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God and Humanity

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:28 pm
by bradhusker
Liberals love to say that religion causes more suffering and death in the history of mankind. HOWEVER, this is another HUGE LIE by sick liberal thought.

They love to bring up the middle ages when church elders burned witches at the stake. GUESS WHAT? That is not an indictment of religion, BUT of corrupt and sick elders of the church who DID NOT follow the teachings of Christ. SO, that example has NO merit.

An analogy would be for me to attack the government educational system, a system liberals love, and totally discount the entire school system because a few thousand teachers molested or had innappropriate sexual relationships with their students. DUMB HUH?

Well this is how the liberal mind is, DUMB.

In the past 150 or so years, more women and children have been raped, tortured, murdered etc.. at the hands of SECULARISM. Meaning NO GOD. Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, MAO, etc etc... ALL these leaders mocked all things religious. YET together, they butchered countless millions upon millions of innocent souls.

Liberals love to try and counter my arguement with, "Hitler was a christian", BUWAHAHAHAHA. Again, this is why we must laugh at liberals. Hitler mocked christians. He delighted in killing anyone who was religious. Hitler ran Germany with an iron fist, as a brutal dictator who controlled the hearts and minds of ALL. Liberals will lie at every possible turn. Its the only way they can make a point. Problem is, when liberals lie, they totally lose the arguement. Which is why they fail on public talk radio. After listenning to lie after lie, people just turn the dial.

Without GOD, humanity has no moral check. That is, leaders and dictators left un-checked, will butcher rape and torture with glee. This way they come to power and get everyone in line. We have seen this many times in the past century or so. AND, if liberals fail to learn from history, then they will be doomed to repeat it.

Problem with liberals is, they cant tell the truth, because their thought processs is all fucked up.

Re: God and Humanity

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:37 am
by poptart
brad wrote:sick liberal

Perhaps confused works better for me.

As I look at it, most all liberal ideas are half-baked, destructive, and downright childish.
They are a HUGE fail!

Take a step back, though, brad, and think about the country's founders.
They were not liberals, right?

They were after liberty and self-reliance.
No way they would have stood still for a massive fed gov, massive entitlements, massive debt.

So they set up a government system.
A good system?

Obviously not.

It could not account for man's perverse and destructive nature.
250 years later, we're in deep shit.

It's not a political problem.


And most importantly, you yourself might continue to find yourself swallowed up - a captive in Egypt - as long as you bang your head against a wall trying to get liberals to come around to some common sense.
It ain't gonna happen.

How did Israel come out of captivity in Egypt?
How do we, as individuals, come out of spiritual captivity and ultimate failure?

Paint the blood.

Jesus, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! - Matthew 16:16

The end.

Re: God and Humanity

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:47 am
by bradhusker
WOW, best post ive read in a long long time, thanks for that pop. I agree with you, we're in deep shit, and its gonna get deeper, the founders knew this, suddenly, im depressed for our future.