back. GG grabbed one of the crutches and started wind milling in through the crowd. Somewhere along the way some one sprayed a can of mace or pepper spray into the crowd and the place went into utter fucking chaos. I escaped out the back only to find the outside gate padlocked. Several of us climbed up the skate ramp and climbed over the fence to an alley to escape the carnage. Only later did I find out APD arrested GG Allin.

Here is a copy of the police report...

G.G. Allin (Arrest Report)
Cavity Club, February 18, 1992
Upon arrival at the Cavity Club I notice numerous people running out of the front door. Dispatch had prior advised me that a fight was in progress and that a white male was on stage nude and was defecating. I went inside the club and was immediatley [sic] struck by male [sic] that was in the air inside. I noted that the crowd was running away from the stage gasping and covering their faces. I saw a [sic] arm holding a spray canister above the crowd's head and it appeared that a member of the crowd was spraying the Mace. I was pushed by several subjects and I immediately pulled my night stick and readied it for use. I advised dispatch via radio tht [sic] I needed additional units to dispurse [sic] the crowd. I noted a white male on the band stand was nude and staggering around the stage bleeding from the forehead. Upon the arrival of additional unit's [sic] I had advised the white male to sit down on the stage pending a possible arrest. After dispursing [sic] the crowd I advised dispatch to have EMS sent to my location for the white male's forehead. Upon the arrival of EMS they transported the white male to Brackenridge for his injury's [sic]. I went outside to get fresh air due to slight respritory [sic] problems. While outside I was advised by Sgt. Saldana that a subject in the crowd wished to press assault charges against the while [sic] in the band. I identified the subject as follows: James Michael Harper-White/Male-07/24/71. Harper stated he ws [sic] in the crowd when the band member that was nude threw feces at him striking him n [sic] the head. Harper was intoxicated and advised by me that a [sic] information report would be written and was given the case number to this disturbance and that [sic] he could file charges the next day. After discussing the situation with Harper I went to Brackenridge Hospital and identified the nude white male as follows: Arrested: Kevin Mike Allin-White/Male-08/29/56. Alias: Kevin Mike Allen-White/Male-08/29/56. Allen was found to have a warrant for his arrest to revoke probation out of Flint, Mich. After Allen received treatment for his injury's [sic] I transported Allin to central booking which he was booked in on the warrant. Prior to treatment while I spoke with Allen I asked him who hit him in the forehead. Allen stated he did it himself with the stage microphone. He said blood adds to the performance of the show. Allen asked why the police Maced him and I advised him it was not the police. That it was the crowd and that APD does not carry Mace. Allen was covered in feces and was advised that possible assault charges could be filed on him the future. Allen stated that throwing faces [sic] was part of his act and that the club manager was aware of this when he booked the band (band name G.G. Allen). Warrant Information: Parole violation/assault with weapon, OCA-P206045 -- Issued 11/19/91 Flint, Mich -- Corr/Center. Allen was advised taht [sic] possible disorderly conduct charges could be filed on him in the future. When I first arrived in the club I only noted Allen naked on the stage wearing only black gloves and a black dog collar around his neck. Allen was not seen by me to make any lewd gesture with his genitals [sic] or anus.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:22 am
by Van
And still the question stands...
why go to a show if bonus eggs are a real possibility
We were all young once, but I was never curious about that sort of garbage, and I certainly would not have been proud to call such a dump "home."

Knowing what was involved in a GG Allin "show," it clearly would've been something to avoid.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:38 am
by M2
Van wrote: and I certainly would not have been proud to call such a dump "home."

You live in Sacramento... prick.

It's about time you get real with yourself...

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:45 am
by Van
No, I don't, and I've never lived in a place as trashy as that club. More importantly, I never went to a place where I knew there was a strong possibility that the main "performer" was a male lunatic who would get naked and rub shit all over himself before throwing it at the audience.

If that's your kind of scene, you aren't just immature, you're a degenerate.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:49 am
by campinfool
Most clubs in austin cater to the 21 and over scene. As a minor who liked 3 chord rock and roll, my options at the time were slim. Most of our music venues were dumps but we didn't care because the cover was cheap, no one cared about under age byob, most of the bands were our friends or associates, and the music was and still is good. Not really different from gathering in a muddy farm field to trip acid and listen to 12 minute songs about love, peace, and war.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:51 am
by M2
So, now you don't live in Sacramento ???

That's news to me...

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:51 am
by Van
campinfool wrote:Not really different from gathering in a muddy farm field to trip acid and listen to 12 minute songs about love, peace, and war.
Well, except for the gratuitous violence, disgusting male nudity and shit flinging.

No, M2, I don't live in Sacramento, and haven't for going on two years now. Even when I did, my house was in a perfectly nice neighborhood. We hardly ever had to deal with tatted up degenerates in dog collars stripping naked and flinging poop.

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:08 am
by M2
Van wrote:No, M2, I don't live in Sacramento, and haven't for going on two years now. Even when I did, my house was in a perfectly nice neighborhood.

That makes no sense whatsoever...

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:10 am
by mvscal
campinfool wrote:Most clubs in austin cater to the 21 and over scene. As a minor who liked 3 chord rock and roll, my options at the time were slim.
Not really. I was there during that timeframe. Continental Club? Liberty Lunch?

Re: GG Allin (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:16 am
by M2
mvscal wrote:
campinfool wrote:Most clubs in austin cater to the 21 and over scene. As a minor who liked 3 chord rock and roll, my options at the time were slim.
Not really. I was there during that timeframe. Continental Club? Liberty Lunch?

Not everyone was a "busboy"... sup, 6th street.

Now go get me another glass of water, Pancho.