Vicodin-induced fwiw thoughts...
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:02 pm
Almost never take pain meds, but when I do I become a bit effusive. Chatty, even. A bit more overtly observant, as well.
And so...
Seems to me that Mgo has been kicking a fuckton of ass lately. He's sort of taken over—or should I say reassumed—R-Jack's role of the perpetually snarky uber-asshole who just has to rip everything and everyone. Along the way, his timing has been impeccable. Dude seems to be getting better with age.
Screwball, the Robin to Mgo's Batman, seems to have somehow misplaced his own Asshole card. The guy better watch it. He's encroaching upon 'likable' territory. Not sure whether that's a good thing, but I guess it goes with a young lad buying his first nice suit. Oh, sure, he probably has others, but the image of Screwball slicking back his cowlick with a healthy glob of theater jizz before heading into Jos. A. Bank and sidling up to some Brooks Brothers wannabe with a furtive "Mister...could...ummm...wouldja mind helping me pick out a Sunday-go-to-meetin' suit?" is just so damn endearing.
Though Robert Kincaid may have passed, his airy goodness lives on in our earnest young Screwball.
Is it just me, or has Truman been treating every poster of late like they're a plate of lovingly fussed-over spareribs? The guy just keeps digging in and shredding. I'm beginning to gather that Truman rather enjoys the wicked riposte, and he's more than up for a little verbal rogering. I imagine his wife lives a life of quiet terror, just waiting for the big lug to snap.
On the flipside, AP seems to be morphing into a Hieronymus Bosch tableau right before our very eyes. My god.
Two T1B memes that need to be put to rest: smackaholic the unrelenting moron and Diego the child-molester. The former because it's simply not true, punctuation assknuckles and his grating use of 'bidness' and 'gubmint' notwithstanding; the latter because it never engenders a remotely funny post, as well as not being true. Every fucking time Cuda predictably drops in with one of his lame, awkwardly forced Diego jokes I want to bash myself over the head with my keyboard for taking part in a place like this. mvscal is the only one who ever gets off the occasional reasonably funny Diego blast, and even there it'll only be about a 3 on a 1-10 mvscal's funny quips scale.
If people want to pick on Diego, fine, pick on him about his robotically predictable penchant for jumping on any and every opportunity to rip those nasty, evil Republicans. The kiddy-diddling garbage needs to go.
ucant is an underrated poster. He's generally been well regarded, and still he's underrated. He doesn't post often, but it's nearly always of a uniformly high quality. Understated, properly evil and loaded with a full day's supply of rich, gooey sarcasm, his are never throwaway efforts.
Basically a Chowd version of M Club, another somewhat under-the-radar poster of excellent quality. Wish that guy would post more on general topics and not just BTPCF.
bradhusker's handler needs to grow up. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you that you'd create and actually stick with that concept?
Todd needs to drop the creepy internet misfit affectation. We all know he lapses into that character on purpose just to draw a response, but why bother? Why troll in that manner? What's the payoff?
Love him or hate him, this place slows down when mvscal goes on hiatus. His are the most sharply focused, to-the-point rejoinders going, and threads seemingly whip right along whenever he adds his two cents. It doesn't even matter if he ends up being dead wrong. His convictions are so steadfast that you have to take a rooting interest, one way or the other.
Dins vs TVO and Dins vs LTS are two of my favorite pairings to watch spar. They're all so cocksure certain they're dead nuts right while displaying nothing but pure, abject disregard for their opponent. They practically drip with loathing. Makes for some seriously good eating.
For that matter, LTS vs anyone is always worth a gander. People give me shit for bothering to respond to LTS, but I really like the guy. He's basically just mvscal from Planet Chlamydia. Right or wrong, he simply doesn't care. He's plowing forward full steam ahead, and damn the torpedoes. When he's beaten to a pulp and bereft of anything resembling a leg on which to stand, he proudly waves his freak flag high.
He truly seems to enjoy his posts, and I like that about him.
Along those same lines there's Dr. Phibes. I know the guy dislikes me, and it doesn't matter. I still enjoy his above-it-all intellectualist shtick. I also enjoy the way he perniciously straddles the line between unrepentant elitist snob and self-effacing Canucklehead. He's LTS with the dosages properly sorted.
Wags has me a little worried, and I'm not joking. Between his health issues and his drinking I'm worried that he's not a happy guy these days. I don't know what's bothering him, but I sure do get the feeling that something is bothering him.
I saw this video yesterday...
...and immediately thought of him. No insult or condescencion intended, either. I mean it in the best of ways. Just a Simple Man with Simple Values...nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I should try doubling up on Norco.
And so...
Seems to me that Mgo has been kicking a fuckton of ass lately. He's sort of taken over—or should I say reassumed—R-Jack's role of the perpetually snarky uber-asshole who just has to rip everything and everyone. Along the way, his timing has been impeccable. Dude seems to be getting better with age.
Screwball, the Robin to Mgo's Batman, seems to have somehow misplaced his own Asshole card. The guy better watch it. He's encroaching upon 'likable' territory. Not sure whether that's a good thing, but I guess it goes with a young lad buying his first nice suit. Oh, sure, he probably has others, but the image of Screwball slicking back his cowlick with a healthy glob of theater jizz before heading into Jos. A. Bank and sidling up to some Brooks Brothers wannabe with a furtive "Mister...could...ummm...wouldja mind helping me pick out a Sunday-go-to-meetin' suit?" is just so damn endearing.
Though Robert Kincaid may have passed, his airy goodness lives on in our earnest young Screwball.
Is it just me, or has Truman been treating every poster of late like they're a plate of lovingly fussed-over spareribs? The guy just keeps digging in and shredding. I'm beginning to gather that Truman rather enjoys the wicked riposte, and he's more than up for a little verbal rogering. I imagine his wife lives a life of quiet terror, just waiting for the big lug to snap.
On the flipside, AP seems to be morphing into a Hieronymus Bosch tableau right before our very eyes. My god.
Two T1B memes that need to be put to rest: smackaholic the unrelenting moron and Diego the child-molester. The former because it's simply not true, punctuation assknuckles and his grating use of 'bidness' and 'gubmint' notwithstanding; the latter because it never engenders a remotely funny post, as well as not being true. Every fucking time Cuda predictably drops in with one of his lame, awkwardly forced Diego jokes I want to bash myself over the head with my keyboard for taking part in a place like this. mvscal is the only one who ever gets off the occasional reasonably funny Diego blast, and even there it'll only be about a 3 on a 1-10 mvscal's funny quips scale.
If people want to pick on Diego, fine, pick on him about his robotically predictable penchant for jumping on any and every opportunity to rip those nasty, evil Republicans. The kiddy-diddling garbage needs to go.
ucant is an underrated poster. He's generally been well regarded, and still he's underrated. He doesn't post often, but it's nearly always of a uniformly high quality. Understated, properly evil and loaded with a full day's supply of rich, gooey sarcasm, his are never throwaway efforts.
Basically a Chowd version of M Club, another somewhat under-the-radar poster of excellent quality. Wish that guy would post more on general topics and not just BTPCF.
bradhusker's handler needs to grow up. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you that you'd create and actually stick with that concept?
Todd needs to drop the creepy internet misfit affectation. We all know he lapses into that character on purpose just to draw a response, but why bother? Why troll in that manner? What's the payoff?
Love him or hate him, this place slows down when mvscal goes on hiatus. His are the most sharply focused, to-the-point rejoinders going, and threads seemingly whip right along whenever he adds his two cents. It doesn't even matter if he ends up being dead wrong. His convictions are so steadfast that you have to take a rooting interest, one way or the other.
Dins vs TVO and Dins vs LTS are two of my favorite pairings to watch spar. They're all so cocksure certain they're dead nuts right while displaying nothing but pure, abject disregard for their opponent. They practically drip with loathing. Makes for some seriously good eating.
For that matter, LTS vs anyone is always worth a gander. People give me shit for bothering to respond to LTS, but I really like the guy. He's basically just mvscal from Planet Chlamydia. Right or wrong, he simply doesn't care. He's plowing forward full steam ahead, and damn the torpedoes. When he's beaten to a pulp and bereft of anything resembling a leg on which to stand, he proudly waves his freak flag high.
He truly seems to enjoy his posts, and I like that about him.
Along those same lines there's Dr. Phibes. I know the guy dislikes me, and it doesn't matter. I still enjoy his above-it-all intellectualist shtick. I also enjoy the way he perniciously straddles the line between unrepentant elitist snob and self-effacing Canucklehead. He's LTS with the dosages properly sorted.
Wags has me a little worried, and I'm not joking. Between his health issues and his drinking I'm worried that he's not a happy guy these days. I don't know what's bothering him, but I sure do get the feeling that something is bothering him.
I saw this video yesterday...
...and immediately thought of him. No insult or condescencion intended, either. I mean it in the best of ways. Just a Simple Man with Simple Values...nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
I should try doubling up on Norco.