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shutyomouth's little brother gets over on the Chinese

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:46 am
by Atomic Punk

If Gary Moore (RIP) was still alive, then this guy could sell apple pies in bulk.

The title of this is labeled "How to spot a fake Chinese Les Paul Standard." After the watching the 1st few minutes it is clear he wants to be heard and appreciated by those that don't find him physically appealing.

After a few minutes he then plays the same licks over and over while trying to deflect that he only made the video to "out" the Chinese fake guitars.

shutyomouth, as the resident musician, what are your thoughts on the portly relative?

Re: shutyomouth's little brother gets over on the Chinese

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:40 pm
by Cuda
Papa Willie wrote:You know what's fucked up? I watched this video last week! It's actually kind of shitty/sick/funny/bad that the Chinese are actually putting the Gibson (as well as LP, Fender, etc..) names on their shit, and the American companies haven't been able to stop them so far.
They're not stopping them, because they're the one who are buying them- and importing them- and marketing them