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Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:41 am
by War Wagon
Hey Screwball, did you get a reprieve from jizz mopping long enough to see this in person today?

Final Flight

Pretty fucking cool. Rack that workhorse.

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:03 am
by Derron
Wags is still alive ?? No tornado aced him ? Right on..

it would have been pretty cool to see that...pretty historic flight.

I think they have sufficient lift with the extra wings.

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:26 am
by Screw_Michigan
Derron wrote:Wags is still alive ?? No tornado aced him ? Right on..
It was his liver, I believe.

No, I had to work some Navy trade show in the DC burbs. I'm not anti-NASA, I just don't care. I have to pay attention to enough space shit for work I could care fucking less in my free time.

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:04 pm
by Wolfman

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:32 pm
by smackaholic
Got to watch one of the shuttles piggybacked on a 747 once while laying on the beach in cocoa beach. Bet it was kinda interesting the first time a pilot tried flying that thing with the shuttle on it's back.

Was watching the news clip about it yesterday and I have just one question. Why in the fukk did they fly this one to DC to put in the smithsonian, when it's fukking sister ship the enterprise is already there? The enterprise is gonna get shipped up to NYC. Seems to me they coulda saved a few million bucks by just transporting Discovery to NY instead.

Oh well, fuggit. The fed will make more than that today in counterfeit money to pay for it, so, i guess it's all good. :meds:

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:14 pm
by Dinsdale
There was talk of a shuttle coming to Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Or. It would make a nice addition, since in the 10 years or so they've been expanding it, it's become quite a complex. The Spruce Goose (which isn't spruce), a SR71, a Titan missile, an Imax theatre, an example of just about every MIG ever made, and a whole buncha other shit...

and the waterpark.

Cool place, if you're into that sort of thing (I don't have the Evergreen connections I used to, and don't get to wander around the place at will anymore).

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:31 pm
by Dinsdale
The dealio with Evergreen, is that once we started bombing the hell out of the Middle East, they make so much fucking money, they have to do something with it, so beefing up the museum it is. They were in a bad way in 2001, beginning to liquidate assets. Then suddenly, they were raking in 7 figures (in profit) a day... tax dodge, here we come.

Evergreen flies more supplies into the war zones than the DoD does -- biggest company you've never heard of. Owned by one dude, too. One dude who built the company off government contracts... and while you likely haven't heard of the company, you're probably familiar with their early story, since the movie Air America is based on it.

Long before the meseum got huge, they've had an F-15 mounted out front of the main office. They take their vintage plane extremely seriously. I guess the largest privately-owned military arms collection resides there as well, but that isn't open to the public. When my buddy worked there, he told the story of the board meeting (he was a department head, had to meet with the board once a month, apparently quite the painful experience) where in the middle of the meeting, the doors opened, some dudes in black suits came in, checked it out, went back out and returned with one Stormin' Norman Schwartzkopf, who stopped by to check out the arms collection.

Owner dude had a picture on the wall of him and W together... within a week of the 2000 election.

Like I said, biggest company you've never heard of -- and they like it that way (except for the museum).

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:10 pm
by Moving Sale
War Wagon wrote: Pretty fucking cool. Rack that workhorse.
The space shuttle is pretty cool too.

Left Seater

Re: Farewell Discovery

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:58 pm
by Derron
Evergreen is into many things.

Evergreen Farms. Probably close to 4000 acres in the Willamette Valley of high value crops. Spend money like no other farms around do.
Evergreen Nursery. 500 acres of container nursery plants. Second largest in Oregon next to Monrovia about 6 miles down the road.
Evergreen Properties. 1000's of acres in the McMInnville OR area. Commercial buildings, shopping centers, and industrial properties.
Multiple other holdings in holding companies names, with Evergreen never appearing on any documents.

Facility at the McMinnville airport where about 1% of their aviation assets are. The rest are scattered around the world. Made fucking billions flying freight into Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries. Possibly involved in drug transportation since the Vietnam War. "CIA partners"

Del Smith is a vicious businessman who is very well connected around the world, both legally and otherwise. As Dins said, all these ventures are funded by the multiple and continual black ops they have going on. You have to put the money somewhere, and the American taxpayer has helped them out quite well. They have labor troubles about every 4 years or so and are not known for keeping pilots long term. But pretty sure they don't give a shit.