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Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:41 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Can we just round up all the chowds and send them to concentration camps? Huh? Can we do that?
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:42 am
by smackaholic
Rack the PET and rack you for getting over on classless 'cuse fans.
Normally, I would route for the big E team, but, they aren't really big E anymore, so fugg'em.
Don't have a dog left in this fight, so I will jump on the buckeye band wagon just for my interweb fliend, 88.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:44 am
by smackaholic
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Can we just round up all the chowds and send them to concentration camps? Huh? Can we do that?
I will volunteer to run concertina wire the length of I-495. Pretty sure I can find enough over at supply here on the SeaBee base in gulfport.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:39 am
by FLW Buckeye
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Can we just round up all the chowds and send them to concentration camps? Huh? Can we do that?
Nah, that would give a too much good meaning to the term "concentration camp."
Btw, rack the PET.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:48 am
by Diego in Seattle
Just be thankful that Wolfman didn't make the roadie to see his team play. Getting hit with a can of Ensure would probably hurt.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:31 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
I am UNRACKING this PET. You take a pic of some shit bar on Canal St as the only evidence you were near the North End? For shame...
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:25 pm
by Wolfman
Rack 88 for driving in the NYC-Boston gauntlet. I think that the Ensure in the Gardens comes in plastic cups. Last time I spent any time in Boston, I made a stop in the "Combat Zone". I guess that no longer exists. The Red Sox are still down here for spring games in the new park that the tourists in Lee County are paying for. It even has a replica of the Green Monster. I'm taking in a game (Sox vs. Nats) next Monday. If I remember to bring my camera, I'll take some photos for you all. ... e_park.jsp
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:44 pm
by Left Seater
Rack the trip and the PET.
88, next time you might consider Amtrak or even a combination of Metro North, Amtrak, and MBTA trains. All but MBTA trains have bar cars and you can enjoy a nice beverage as you fly by the drivers sitting on 1-95.
Just a suggestion for next time.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:14 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Wolfman wrote: I guess that no longer exists. The Red Sox are still down here for spring games in the new park that the tourists in Lee County are paying for.
You mean this place, Wolfie: <------ (it's safe to click the link. Just Yankee Fan getting over.)

Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:41 pm
by smackaholic
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I am UNRACKING this PET. You take a pic of some shit bar on Canal St as the only evidence you were near the North End? For shame...
should have got pics of tourists waiting in line three hours for a cannoli at mike's.
they were good though. and HUGE.
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:29 am
by BSmack
KC Scott wrote:Wolfie won't click links, cus he knows he'll catch viruses and his his SS# will be captured by Nigerians
Everybody knows Wolfie's SS # is 000 00 0001.
Tell me you knew?
Re: Bean Town Roadie PET
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:56 am
by Left Seater
Yeah, Amtrak was often as expensive as flights. I just hated that drive though.