Todd, what is your issue with me?
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:46 am
A strange thing happened last night in chat. Several of us were hanging out, listening to some EPIC tunes and shooting the shit. You know, bros being bros. Then out of nowhere, Todd barges in and starts melting down at the very sight of me. Just MASHING the enter key with insults hurled my way. About a 20 second whirlwind of meltage, then he promptly exits chat.
Clearly, we got off on the wrong foot. Things were said. Feelings were hurt. Please accept my apology.
What do you say, good buddy? Let's forget this and move on, eh? Water under the bridge, and all that stuff.

Clearly, we got off on the wrong foot. Things were said. Feelings were hurt. Please accept my apology.
What do you say, good buddy? Let's forget this and move on, eh? Water under the bridge, and all that stuff.